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Pay-per-view installations.



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Zoom is an installation in the simulated social context* of a conceptual social structure. The process of zooming, an out-of-body experience, offers vision unavailable to the naked I. In a certain rhetorical way focusing suggests an optical clarification of social distance...Could this be played with?

a) YES
b) NO

*The purpose of Zoom is to generate financial backing to continue to supply school accessories for Burmese children in the Palong hill tribe around refuge of Pang Ho village in the north of Thailand.

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Simulated prototype phase in ground preparation 4 Zoom PROPER.

  1. Zoom Hardware Device
  2. Zoom public (sp)ace (pl)acement and modes of usage through ZOOM enabler interface
  3. Zoom dynamics
  4. Zoom shots and films

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Hardware Device

Resembles classical panorama graphoscope.
It is built from scratch to scratch.
Mini CAM is installed in front part of the PIPE.
Mini LCD SCREEN is in place of the lense in the back of the pipe.
COIN MECH (rm5) is in-built as well.
In the BODY of the device the PROCESSOR controls all the funcions of the zooming process.
The processor is accessed through WIRELESS CONNECTION.

Public (sp)ace (pl)acement and modes of usage
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Public (sp)ace (pl)acement and modes of usage through ZOOM enabler interface

Device in its completenes is placed in public space (midlle class neigborhood residential area).
It is pointing at the windows of ordinary houses, creating curiosity in the minds of passers-by's, perverts, local residents or visitors on their way.
Once looking into the pipe, one sees LIVE IMAGE (close-up) of the building, as expected through the graphoscope/webcam.
Following the TEXT instructions on the LCD screen, the USER chooses the window, out of the available scenery of 50 (+/-), by adjusting both the horizontal and the vertical angle of the pipe. Graphoscope's enabler interface relies on built in sensors for channeling such user input to the proccessor.

After deciding to Zoom one must insert the coin and press the RED button.
BLACK and YELLOW button are the other two options.
Black button is "Under construction".
No futher comments.
Yellow button is marked "Never press!".
It is still not sure what happens in case one does that. Under consideration is a wide range of options.

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After coin is inserted and (red) button is pressed Zoom travels towards and then through the glass of the chosen window.
Once inside of the apartement, Zoom slowly passes.
Sometimes apartement is empty.

Or not.

Random scenes.

*fucking (maybe!)
*watering plants
*having visitors
*watching TV
*barbecuing on the balcony
*spying on the neighbors through binoculars
*having head turn into pixels
*finding out suddenly that you have two penises (one erected and one soft, but other options are also possible)
*mostly looking (into distance) through the REAR WINDOW.

Zoom exits the apartement through the rear window and continues zooming through the backyard, where it gets timed out and returns to live picture similar to the one in the beginning, just 1-2 minutes later.

After new window is chosen, new coin inserted and (red) button pressed, new ZOOM begins.

Zoom shots and films
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Shots and films

a) shots

"outside 1"

From the graphoscope level into the window glass.
For each proposed window of choice (50+) belonging zoom shot of 20-25 seconds is made.

outside1 window


50+ zoom shots are filmed based on the written script.
Everything is shot in the same apartement which is prepared.
Zoom shot starts as close to the inside of the front window and ends as close to the rear window glas, 25-40 seconds later.

outside1 windowchoice

"outside 2"

Rear Window Zoom Simulation (RWZS).
Wireless revalations.

outside1 windowchoice

Rear window view zoom shots are filmed on various locations (from exotic/boring to dull/exciting).
A lot of these 25-40 seconds shots (50+) are made by us.
Also: via website promotion anonymous video-makers are invited to enter processor's hard drive and dump their personal rear window zooms into the RWZS folder (by wireless access).

b) films

When ZOOM process is initiated by inserting coin (and pressing the red button), processor gets actively entusiastic and instantly plays appropriate(!) "outside 1" zoom shot.
During that simple action it chooses combination of "inside"/"outside 2" shots to follow.
"Outside 1" shot is followed by randomly in its (processor's) own time chosen and pre-prepared "inside" zoom shot.
Followed by in its own time chosen and prepared random "outside 2" zoom shot.

c) Zoom shots transitions:

"Outside 1" and "inside" are connected by longer than expected cross-fade through the window glass (+/- 5 seconds).
"Inside" and "outside 2" are connected using FLOATING MASK effect.
The "outside 2" imagery is visible, but still/static, all the way through "inside" zoom shot.
The "outside 2" becomes dynamic the moment the "inside" touches the rear window glass.
ZOOM does not cross-fade through rear window glass!!
It simply stops the moment it touches it.
All these 1-2 minutes long ZOOMS are seemingly one shot films.
Digital linearity of (art) emerges in public space.

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