17th and 18th of February 2021
Opening workshop NEW MEDIA MUSEUM Pilot project
The project NEW MEDIA MUSEUMS: Creating Framework for Preserving and
Collecting Media Arts in V4 was initiated by the Olomouc Museum of Art
as a joint international platform for sharing experience with building
and maintaining collections of new media artworks across different types
of institutions. It includes organizations from the independent sector
focusing on presenting and promoting new media art as well as heritage
institutions from Czechia, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary. The initial
phase of the project has been launched in January 2021 and is planned
for 18 months. The project is supported by the International Visegrad Fund.
20th of May 2021
I am (not) a robot kick-off event
What are the main differences between us and algorithms? How can we reveal AI technologies in our everyday lives and “make fun of them” or even use them as creative tools? These are the main questions for participants of the I am (not) a robot creative challenge, which is offering a platform for international collaboration for under 21 years olds.
The three main organisers, the Austrian Create your world - U19 - Ars Electronica, the German Deutsche Multimediapreis MB21 and C3 Foundation's 'Shape your world! <19 Freestyle Computing Competition'. The kick-off event features live-streamed introductory lectures and a mini-workshop to attract potential participants.
Facebook live
4th of December | hybrid event
Shape your world! competition 2021 - Award ceremony workshops and exhibition
The competition turned 19 years old in 2021, which we celebrated with an exhibition at Deák17 Youth Art Gallery, some live and some online workshops as well as an online award ceremony.
Winning projects: https://verseny.c3.hu/2021/#nyertesek/
Further information »»