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Contact Address of Kairos Programme:
Ulrich Duchrow and Martin Gueck
Hegenichstr, 22 / D-69124 Heidelberg, Germany
Tel: 49-6221-72610, fax: -781183


Full text

Responding to the Fifty Years of the Dominant Financial Systems Established at Bretton Woods
Ulrich Duchrow and Martin Gueck
May 1994
Translated from the German version (Wirtschaften für das Leben im Wahljahr 1994) by Elaine Griffiths

Copies of this English version can be obtained at the following addresses:

- Gyula Simonyi, H-8003 Székesfehérvár, Pf. 7. Hungary.
- Jo Bock, Kairos Europe, 3, avenue du Parc Royal, B-1020 Bruxelles, Belgium.
- Ulrich Duchrow and Martin Gueck, Hegenichstr. 22., D-69124 Heidelberg,
Germany. (Here also the German version.)


13 introductory propositions

How the present fatal situation arose - biblical approaches -
life-enhancing alternatives 2

I. The situation and the reasons why:
pauperisation and financial dominance on the world market 3

II. Biblical reminders of the future of life 9

III. Alternative economic systems today 14


Proposals, and examples of economic alternatives at the local, national, European and global levels 18

1. UN proposals with comments: Alternatives to the present global economic and financial (dis)order in the UN framework and transitional strategies for the Bretton Woods institutions (IMF, World Bank, GATT) 18

2. European Parliament: Resolution on international monetary cooperation within the framework of the easing of restrictions on capital markets of 15.12.93 22

3. Small-scale alternatives: "La PoudriŠre" in Brussels 25

4. Political intervention at the local level: "Social policy offensive" in Mannheim and other cities 26

5. Proposals for the national level: Wolfgang Kessler and initiatives for economic literacy 27

6. Proposals for the regional level: 28


6.1 Electoral Checklist drafted by Kairos Europe 28

6.2 Electoral initiative "Building a Europe in Solidarity" 35

Glossary 37

List of materials 41

Full text