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Ldoc+ Lingo Group:

 info D5/601:
 6    20 elements new in Director 6.0,
  !   10 contain Dictionary fixes 601 & 501,
   +  27 miss from the 'Appendix' 6.0 for EXTERNAL FILES.

External Program Files (17):
 6    applicationPath
 6 +  browserName()
 6 +  mMessageList(xtra "name")
  !+  quickTimePresent
  !+  videoForWindowsPresent
x6    setCallBack (outdated -> no replacement)
   +  xtra
   +  name   of xtra
   +  number of xtras

External Files (34):
      @ (pathname operator)
 6    downloadNetThing()  (in projector)
      fileName of member  (takes URLs)
      filename of castLib (takes URLs)
   +  fileName of the stage  (test only?)
      filename of window  (takes URLs)
 6 +  getPref()  (authoring & projector)
   +  go to movie...
      importFileInto(member)  (takes URLs)
   +  mci "string"  (Windows only)
 6 +  mediaReady of member
   +  movie
   +  movieFileSize
   +  movie = movieName
   +  movieName = movie
      moviePath = pathName
   +  pasteClipBoardInto(member)
      pathName = moviePath
   +  play movie...
 6    preloadNetThing()  (in projector)
   +  printFrom
  !   searchPath = searchPaths  (no URLs!)
  !   searchPaths = searchPath (no URLs!)
   +  save castLib
   +  saveMovie
 6 +  setPref()  (authoring & projector)
  !   sound playFile
   +  traceLogFile
  !+  updateMovieEnabled
 6    URL of member  (#SWA)


Online Grip (23):
 6    browserName()
 6    cacheDocVerify()
 6    cacheSize()
 6    clearCache()
 6    downloadNetThing()
 6    fileName of member  (takes URLs)
 6    filename of castLib (takes URLs)
 6    frameReady()
 6    externalEvent()
 6    externalParamCount()
 6    externalParamName()
 6    externalParamValue()
 6    getNetText()
 6    getPref()
 6    gotoNetMovie()
 6    gotoNetPage()
 6    mediaReady of member...
 6    netDone()
 6    netTextResult()
 6    on EvalScript...
 6    preloadNetThing()
 6    proxyServer()
 6    setPref()

Outdated EXTERNAL Lingo (6):
 5                      closeDA -> none
 5                       openDA -> open "programPathAndName"
 5                 perFrameHook -> none
 6                      colorQD -> colorDepth, switchColorDepth (Mac)
 6                 mMessageList -> put mMessageList(xtra "name")
 6                  setCallBack -> none

[index] _ D5/601 _ 971201:

fileName of member

linked members external file name

1. TIP: The 'fileName of member' of a non-linked member returns EMPTY ("").

2. TIP: To see if Director (re)linked your file successfully, you can test the 'media/rect/size of member'. In 6.0, possibly 'the mediaReady of member' can indicate success.

3. TIP: 5.0: If you import a series of bitmaps using 'set the fileName of member', the first bitmap will set the its 'regPoint of member'; the same relative 'regPoint' is then also used by the subsequent linked bitmap members.

4. TIP: 5.0: Crashs were reported when using the 'importFileInto()' command in projectors on Windows (3.1 & 95) in 16-bit and higher color depth. Also that command quickly fills up memory. Prefer to change 'the fileName of member' instead, and possibly create 'new(#memberType, member x of castLib y)' before connecting it to an external 'fileName'.

[index] _ D5/601 _ 971201:


external file content importing command

From the '6.0 ReadMe':
Supports URLs as reference to external files.

Importing PICT files with JPEG compression will result in cropping. Either save as PICT uncompressed or as JPEG.

If you're updating a movie created in Director 5 which used JPEG compressed Pict files, on Windows you will need to rename the file extensions from .jpg to .pct.

It is not recommended to use editable media (like fields or text cast members that are modified using lingo) in URL-linked casts. If this is done, and the movie is played, thereby editing the media, the movie cannot be saved without also saving the cast. When the cast is saved, the local version will be linked to the movie; then the movie must either be re-linked to the original URL or the cast relative to the movie (locally when the movie is local, and remotely when the movie is remote).

QUICKTIME movies cannot be linked from URLs in 6.0, in 601 they can. For Shockwave movies playing in a web browser, QuickTime movies must be placed in the support folder.
From the '601 ReadMe':
Using 'importFileInto' with an URL-based QUICKTIME movie is now supported.

1. TIP: To see if Director imported your file successfully, test the 'media/rect/size of member'. In 6.0, possibly 'the mediaReady of member' can indicate success. Remember: Using this command quickly fills up memory, because Director needs to keep all media in memory until it's saved out; the 'importFileInto()' command is actually intended to be used during author-time.

2. TIP: After using the 'importFileInto()' command, all other imported graphics default to the palette of that imported image, and the palette cannot be changed.

3. TIP: 5.0: Crashs were reported when using the 'importFileInto()' command in projectors on Windows (3.1 & 95) in 16-bit and higher color depth. Prefer to change 'the fileName of member' instead, and possibly create 'new(#type, member x of castLib y)' before connecting it to an external 'fileName'.

4. TIP: See Gretchen's 601 BugList for a problem when importing manually.

From Macromedia Tech Support:
Tyson Norris 4/97:
" We're aware of the problem. I haven't seen any 'good' workarounds - best to plan on NOT using 'importFileInto' in your projector, unless you don't mind playing in 8 bit color depth (and have plenty of RAM to fit things in when you do the imports). "
Brian Ellertson 4/97:
" 'ImportFileInto' will freeze members into memory when they are imported at runtime. They will not be purgeable until the projector is actually quit. FileName of member will allow you to dynamically link in media to your projector without these limitations mentioned. "
John Dowdell 8/97:
" The D501/Win Projector engine unfortunately doesn't contain code to change the colordepth of graphics which were never in the cast. Options:
-- Make sure unknown graphics are in the same depth as the monitor
-- Make sure the monitor is at your desired colordepth
-- Just link the graphics to the cast while designing
-- Use the D5 or D6 Projector engines "

[index] _ D5/601 _ 970813:

mci "string"

system Windows media command

1. TIP: The docs don't give any information on valid command strings for the 'mci' keyword; you need to get a MCI help file like 'MCISTRWH.HLP' from the Microsoft Developers CD-ROM, or download it from their home page or from a CompuServe forum.

2. TIP: A lot of 'mci commandString' commands also return values or strings, which can be tested in Lingo's 'the result' after the 'mci' command has been executed by the Windows Media Control Interface (MCI).

[index] _ 601 in 1/97:


movie path function

TIP: This is identical to 'the pathName'.

[index] _ 601 in 1/97:


movie path function

1. TIP: The function 'the pathName' is equivalent to the 'moviePath' function. Both indicate the full pathname of the folder that the current movie is located in, in the format of the platform where the movie is currently playing.

2. TIP: Instead of the current 'pathName' or 'the moviePath', you can use the symbolic strings "@:", "@\", or "@/". See the '501 ReadMe' for a complete list of relative path symbols. For extensive info on 'absolute' and 'relative pathnames', see Macromedia's Tech Note #3125 'Using the searchPath in Director', Version 2.0: 'Relative Pathnames are Lingo strings which begin with a "@" character, followed by a sequence of directory or folder names, such as "@:MyFile" or "@/directory/fname". (Note that in Director, you can use / or \ as path delimiters.) Simple filenames with no path information, such as "Movie1.DIR", are treated as relative pathnames.'

[index] _ 601 in 1/97:


Director's printing command

1. TIP: If you just want to print a single frame, repeat the frame name or number with the 'printFrom' command, like in: 'printFrom 99, 99'.

2. TIP: The 'printFrom' command also prints invisible sprites, so be sure to move all sprites offstage that you don't want included in the printout.

3. TIP: John Dowdell from Macromedia Tech Support, on using the 'PrintOMatic Xtra' on Win95: 'Do you have 'Animate In Background' turned on for that movie? If the Print Manager comes to the foreground, and Director swings to the background, then this option must be enabled or else the app will indeed stop.'

[index] _ 601 in 1/97:


system path function

The default setting for 'the searchCurrentFolder' function (or is it actually a property?) is TRUE. The Dictionary's example is irritating: Who wants to set something to its default setting, unless having changed it before?


put (the searchCurrentFolder)
-- 1
set (the searchCurrentFolder) = NOT (the searchCurrentFolder)
put (the searchCurrentFolder)
-- 0

[index] _ D5/601 _ 970813:


Lingo path list variable

6.0 Dictionary Error, same in 5.0:
" This property provides a list of the pathnames that are searched when Director resolves filenames. "
Should read:
" The 'searchPath' property is an empty linear list ([ ]), into which you can add absolute string pathnames that are searched when Director resolves filenames. "
Macromedia's Tech Note #3125 "Using the searchPath in Director":
" Absolute Pathnames are Lingo strings which contain all path information from the root of a device down to the named file. The Lingo function 'the moviePath' returns an absolute pathname of the currently loaded movie, in the format of the platform where the movie is currently playing. "
5.0 Dictionary Error, cleared in 6.0:
The Dictionary forgets to mention that 'the searchPath' is absolutely identical to 'the searchPaths' and addresses the identical list; changing one of the properties will change the other one imminently too.
5.0 Dictionary Errors, in the Examples 2 + 3, cleared in 6.0:
' ["c\:director\projects\", d:\cdrom\sources\"] '
' ["hard drive:director:projects", cdrom:sources"] '
Should read:
' ["c\:director\projects\", "d:\cdrom\sources\"] '
' ["hard drive:director:projects", "cdrom:sources"] '

TIP: 5.0/6.0: New in the 6.0 Dictionary: "The searchPath property doesn't support URLs as file references."



put the searchPath
-- [ ]
put the searchPaths
-- [ ]

put ilk(the searchPath, #linearList)
-- 1

add(the searchPath, "C:\WINDOWS")
put the searchPath
-- ["C:\WINDOWS"]
put the searchPaths
-- ["C:\WINDOWS"]

deleteAt(the searchpaths, 1)
put the searchPaths
-- [ ]
put the searchPath
-- [ ]

put (the searchPath = the searchPaths)
-- 1

[index] _ D5/601 _ 970813:


system path property

6.0 Dictionary Error, same in 5.0:
The 'searchPaths' property is absolutly IDENTICAL to 'the searchPath', as are the 5.0/6.0 errors... :-(


URL = ""  (971205)

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The Ldoc+ © Copyright 97-98 by Denis Wieger Online since June 1, 1997. All rights reserved.