
Vol. 111.               Summer, 2015               No. 2


Sárosi, Zsófia: Pragmatics, sociopragmatics, and politeness research in Hungarian historical linguistics Abstract   129

Petykó, Márton: Documents of witchcraft trials as community and identity forming discourse Abstract 147

Krepsz, Valéria: The speech act of requesting in Middle Hungarian missives written by noblemen and commoners Abstract    162

Mohay, Zsuzsanna: From resentment to insult. The pragmatics of reproof in Middle Hungarian personal letters Abstract    174

Németh, Luca Anna: The notion of linguistic politeness in Magyar Nyelvor in the age of Dualism Abstract    189

Péteri, Attila: The syntax and semantics of the sentence adverbial valószínuleg, with some additional contrastive observations Abstract    204

Etymologies. Büky, László: Petinét ‘lace work’ 219 – Kaputziner Fa piklivel ‘cafe-au-lait wood, ornamented’ 219

Spoken Hungarian. Cs. Nagy, Lajos: Phonological and morphological investigations on the basis of the dialect atlas of Medvesalja 224

Reviews. V. Raisz, Rózsa: Szathmári István, A Magyar Nyelvtudományi Társaság törté-nete [The history of the Society of Hungarian Linguistics] (1904–2005)    235  – Komlósi, László Imre: Kugler Nóra – Laczkó Krisztina – Tátrai Szilárd eds., A megismerés és az értelmezés konstrukciói. Tanulmányok Tolcsvai Nagy Gábor tiszteletére [Constructions of cognition and interpretation. Papers in honour of Gábor Tolcsvai Nagy] 239

Society News. Kiss, Jeno: Greeting István Szathmári on his 90th birthday in the So-ciety of Hungarian Linguistics. 244    – Szentgyörgyi, Rudolf: Erzsébet Zelliger is 70. 244

Data from the History of Hungarian. Balázsi, József Attila: Kosher or terefah? Jiddish entries in the Etymological Dictionary  250

Letter to the Editor. László Péter writes. – The Editor writes    254

List of contributors.