Magyar / English
Robert Langh
Unstable Image Surfer Tool
(Computer installation)

"...Through a suspended monitor and moveable touchscreen, the user manipulates a panoramic image – but this is only the starting point. This panorama can be filled up with associative series of images by the viewer becoming transformed and reshaped. The Internet is the source of these images; one hidden element of the system is an image search engine that assembles pictures, collected by keywords, into changing montages – or as the artist calls them, ”picture shavings.” Of course most image-based search engines work with masses of pictures organized by keyword, which can sometimes give strange results. Here, though, the search results appear in the active fields of two image forms, between the Scylla and Charybdis of panorama and montage. This new image, losing its singularity and integrity, immediately becomes a mere element of a larger picture that itself changes, having no borders except for one – the monitor – through which we can look around in this visual territory. It is the artists’ prearranged image universe, together with heaps of random montages and the viewer’s perspective – curiosity as attention on the move – that shapes these elements into conceptual classes, collective nouns that offer up new search terms through which we wander playfully from word to word, concept to concept. It is the artist’s intention to let these associations indicate (or sometimes symbolize) chains of meaning and cognitive models, revealing for us in sensual and artistic form concepts in language and image that are often associated, and more often separated, clearly distinguished from one another but still susceptible of being connected in myriad ways: the indefinite boundaries of human thought. ..." Miklós Peternák

The vehicle is designed to execute maneuvers in virtual panoramas, while downloading images from the Network. The way we move the LCD screen, we can examine the details of images in connection with the keyword's domain, and associate new image searches to them. The position of the phisical modell is transmitted into the computer by gyroscope, creating a new sense of reality: the changing balance converts the dynamical force into a virtual factor much better in our perception. Downloading the images can be started by the touch screen, as a part of the floating LCD screen. From the fragments of images panoramas are constructed, which the montage machine creates on the spot.

The system is based on the selection of objects and concepts and is operated in a virtual environment by one or two viewers. It's motivation is partly theoretical, as it develops associative comprehension processes, and partly sensitive, as it provides access to images of objects. While playing, we can select concepts we would like to know more about or can zoom in on objects that appeal to us by moving the monitor. The result of our choices is a new domain of concepts, within wich we can examine images of the objects connected to it. The creation and linking of the domains, thus, is based on a moderated internet image search, which, through the help of visually impressive means of display, we incorporate into an easily handled user interface. The editors responsible for content gather, interpret and link the hits in accordance with their own discretion. From the fragments of images panoramas are constructed, which the montage machine creates on the spot.


(Shockwave plug-in download)