The Annotated VRML 97 Reference

1 Intro     Concepts     3 Nodes     4 Fields/Events    Conformance
A Grammar     B Java     C JavaScript     D Examples     E Related Info    References
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Chapter 2
Key Concepts

2.1 Intro

2.1.1 Overview
2.1.2 TOC
2.1.3 Conventions

2.2 Overview
2.2.1 File Structure
2.2.2 Header
2.2.3 Scene graph
2.2.4 Prototypes
2.2.5 Routing
2.2.6 Generating files
2.2.7 Presentation
2.2.8 Profiles

2.3 UTF-8 syntax
2.3.1 Clear text
2.3.2 Statements
2.3.3 Node
2.3.4 Field
2.3.5 PROTO
2.3.6 IS
2.3.8 USE
2.3.9 ROUTE

2.4 Scene graph
2.4.1 Root nodes
2.4.2 Hierarchy
2.4.3 Descendants
       & ancestors
2.4.4 Hierarchy
2.4.5 Units coord sys

2.5 VRML & WWW
2.5.1 MIME type
2.5.2 URLs
2.5.3 Relative URLs
2.5.4 data:
2.5.5 Scripting protocols
2.5.6 URNs

2.6 Nodes
2.6.1 Intro
2.6.2 DEF/USE
2.6.3 Geometry
2.6.4 Bboxes
2.6.5 Grouping & children
2.6.6 Lights
2.6.7 Sensors
2.6.8 Interpolators
2.6.9 Time nodes
2.6.10 Bindable children
2.6.11 Textures

2.7 Field, eventIn,

2.8.1 Declaration
2.8.2 Definition
2.8.3 Scoping

2.9.1  Interface
2.9.2  URL
2.9.3 Extensions

2.10 Events
2.10.1 Intro
2.10.2 Routes
2.10.3 Execution
2.10.4 Loops
2.10.5 Fan-in & fan-out

2.11 Time
2.11.1 Intro
2.11.2 Origin
2.11.3 Discrete/cont

2.12 Scripting
2.12.1 Intro
2.12.2 Execution
2.12.3 Initialize/shutdown
2.12.4 eventsProcessed
2.12.5 Direct outputs
2.12.6 Asynchronous
2.12.7 Languages
2.12.8 EventIns
2.12.9 fields events
2.12.10 Browser interface

2.13 Navigation
2.13.1 Intro
2.13.2 Navigation
2.13.3 Viewing
2.13.4 Collisions

2.14 Lighting
2.14.1 Intro
2.14.2 'off'
2.14.3 'on'
2.14.4 Equations
2.14.5 References

+ 2.7 Field, eventIn, and eventOut semantics

Fields are placed inside node statements in a VRML file, and define the persistent state of the virtual world. Results are undefined if multiple values for the same field in the same node (e.g., Sphere { radius 1.0 radius 2.0 }) are declared. Each node interprets the values in its fields according to its implementation.

EventIns and eventOuts define the types and names of events that each type of node may receive or generate. Events are transient and event values are not written to VRML files. Each node interprets the values of the events sent to it or generated by it according to its implementation.

Field, eventIn, and eventOut types, and field file format syntax, are described in "Chapter 4. Field and Event Reference."

An exposedField is a combination of field, eventIn, and eventOut. If the exposedField's name is zzz, it is a combination of a field named zzz, an eventIn named set_zzz, and an eventOut named zzz_changed.

The rules for naming fields, exposedFields, eventOuts, and eventIns for the built-in nodes are as follows:

  1. All names containing multiple words start with a lower case letter, and the first letter of all subsequent words is capitalized (e.g., addChildren), with the exception of set_ and _changed, as described below.
  2. All eventIns have the prefix "set_", with the exception of the addChildren and removeChildren eventIns.
  3. Certain eventIns and eventOuts of type SFTime do not use the "set_" prefix or "_changed" suffix.
  4. All other eventOuts have the suffix "_changed" appended, with the exception of eventOuts of type SFBool. Boolean eventOuts begin with the word "is" (e.g., isFoo) for better readability.

TIP: Note that the names of exposedFields do not include a prefix or suffix. For example, the PointLight node's on exposedField is not named isOn. However, the set_ and _changed conventions may be used when referring to the eventIn and eventOut of the exposedField respectively. See Section 2.4.1, Routes, for details.