Review form - Please return the completed form in text format to the Editor. - If needed, use latex notation for mathematical symbols. Author(s): Overall evaluation category (A-E): (A: Excellent; B: Good; C: Average; D: Poor; E: Null) Presentation and clarity (A-E): Originality (A-E): Significance of theory (A-E): Significance of application (A-E): Appropriate title, abstract and keywords (A-E): Appropriate figures and tables (A-E): Bibliography (A-E): English language (A-E): Final recommendation (select one of): - Acceptable for publication, as it is, or with minor changes - Acceptable for publication with major changes - Not acceptable for publication, but could be resubmitted - Not acceptable for publication, and should not be resubmitted Detailed comments: Confidential comments to the editor (not communicated to authors):