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Ldoc+ Lingo Group:

 info D5/601:
 6    3 elements new in Director 6.0,
  !   8 contain Dictionary fixes 601 & 501,
   + 13 miss from the 'Appendix' 6.0 for COMPUTER AND MONITOR.

Computer (18):
   +  copyToClipBoard(member)
 6 +  CPUhogTicks
  !+  cursor
  !+  exitLock
  !   floatPrecision
  !+  halt (better than 'quit')
   +  platform
   +  productVersion
  !+  quickTimePresent
  !+  quit (better: 'halt'!)
      version (settable)
   +  videoForWindowsPresent
      ...see also the MOVIE CONTROL Lingo Group.

Monitor (5):
      colorDepth       (test only, set on Macintosh)
 6 +  fullColorPermit  (memory)
  !+  stageColor       (changes monitor background)
 6 +  switchColorDepth (Macintosh only)

Sound (6):
      mci "string"  (Windows only)
   +  soundEnabled
  !+  soundLevel

Outdated COMPUTER Lingo (3):
 5                       closeDA -> none
 5                        openDA -> open "programPathAndName"
 6                       colorQD -> colorDepth, switchColorDepth (Mac)

[index] _ D5/601 _ 971212:


system keyboard property

6.0 Dictionary Error, same in 5.0:

= Missing:
"...or the ALT+F4 quit combination on Windows, or the
    ESCAPE key ('the key = numToChar(27)') on both platforms."

= Missing:
"On Windows, the ALT+TAB combination for switching between
 Windows applications cannot be intercepted by Lingo,
 because it's under control of the Windows OS."

"on checkExit..."
= Example 2 is stupid, because if 'the exitLock = FALSE', this
  handler will NEVER be called, as the projector will quit
  anyway before! Also it does NOT check if 'the key = "w"'.

= Missing:
"See Also: the commandDown, the key, the keyCode, numToChar()"

1. TIP: In the 501 update and in 6.0, the 'exitLock' property includes the ESCAPE key for both platforms (Mac/Win) and the ALT+F4 combination for direct exit on Windows (which CANNOT be evaluated by Lingo). The ALT+TAB combination CANNOT be intercepted by Director at all, because it's under control of the Windows OS. On Macintosh, the possibility of the user to switch between applications depends on your projector setting 'Options: Full Screen'.

2. TIP: The 'exitLock' property now works correctly in 501 and 601 on Macintosh AND Windows. There used to be problems on Windows with 'the exitLock = TRUE', when ESCAPE or other exit keys were pressed, and in Director 4, 'the soundBusy()' would sometimes not work correctly on SoundBlaster cards. You can catch the ESCAPE key with: 'if (the key = numToChar(27) )'. Remember: If you 'set the exitLock = TRUE', only you can unlock the user from inside your projector. You have to offer a 'Quit' button with the appropriate Lingo, including a 'halt' command.

3. TIP: On Windows, you CANNOT catch the 'ALT' key or any combinations with it, and you also CANNOT evaluate presses of one of the Function keys (5.0). The ALT+F4 (QUIT) combination cannot be identified by Lingo; if 'the exitLock' is FALSE (default), then ESCAPE or ALT+F4 will quit your projector immediately, without giving Lingo a chance to react. And especially the ALT+TAB combination for switching between applications can cause trouble for programmers: There is NO way to prevent this, instead your movies must be prepared to unexpectedly be moved into the background of the Windows System at any time. When setting your projector to 'Animate in Background', consider that sounds will continue to play (in the background), as well as loading and other activities of your movie carry on, while the user might be busy following your automated Internet links... ;-)

4. TIP: In a movie-in-a-window (MIAW), an 'on deActivateWindow' handler can include Lingo to react to the window (and I'm guessing: to the application) loosing focus.

[index] _ D5/601 _ 971212:


movie stopping / projector quiting command

6.0 Dictionary Errors, same in 5.0:

"...the 'halt' command stops the movie."
= Should read:
"...the 'halt' command stops the movie in author-mode,
 or QUITS the PROJECTOR when issued in run-mode.

= Missing:
"Definetely prefer using 'halt' instead of 'quit'!"

= Missing:
"See Also: ... quit"

[index] _ D5/601 _ 971212:


projector exit command

6.0 Dictionary Errors, same in 5.0:

'if the key = "q" and the commandDown then quit'
= This Example is stupid, because 'if the exitLock = FALSE',
  this line will NEVER be called, as the projector will
  quit anyway before!

= Missing:
"Definetely prefer using 'halt' instead of 'quit'!"

= Missing:
"See Also: ... halt"

TIP: The new 5.0 command 'halt' works the same way as 'quit', except it does NOT exit the authoring evironment (where it will just stop the current movie playing). So it makes 'quit' totally obsolete! See also 'the exitLock'.


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