This home page was prepared by the support of  Soros Foundation.

Magyar változat

Strategic goals
Values and Principles

The Civil Society Development Foundation Hungary (CSDF) aims to enhance the growth of civil organizations and grass-root networks, thus contributing to the development of dynamic, effective and self-sustaining nonprofit sectors in Hungary and East Central Europe. The CSDF strengthens the development of indigenous nonprofit management capacity by providing a wide array of strategic and practical training and consultation services to nonprofit organizations (NGOs). Besides training activities the CSDF organizes events and runs projects to promote networking among NGOs and to facilitate partnership with the business and the government sectors.

The CSDF realizes its mission by offering a diverse range of integrated services and programs:

  • nonprofit management trainings and consultancy services to NGOs
  • organizational development and change management services to specific organizations
  • projects to build and facilitate cooperation with the business and the government sectors
  • public forums to enhance sector-wide dialogue and networking
  • related publications adapted to the Hungarian NGO context

The adress of CSDF: Hungary, 1117 Budapest, Mészöly u.4. III/3.
Phone/fax: 185-3938, 185-3914, 185-2966