10-15 December 2011 | FUGA
<19 Freestyle Computing Competition Exhibition
The 14 honored artworks of the <19 Freestyle Computing Competition are presented in frames of an exhibition.
Date: 10-15 December 2011
Location: FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture, 1052 Budapest, Petőfi Sándor utca 5.
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10 December 2011 | FUGA
<19 Freestyle Computing Competition, Awarding Ceremony
Date: 10 December 2011, 4pm
Location: FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture, 1052 Budapest, Petőfi Sándor utca 5.
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27 October 2011 - 1 Januar 2012 | Akademie der Künste, Hanseatenweg, Berlin
State of Images
The Media Pioneers Zbigniew Rybczyński and Gábor Bódy
Opening: 27th October, 2011., 7:30 pm
Venue: Akademie der Künste, Hanseatenweg, Berlin
Curators: Piotr Krajewski and Miklós Peternák
Concept development: Siegfried Zielinski
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14 September 2011, 7pm | Uránia National Cinema Palace, Budapest
CRASH – Passive Interview
Experimental Operafilm in 12 episodes
Author and Director: Hajnal Németh
date: 14 September 2011, 7pm
location: Uránia National Cinema Palace, Budapest
June 26 2011
C3 turns 15!
C3 Center for Culture and Communication opened
in the Castle-area in Budapest on 26 June 1996, as a result of a cooperative effort between the Soros Foundation Hungary, Silicon Graphics Hungary and MATÁV, the Hungarian Telecom.
4 June – 27 November 2011 | Hungarian Pavilion Giardini di Castello, Venice
Hajnal Németh: CRASH – Passive Interview
54th International Art Exhibition – la Biennale di Venezia,
Hungarian Pavilion Giardini di Castello, Venice
Curator: Miklós Peternák
4 June – 27 November 2011
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12 May - 3 July 2011 | Arnolfini
Miklós Peternák: ”We shall survive in the Memory of Others”, Vilém Flusser,
DVD, 2010
Part of Magical Consciousness exhibition
Thu 12 May - Sun 3 July 11am - 6pm (exc Monday)
16 Narrow Quay, Bristol, BS1 4QA