
Vol. CIII.               September, 2007               No. 3.

C. Vladár, Zsuzsa: Pál Pereszlényi’s grammar from 1682. Sources and parallels Abstract 257

A. Molnár, Ferenc: Reflections on the new edition of Gömöry Codex Abstract 270

Kalcsó, Gyula: A study of elative, delative and ablative suffixes in the first half century of Hungarian typography Abstract 282

Berta, Árpád – Károly, László: Runic inscriptions on the Szertő Crest Stone Abstract 300

Beke, József: The use of passive forms in Bánk bán and other pieces of 19th-century Hungarian literature Abstract 311

R. Toma, Kornélia: A analysis of “On the freedom of the press” by Lajos Kossuth Abstract 328

· Minor Contributions. Kiss, Margit: Once more on noun phrases 338

· Etymologies. †Hasan Eren: Sárlik ‘rut’. A Turkish loanword and its derivatives in Hungarian, from the semantic field of animal husbandry. 344 – Mizser, Lajos: Mikulás ‘Santa Claus’ 346

· Spoken Hungarian. Szathmári, István: Language as a prerequisite for the survival of a community 346

· Historiography. Deme, László: Géza Bárczi and posterity – in advance. 349 – Sándor, Anna: Ferenc Sima would be ninety this year. 351 – Nagy L., János: On Miklós Révai’s legacy 355

· Reviews. Kiss, Jenő: Nina Berend – Elisabeth Knipf-Komlósi (eds.), Sprachinselwelten – The World of Language Islands. 358 – Bogár, Edit: On languages, in more ways than one. 360 – Magay, Tamás: Forgács Tamás, „Állati” szólások és közmondások [Idioms and proverbs on animals]. 363 – Szili, Katalin: Bárdos Jenő, Élő nyelvtanítás-történet [The history of second language teaching] 367

· Miscellanea. †Kiss Lajos: Etymologies of place names 370

· Society News. Szathmári, István: Zoltán Szabó (Kolozsvár) deceased. 375 – Galgóczi, László: Imre Békési is 70. 376 – Bańczerowski, Janusz: István Nyomárkay is 70. 378 – Call for papers 381

        · Letters to the Editor. Tamás Farkas writes. – László Büky writes 382

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