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Ldoc+ Lingo Group:

 info D5/601:
 6    2 elements new in Director 6.0,
  !   6 contain Dictionary fixes 601 & 501,
   +  4 miss from the 'Appendix' 6.0 for CASTS.

CastLib Properties (12):
 6    activeCastLib 
  !   castLib nameOrNumber
 6 +  castLibNum of member           (test only)
   +  castLibNum of sprite
      fileName          of castLib   (takes URLs)
      name              of castLib   (internal name)
      number            of castLib   (test only)
      number            of castLibs  (test only)
  !   number of members              (test only)
  !   number of members of castLib   (test only)
  !   preLoadMode       of castLib
      selection         of castLib

CastLib Saving (5):
      fileName of castLib (takes URLs)
      name     of castLib (internal name)
      save castLib
  !+  saveMovie
  !+  updateMovieEnabled
      ...see also the Member Editing & Saving Lingo Group.

Outdated CAST Lingo (10):
 4                       A11 -> member nameOrNumber
 5                      cast -> member
 5               castmembers -> number of members
 5          castType of cast -> type   of member
 5     number of castmembers -> number of members
 5               preLoadCast -> preLoadMember
 5                unLoadCast -> unLoadMember
 6            cast of sprite -> member of sprite
 6         castNum of sprite -> member/memberNum of sprite
 6                 mouseCast -> mouseMember

[index] _ D5/601 _ 971212:


member container keyword

6.0 Dictionary Errors, partly the same in 5.0:

"To specify a cast member...set 'the castLib' to specify..."
= CANNOT set this keyword; should read:
"To specify a cast member...use 'member x of castLib nameOrNumber'..."

...I'd suggest using the term 'castLib' instead of 'cast'
   throughout the docs!

= Missing:
"See Also: fileName of castLib, name of castLib, number of castLib,
 preLoadMode of castLib, selection of castLib,
 number of castLibs, number of members of castLib,
 the activeCastLib, castLibNum of member, castLibNum of sprite"

From the '6.0 ReadMe':
  It is not recommended to use editable media (like fields or text
  cast members that are modified using lingo) in URL-linked castLibs.
  If this is done, and the movie is played, thereby editing the media,
  the movie cannot be saved without also saving the castLib.
  When the castLib is saved, the local version will be linked
  to the movie; then the movie must either be re-linked to
  the original URL or the castLib relative to the movie (locally
  when the movie is local, and remotely when the movie is remote).

5.0 Dictionary error:
  The separating ruler line is issing, and the title and 'Syntax'
  for 'castLib' are not formatted in bold: They seem to be part
  of the explanation for the keyword 'case'.

1. TIP: You can test AND set 'the castLibNum of sprite x', 'the fileName/name/preLoadMode/selection of castLib x', and test 'the number of castLib x' and 'the number of castLibs' of your current movie. You CANNOT set 'the castLibNum of member'. In 6.0, the 'fileName of castLib 1' for the FIRST INTERNAL castLib returns the name of the movie, and EMPTY ("") for other INTERNAL castLibs.

2. TIP: You can get 'the number of member' and then divide it through 65536 to see which castLib it's in (a result of 0 will mean 'castLib 1'), or you can check if a member ID contains a certain castLib number by converting it to a string: 'if (string(member "aName") contains "castLib 13")'.

3. TIP: From the '501 ReadMe': Movies made with the 16-bit Windows 3.1 version of Director 5 can only use a maximum of 12 external castLibs at once. My own experiences show that it's most safe to have NO MORE than 11 external castLibs in simultanous use when jumping from one movie to another.

4. TIP: For more info, read Macromedia TechNotes TN#3184 'Member vs. Membernum' and TN#3187 'Director 5 and the mouseCast', and see 'member of sprite'.

[index] _ D5/601 _ 971212:

number of members

mal-functioning movie property

6.0 Dictionary Errors, same in 5.0:

"This property indicates the number of the last cast member
 in the current movie."
= Doesn't work like this; should read:
"This property indicates the number of the last cast member
 of 'the activeCastLib'. If no castLib is active, it indicates
 the number of cast members of the first internal castLib."

...The Dictionary's Example is worth NOTHING: It uses 'number
   of members of castLib', but that's another property!
"repeat with i = 1 to the number of members of castLib whichCast"
= The Example should read:
"set x = the number of members of castLib whichCast
 repeat with i = 1 to x ..."

...because that's quicker than getting 'the number of members
   of castLib...' again every cycle of the loop.
   Again: This is NOT an example for 'number of members'!

= Missing:
"See Also: ...number of members of castLib,
 the activeCastLib, number of castLibs"

The 5.0 Dictionary lists this property together with
  'number of member' in the wrong order:
  both belong after the entry 'number of lines in'.

TIP: See 'number of members of castLib' for EXAMPLEs.

[index] _ D5/601 _ 971201:

number of members of castLib

castLib property

6.0 Dictionary Errors, same in 5.0:

"This cast member property..."
= Should read:
"This CASTLIB property..."

= Missing:
"The parameter 'whichCast' can be the name OR the number
 of the addressed internal or external castLib."

"repeat i with i = 1 to..."
= The Example should read:
"repeat with i = 1 to..."

...the 5.0 Dictionary has "i = 0...repeat i to...". What a shame!

"put...(the type of member i of castLib...&&..."
= The Example should read:
"put...(the type of member i of castLib...) &&..."

= Missing:
"See Also: the activeCastLib, number of castLibs"


To get the overall number x of the last castMember in the last castLib, use:
set y = the number of castLibs
if (y = 1) then
  set    x =  the number of members of castLib 1
else set x = (the number of members of castLib y) + (y * 65536)
To find the amount x of all castMembers in all castLibs, use the following routine:
set  myLastLib = the number of castLibs
set AllMembers = 0
repeat with ii = 1 to myLastLib
  set AllMembers = AllMembers + (the number of members of castLib ii)
end repeat

[index] _ D5/601 _ 971212:

preLoadMode of castLib

castLib preloading property

6.0 Dictionary Errors, same in 5.0:

"...same effect as setting Load Cast in the...dialog box."
= Should read:
"...same effect as setting 'Preload:' in the...dialog box."

= Missing:
"See Also: the activeCastLib, name of castLib, number of castLib"

'set the preLoadMode of castLib "Buttons" = TRUE'
= The 5.0 Dictionary should read:
'set the preLoadMode of castLib "Buttons" = 1'
...because this property takes a NUMERIC value between 0 and 2.

[index] _ D5/601 _ 971212:


movie saving command

6.0 Dictionary Errors, same in 5.0:

"...does not work with compressed files."
= For better understanding should read:
"...does not work with compressed Shockwave movies."

= Missing:
"If you supply a filename without extension, Director
 will NOT add an extension of its own to the saved movie."

= Missing:
  Will all external castLibs be saved too? I guess no...
  Will a movie inside of a projector be saved? I guess no...
  Will a saved movie be compacted? I guess so...
  Will a saved movie be protected? Don't know...

= Missing:
"See Also: save castLib, the updateMovieEnabled"

TIP: 5.0: According to Andreas Viviani's unLingo Dictionary, on Macintosh the 'saveMovie' command will NOT work for any movie that is embedded into a projector.

[index] _ D5/601 _ 971212:


automatic movie saving property

6.0 Dictionary Errors, same in 5.0:

= Missing:
"Does not work with compressed Shockwave movies."

= Missing:
  Will all external castLibs be saved too? Don't know...
  Will a movie inside of a projector be saved? Don't know...
  Will a saved movie be compacted? Don't know...
  Will a saved movie be protected? Don't know...

= Missing:
"See Also: save castLib, saveMovie"


URL = ""  (971212)

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