Floods in Dunaszekcső 

    Dunaszkecső village get into trouble several times in tis history. In 1956 a seious flood
threatened the village. The reinforcement of the emkankments started on March 3rd.
Unfortunatelythe ewathere was terrible so the work  went on slowly. It was a very dange- rous situation becouse the ice formed a drift near the village. Several house were destroyed becouse of the flood but the offered refuge to the people living on the opposit bank of the river.
People were fighting with ships...
The water get into the village.

There was an other serious flood in 1965. At this time the flood come in the Spring, and it was a bit easier to protect the village becouse the were no ice in the water.
The best place to look around was near the chimney.

At last a picture made from the Danube.