Strips of light

Minyó Szert's pictures

These are pictures you can like. Partly because they are not accessories to the image-terror intruding upon us from all directions. They do not serve as a means to propagate the abomination dubbed as the victory of realism. Nor the auxiliary art of photography in all its orchestradedness and false eminences. These pictures fall automatically into the domain of eventuality. A deliberate intent is manifest n their imperfections and distortions: the repudiation of the ideal of technical perfection and radition, the acknowledgement of the alienation of time segments breaking away from us in the moment of occurrence.
Their contingent quality does not spring from "true to life" flashes, from the fact of catching impermanent conjunctions "in the act", but allow inference of the use of real, fortuitous calculus.They come into being in the same way that uncontrollable human memory confines its
incidental subsidences: scraps and fragments of memories picked out at random, perishable in themselves, and of which only shreds are apt to remain. These pictures reveal this transience, the non-recurring quality of the conjunction of beings and things. ( Presumably, a specific pictorial training is at work in this way of composing pictures, which, by means of the choice of materials and surfaces, the "brushwork" and the "framing", increases the distance between the raw material used and its final appearance.)
Somewhat disenchanted as we are with late modern picture culture, we are aware that even as
our pictures are taken, we are becoming a part of our own history together with our pictures.
Thus we must live with the knowledge of our transience, enforced by snapshots. The melancholy quality of our mutability is rather conspicuous in the perpetuity implicit in these perishable vehicles. The suppression of this fact would be as deceptive as its exaggeration. The one being verisimilitude or "realistic representation", the other embodying finality, the pretense of sending a message to generations to come: the mask of vitality and the mummification of life.

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