Veronica Tamásy, M.D., Ph.D. 


Last revision: October 1998 Pécs, Hungary
I. Original research papers:  II. Abstracts; III. Short summaries; IV. Dissertation; V. Films;
VI. Invited lectures; VII. Publications in press and/or in preparation


Korányi, L., Endrõczi, E., Tamásy, V.: Pituitary adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) induced hypoglycaemia.
Acta physiol. Acad. Sci. hung. 35: 41-46, 1969.     Abstract

Korányi, L., Endrõczi, E., Tamásy, V.: Influence of pituitary adrenocortical hormones on the central nervous system: Electrophysiological and behavioural studies on rats and chicks.
Acta physiol. Acad. Sci.hung. 36: 73–82, 1969.     Abstract

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L., Lissák, K.: Multiple unit activity during habituation to the environment in the rat.
Acta physiol. Acad. Sci. hung. 44: 410–411, 1973.

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L., Lissák, K., Jandala, M.: Open field behavior, habituation, and passive avoidance learning:
Effect of ACTH and hydrocortisone on normal and adrenalectomized rats.
Physiology and Behavior 10: 995–1000, 1973.     Abstract 

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L., Lissák, K.: Multiple units in the brain stem and forebrain during the first week of life in the rat.
Experimental Neurology 48: 29–36, 1975.     Abstract

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L., Lissák, K.: Multiple unit activity study of brain stem and limbic structures during environmental habituation and circadian rhythm.
Pflügers Archiv Eur. J. Physiol. 353: 361 372 1975.     Abstract

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L., Tekeres, M.: EEG and multiple unit activity during ketamine and barbiturate anaesthesia.
British Journal of Anaesthesia 47: 1247-1251, 1975.     Abstract

Korányi, L., Tamásy, V., Lissák, K., Király, I., Borsy, J.: Effect of thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) and antidepressant agents on brainstorm and hypothalamic multiple unit activity in the cat.
Psychopharmacology 49: 197-200, 1976.     Abstract

Korányi, L., Lissák, K., Tamásy, V., Kamarás, L.: Behavioral and electrophysiolocical attempts to elucidate central nervous system mechanisms responsible for maternal behavior.
Archives of Sexual Behavior 5: 503-510, 1976.     Abstract

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L., Lissák, K.: Multiunit activity in the mesencephalic reticular formation and septal area of freely moving newborn rat.
Brain Research Bulletin 4: 715-719, 1979.     Abstract

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L., Lissák, K.: The developing mesencephalic reticular formation: Changes in responsiveness during ontogeny of the rat.
Acta physiol. Acad. Sci. hung. 56: 187-201, 1980.     Abstract

 Tamásy, V., Korányi, L., Lissák, K.: Early postnatal development of wakefulness–sleep cycle and neuronal responsiveness: A multiunit activity study of freely moving newborn rat.
Electroencephalogr. clin. Neurophysiol. 49: 102-111, 1980.     Abstract

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L.: Multiunits in the mesencephalic reticular formation: ontogenetic development of wakefulness and sleep cycle in the rat.
Neuroscience Letters 17: 143-147, 1980.     Abstract

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L., Lissák, K.: Environmental situation dependent neuronal behavior in the neonatal kitten septum and preoptic area: Multiunit analysis of infant – mother interaction.
Pavlovian J. of Biological Sciences 16: 52-54, 1980.

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L., Phelps, C.P.: The role of dopaminergic and serotonergic mechanisms in the development of swimming ability of young rats. Developmental Neuroscience (Basel) 4: 389-400, 1981.     Abstract

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L.: Effects of neonatal hormonal treatment on the adaptive capabilities of the central nervous system in the rat.
IBRO/UNESCO–UNICEF International Workshop on „Nutrition and the Development of the Child”
In: Rajalakshmi, R. (Ed.) NUTRITION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHILD, pp. 135-141, Sayajirao University Press, Baroda, 1982.     

Phelps, C.P., Korányi, L., Tamásy, V.: Brain catecholamine concentration during the first week of development in rats.
Developmental Neuroscience (Basel) 5: 503-507 1982.     Abstact

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L., Lissák, K.: Steroid anaesthesia: Alphadione depresses multiunit activity in the mesencephalic reticular formation.
Acta physiol. Acad. Sci. hung. 61: 195-204, 1983.     Abstract

Tamásy, V., Du, J-Z., Vallerga, A., Meisami, E., Timiras,P.S.: Suckling ability and maternal prolactin levels in hypothyroid rats. Hormones and Behavior 18: 457-464, 1984.     Abstract

Pardey-Borrero, B.M., Tamásy, V., Timiras, P.S.: Circadian pattern of multiunit activity of the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus during estrous cycle. Neuroendocrinology 40: 450-456, 1985.     Abstract

Tamásy, V., Meisami, E., Vallerga, A., Timiras, P.S.: Rehabilitation from neonatal hypothyroidism: Spontaneous motor activity, exploratory behavior, avoidance learning, and responses of pituitary–thyroid axis to stress in male rats.
Psychoneurendocrinology 11: 91-103, 1986.      Abstract

Tamásy, V., Meisami, E., Du, J-Z., Timiras, P.S.: Exploratory behavior, learning ability, and thyroid hormonal responses to stress in female rats rehabilitating from postnatal hypothyroidism.
Developmental Psychobiology 9: 537-553, 1986.     Abstract

Tamásy, V., Balatincz, J., Beretzky, V.: Alpha-tocopherol attenuates behavioral deficiency and restores zinc staining patterns of hippocampus formation in rats rehabilitating from prenatal protein – energy malnutrition.
In: Mengen- und Spurenelemente, Vol. 16.  (Eds): M. Anke, W. Arnhold, R. Bitsch, W. Dorn, G. Flachowsky, M. Glei,
Verlag Harald Schubert, Leipzig, Suppl. pp. 1-12. 1996.     Abstract

Tamásy, V., Balatincz, J., Lénárd, L.: Effects of prenatal protein – energy malnutrition on mother - offspring interaction and suckling ability of developing rats.
Brain Research Bulletin 1997. (in press)

Balatincz, J., Ajtony, Z., Tamásy, V.: Prenatal protein – energy malnutrition: its effect on mineral concentrations
in rat's brain.
In: Mengen- und Spurelementen, Vol. 17. (Eds): M. Anke, W. Arnhold, R. Bitsch, W. Dorn, G. Flachowsky, M. Glei,Verlag
Harald Schubert, Leipzig, pp. 525-535, 1997.     Abstract

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Tamásy, V., Jandala,M., Lissák, K.: Effect of ACTH and hydrocortisone on passive avoidance behavior as a function of general activity level in adrenalectomized rats.
Proceedings of the International Union of Physiological Sciences vol. IX. p. 557, 1971.

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L., Lissák, K.: Multiple unit activity during habituation to the environment in the rat.
Acta physiol. Acad. Sci. hung. 44: 410-411, 1973.

Korányi, L., Tamásy, V., Lissák, K.: Multiple unit activity in the brainstorm and limbic system during habituation to acoustic stimulus in the cat.
Acta physiol Acad. Sci. hung. 44: 354, 1973.

Tamásy, V., Lissák, K.: Effects of corticosterone on the activity of the forebrain and brain stem neurons.
Acta physiol. Acad. Sci. hung. 47: 259, 1976.

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L., Lissák, K., Hadházy, A.: Brainstem neuronal responsiveness during
the early postnatal life in the rat.
Acta physiol. Acad. Sci. hung. 49: 359, 1977.

Tamásy, V., Lissák, K.: Multiple unit activity study of brain stem and forebrain during the early postnatal
development in the rat.
Proceedings of International Union of Physiological Sciences vol. XIII. p. 743, 1977.

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L., Lissák, K.: Neuronal activity in the brainstorm reticular formation and limbic structures of the rat during ontogeny.
Electroencephalogr. clin. Neurophysiol. 45: 573, 1977.

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L., Kamarás,L., Lissák, K.: Induction of maternal behavior in adult male and female rats.
Acta physiol. Acad. Sci. hung. 51: 205, 1978.

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L., Lissák, K.: Ontogeny of neuronal responsiveness of brainstorm reticular formation and basal forebrain in the rat.
Acta physiol. Acad. Sci. hung. 52: 265, 1978.

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L., Lissák, K.: Dopaminergic and serotonergic mechanisms in the development of swimming performance of the rat during the first week of life.
Acta physiol. Acad. Sci. hung. 53: 221, 1979.

Korányi, L., Tamásy, V., Lissák, K.: Analysis of multiunit spike activity (MUSA) pattern during anestrus, pregnancy and lactation in the cat.
Electroencephalogr. clin . Neurophysiol. 49: 58P, 1980.

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L., Lissák, K.: Development of multiunit spike activity (MUSA) patterns of rat septum during the first week of life.
Electroencephalogr. clin. Neurophysiol. 49: 59P, 1980.

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L., Lissák, K.: Offspring and mother interaction: A multiunit analysis of neuronal activity.
Proceedings of International Union of Physiological Sciences vol. XIV. p. 739, 1980.

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L.: Neurons of the neonatal kitten septum and preoptic area discriminate maternal stimuli.
1st World Congress of IBRO, March 31 - April 6, l982, Lausanne, Switzerland. Neuroscience 7: (Suppl.) S 207 1982.

Tamásy, V., Meisami, E., Timiras, P.S.: Relationship between suckling, milk production and ingestion, and body growth in hypothyroid rats.
Ann. FASEB Meeting, April 10-15, 1983, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. Federation Proceedings (FASEB J.) 42: 468, 1983.

Tamásy, V., Vallerga, A., Meisami, E., Timiras, P.S.: Neonatal hypothyroidism: Hormonal and behavioral rehabilitation.
4th International Congress of International Society, for Developmental Neuroscience July 3-7, 1983, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A.
International J. of Developmental Neuroscience 1: 243, 1983.

Tamásy, V., Meisami, E., Timiras P.S.: Aspects of behavioral recovery from postnatal hypothyroidism in the rat.
International Congress of International Society, of Psychoneuroendocrinology, June 8-12, 1983, New York, N.Y. U.S.A.
Neuroendocrinology Letters 5: 189, 1983.

Tamásy, V., Du, J.Z., Timiras, P.S.: Neonatal hypothyroidism: Lasting effects on pain threshold and stress-induced prolactin release in adult male rats.
Ann. FASEB Meeting April 7-12, 1984, Saint Louis, Missouri, U.S.A. Federation Proceedings (FASEB J.) 43: 502, 1984.

Tamásy, V., Balikó, L.: Infant - mother interaction: Critical periods of the neonatal learning processes.
Neurobiology 1: 1993.

Tamásy, V., Lemle, Z., Wrana, G., Balikó, L.: Life span and delayed deterioration of spatial memory in aged rats recovered from neonatal thyroid deficiency.
Neurobiology 2: p.111, 1994.

Tamásy, V., Bokor, I., Balatincz, J.: Differential effects of perinatal exposure to maternal ACTH excess on the behavioral development and aging in rat.
Neurobiology 3: p.131, 1995.

Tamásy, V., Balikó, L., Balatincz, J.: Glucocorticoid exposition modifies infant – mother relationship and the development of spatial memory in neonatal kittens.
Neurobiology 1996. (in press)

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Tamásy, V., Korányi, L., Lissák, K.: Analysis of the neuronal multiunit activity (MUA) during habituation to novel environment in rats.
XXVIIIth Ann. Meeting of Hungarian Physiological Society, Budapest, p. 216, l972.

Korányi, L., Tamásy, V., Lissák, K.: Multiunit activity (MUA) analysis in the brain stem and limbic structures of cats during habituation to acoustic stimuli.
XXXVIIIth Ann. Meeting of Hungarian Physiological Society, Budapest, p. 111, 1972.

Tamásy, V., Lissák, K.: Effects of corticosterone on the activity of brainstorm and limbic - forebrain
neuron populations of rats.
XXXIXth Ann. Meeting of Hungarian Physiological Society, Pécs, p. 224, 1973.

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L.: Ketamine-HCl and barbiturate anaesthesia.
XVIIth Ann. Meeting of Hungarian EEG Society, Szekszárd, l973.

Király, I., Borsy, J., Korányi, L., Tamásy, V., : EEG, multi unit activity and general anaesthesia.
XVIIIth Ann. Meeting of Hungarian EEG Society, Szeged, 1974.

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L., Lissák, K., Hadházy, A.: Early postnatal development of brainstorm neuronal
responsiveness in rats.
XLIst Ann. Meeting of Hungarian Physiological Society, Szeged, p.103, 1975.

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L.: Neuronal responsiveness in the brain stem reticular formation of freely moving newborn rat.
XIXth Ann. Meeting of Hungarian EEG Society, Sopron, 1975.

Tamásy, V., Tekeres, M., Papp, L.: Althesin (alphadione), a new steroid anaesthetic.
1st International Meeting of Anaesthesiology, Balatonfüred, Hungary, Abstr. No. 42, 1975.

Korányi, L., Lissák, K., Tamásy, V., Kamarás, L.: Behavioral and electrophysiological attempts to elucidate central nervous system mechanisms responsible for maternal behavior.
Ann. Congress of International Academy of Sex Research, September 11-13, 1975, Stony Brook, N.Y., U.S.A.

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L., Lissák, K.: Development of neuronal responsiveness during the early postnatal life in the freely behaving rat.
2nd International Congress of Collegium Internationale Activitatis Nervosae Superioris.
Vol. 1: p.106, Prague, Czechoslovakia 1975.

Borsy, J., Király, I., Korányi, L., Tamásy, V.: Thyreotropin Releasing Hormone (TRH) and antidepressant agents.
International Congress of Pharmacology, Abstr. No. 203, Helsinki, Finland, 1975.

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L., Kamarás, L., Lissák, K.: Study on the neuronal and hormonal mechanisms of maternal behavior.
XLIInd Ann. Meeting of Hungarian Physiological Society, Budapest, p. 46, 1976.

Tamásy, V., Lissák, K.: Analysis of the developmental changes in the brainstorm and basal forebrain neuronal responsiveness during ontogeny of the rat.
XLIIIrd Ann. Meeting of Hungarian Physiological Society, Pécs, p. 121, 1977.

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L.: Effect of putative neurotransmitters on swimming performance of the rat during the first week of life.
IBRO International Symposium on Developmental Neurobiology, May 8-11, 1978, Abstr. p. 77. Tehran, Iran.

Korányi, L., Tamásy, V., Lissák, K.: Analysis of multiunit spike activity (MUSA) patterns during anestrus, pregnancy and lactation in the cat.
XXIst Ann. Meeting of Hungarian EEG Society, Pécs, 1978.

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L., Lissák, K.: Development of multiunit spike activity (MUSA) patterns of the rat during the first week of life.
XXIst Ann. Meeting of Hungarian EEG Society, Pécs, 1978.

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L., Lissák, K.: Role of the dopaminergic and serotonergic systems in the development of swimming ability of newborn rats.
XIXth Ann. Meeting of Hungarian Physiological Society, Debrecen, p. 1, 1978.

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L., Lissák, K.: Environmental situation dependent neuronal behavior in the neonatal kitten septum and preoptic area: Multiunit analysis of infant – mother interaction.
International Meeting of American Pavlovian Society, of North America, July 19-21, 1980, Budapest, Hungary.

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L., Lissák, K.: Development of the forebrain inhibitory system: Ontogeny of the environmental situation - specific neuronal behavior in the septum and medial preoptic area of kittens.
XLVIth Ann. Meeting of Hungarian Physiological Society, Budapest, p. 214, 1981.

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L.: Effects of neonatal hormonal treatments on the adaptive capabilities of the central nervous system in the rat.
IBRO/UNESCO-UNICEF International Workshop on „Nutrition and the Development of the Child”.
January 8-15, 1982, Abstr. p. 23, Baroda, India.

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L.: ACTH 4-10 modifies neuronal activity and sensory responsiveness of midbrain reticular formation and hippocampus formation in neonatal rat.
XLVIIth Ann. Meeting of Hungarian Physiological Society, Pécs, Abstr. E 146, 1982.

Tamásy, V., Vallerga, A., Meisami, E., Timiras, P.S.: Adaptive behavior and pituitary–thyroid function during recovery from neonatal hypothyroidism.
Western Regional Conference on Comparative Endocrinology, March 25-27, 1983, p. 22, Abstr. No. 28a. Berkeley, California, U.S.A.

Tamásy, V., Pardey-Borrero, B.M., Timiras, P.S.: Circadian pattern of multiunit activity of the suprachiasmatic nucleus during estrous cycle of the rat.
Gordon Research Conference on „The Central Nervous System” June 12-17, 1983, Tilton, New Hampshire, U.S.A.

Tamásy, V.: Relationship between neonatal thyroid deficiency and delayed deterioration of memory in aged rats.
LVIth Ann. Meeting of Hungarian Physiological Society, Szeged, p. 221. 1991.

Balikó, L., Nagy, Z., Keszthelyi, Z., Tamásy, V.: ACTH selectively facilitates spatial memory and infant – mother relationship in the neonatal kitten.
LVIth Ann. Meeting of Hungarian Physiological Society, Szeged, p. 10, 1991.

Tamásy, V., Keszthelyi, Z., Balikó, L .: Infant - mother interaction: II. Critical periods of the neonatal learning processes.
Ann. Meeting of the Hungarian Neuroscience Association January 21-23, 1993, Veszprém, Hungary

Tamásy, V., Lemle, Z., Wrana, G., Balikó, L.: Life span and delayed deterioration of spatial memory in aged rats recovered from neonatal thyroid deficiency.
1st Ann. Meeting of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society, January 27-30, 1994, Pécs, Hungary.

Tamásy, V., Lemle, Z., Wrana, G., Balikó, L.: Differential alteration of spatial memory in young and aged rats recovered from neonatal thyroid deficiency.
European Neuroscience Association 17th Annual Meeting September 4-8, 1994, Vienna, Austria. Abstract vol. No. 61.09. p.110.

Tamásy, V., Bokor, I., Balatincz, J.: Differential effects of perinatal exposure to maternal ACTH excess on the behavioral development and aging in rat.
2nd Ann. Meeting of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society, 1995, Szeged, Hungary

Tamásy, V., Balikó, L., Balatincz, J.: Glucocorticoid exposition modifies infant – mother relationship and the development of spatial memory in neonatal kittens.
3rd Ann. Meeting of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society, 1996, Balatonfüred, Hungary.

Tamásy, V., Balatincz, J., Beretzky, V.: Alpha-tocopherol attenuates behavioral deficiency in rats rehabilitating from prenatal protein - energy malnutrition.
16. Arbeitstagung on „Mengen- und Spurenelemente” December 6-8, 1996, Jena, Germany

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Tamásy, V.: Ontogenetic development of the brainstorm activatory and limbic-forebrain inhibitory neuronal function.
Dissertation for C. Sci. (Ph.D. thesis) Pécs, pp. 1 - 166, 1981.

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Tamásy, V., Korányi, L., Lissák, K.: Episodes of normal and hormonally induced maternal behavior.
(Eds.): Korányi, L., Tamásy, V., Agfachrome Super 8 Film, Pécs, 1974.

Tamásy, V., Vértes, Z.: Direct measurement of blood pressure in the cat.
(Ed.): Tamásy, V., VHS Video Film, „POTE-VIDEO” Pécs, 1989.

Tamásy, V., Keszthelyi, Z., Nagy, Z., Balikó, L.: Infant - mother relationship: Mother - oriented spatial learning in the neonatal kitten.
(Ed.): Tamásy, V., VHS Video Film, „POTE-VIDEO” Pécs, l991.

Tamásy, V., Balikó, L., Keszthelyi, Z., Nagy, Z.: Ontogeny of learning ability in kittens.
(Ed.): Tamásy, V., VHS Video Film, „POTE-VIDEO” Pécs, 1992.

Tamásy, V.: Behavioral and electrophysiological responses to hippocampus and globus pallidus stimulation in cats.
(Ed.): Tamásy, V., VHS Video Film „POTE VIDEO” Pécs, 1996

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Tamásy, V.: Effects of pituitary – adrenocortical hormones on the open-field behavior, habituation and passive avoidance learning in rats.
Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiology, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1972.

Tamásy, V.: Multiple unit activity (MUA) analysis of environmental and signal habituation in freely behaving rats and cats.
Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Department of Neurophysiology, Warsaw, Poland, 1974.

Tamásy, V.: Behavioral and neuronal mechanisms of habituation.
Jagiellonian University, Department of Physiology, Cracow, Poland, 1974.

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L.: I. Hormonally induced maternal behavior in cycling female and intact male rats.
II. Film presentation: „Episodes of normal and hormonally induced maternal behavior”.
Humbolt University Medical School, Institute of Experimental Endocrinology, Berlin, Germany, l976.

Tamásy, V.: Multiple units in the brainstorm and basal forebrain during the first week of life in the rat.
University of Leipzig, Paul Flechsig Institute for Brain Research, Department of Biochemistry, Leipzig, Germany, 1976.

Tamásy, V.: Multiunit activity and sensory responsiveness of anterior hypothalamic and limbic neuron populations during pregnancy and lactation.
University of Leipzig, Paul Flechsig Institute for Brain Research, Department of Physiology, Leipzig, Germany, 1976.

Tamásy, V.: Simultaneous recording of multiunit activity from the mesencephalic reticular formation and septal area on freely moving newborn rat.
Netherlands Institute of Brain Research, Department of Developmental Physiology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1977.

Tamásy, V., Korányi, L.: I. Behavioral and electrophysiolocical attempts to elucidate central nervous system mechanisms responsible for maternal behavior.
II. Film presentation: „Episodes of normal and hormonally induced maternal behavior.”
University of Helsinki, Department of Physiology, Helsinki, Finland, 1977.

Tamásy, V.: Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) as a promising antidepressant agent.
University of Turku, Department of Neurophysiology, Turku, Finland, 1977.

Tamásy, V.: Effects of chronic administration of thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) on the brainstorm and hypothalamic neuronal activity.
University of Oolu, Department of Biochemistry, Oulu, Finland, 1977.

Tamásy, V.: Multiunit activity in the mesencephalic reticular formation: Ontogenetic development of wakefulness and sleep cycle in the rat.
University of Tehran, Research Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Tehran, Iran, 1978.

Tamásy, V.: Development of sensory responsiveness in the mesencephalic reticular for- mation and forebrain - limbic neuronal circuits during the first postnatal week in the rat.
Netherlands Institute of Brain Research, Department of Developmental Physiology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1979.

Tamásy, V.: Neonatal exposure to neuropeptides alters growth and development of the central nervous system in the rat.
Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Department of Nutrition and Biochemistry, Baroda, India, 1982.

Tamásy, V.: The role of mother - infant relationship in the early postnatal development of the central nervous system and behavior.
Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Department of Physiology, Baroda, India, 1982.

Tamásy, V.: Ontogenetic development of neuronal responsiveness in the septum-hippocampus formation of the rat.
National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Department of Neurophysiology, Bangalore, India, 1982.

Tamásy, V.: Development of dopaminergic and serotonergic systems during the first week of life in the rat.
All-India Institute of Sciences Bangalore, Department of Biochemistry, Bangalore, India, 1982.

Tamásy, V.: Perinatal hormonal treatment modifies the subsequent learning ability and neuroendocrine adaptation of rat.
University of Hyderabad, School of Life Sciences, Hyderabad, India, 1982.

Tamásy, V.: Multiunit analysis of infant-mother interaction: Effects of deprivation of maternal care on the development of the septum and preoptic area in kittens.
National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad, India, 1982.

Tamásy, V.: Ontogenetic development of the brainstorm activatory and limbic forebrain inhibitory neuronal function.
University of California Berkeley, Department of Physiology and Anatomy, Berkeley, CA U.S.A. 1982.

Tamásy, V.: Environmental situation dependent neuronal behavior in the neonatal kitten septum and preoptic area: Multiunit analysis of infant – mother interaction during suckling and exploration.
University of California Berkeley, Department of Psychology, Berkeley, CA U.S.A. 1982.

Tamásy, V.: Ontogenetic development of neuronal activity and responsiveness in the medial septal nucleus and dorsal hippocampus.
University of Hawaii, School of Medicine, Department of Anatomy and Reproductive Biology, Honolulu, Hawaii U.S.A. 1983.

Tamásy, V.: Interruption of infant–mother relationship: Lasting effects on the neuronal activity and responsiveness of the developing septum and preoptic area.
Stanford University School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, CA U.S.A. 1983.

Tamásy, V.: Electrophysiological and behavioral analysis of the ontogenetic development of memory function.
Fulbright International Conference, Monterey, CA U.S.A. 1983.

Tamásy, V.: Suckling behavior and maternal prolactin levels in hypothyroid rats.
University of California Berkeley, Department of Physiology and Anatomy, Berkeley, CA U.S.A. 1984.

Tamásy, V.: Rehabilitation from neonatal hypothyroidism: I. Plasticity of behavior and neuroendocrine regulation in the rat.
University of California Berkeley, Department of Physiology and Anatomy, Berkeley, CA U.S.A. 1984

Tamásy, V.: Rehabilitation from neonatal hypothyroidism: II. Lasting effects of early thyroid deficiency on the stress responses of pituitary prolactin and TSH secretion
University of California Berkeley, Department of Physiology and Anatomy, Berkeley, CA U.S.A. 1984.

Tamásy, V.: Neuroendocrine adaptation following recovery from neonatal hypothyroidism.
UCLA School of Medicine, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Los Angeles, CA U.S.A. 1984.

Tamásy, V.: Neurophysiological aspects of mother - infant relationship.
„Spirit of Global Understanding SGU '96” World Fulbright Alumni Conference August 14-18, 1996 Budapest, Hungary

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Tamásy, V., Balatincz, J., Beretzky, V.: Alpha-tocopherol attenuates behavioral deficiency and restores zinc staining patterns of hippocampus formation in rats rehabilitating from prenatal protein - energy malnutrition.
In: Mengen- und Spurenelemente (Ed.): M. Anke, Friedrich Schiller University Press, Jena Germany, 1996. (in press )

Tamásy, V., Balatincz, J., Lénárd, L.: Effects of prenatal protein - energy malnutrition on mother - offspring interaction and suckling ability of developing rats.
Brain Research Bulletin 1997. (in press)

Balatincz, J., Tamásy, V.: How alpha-tocopherol treatment modifies learning ability and hippocampus zinc concentration in prenatally protein - energy malnourished rats.
Submitted to LXIInd Ann. Meeting of Hungarian Physiological Society, Pécs, 1997.

Beretzky, V., Tamásy, V.: Lasting effects of neonatal hyperoxia on the learning ability and memory retrieval of developing rats.
Submitted to LXIInd Ann. Meeting of Hungarian Physiological Society, Pécs, 1997.

Szepesi, T., Kéméndi, K., Tamásy, V.: Perinatal glucocorticoid exposition selectively impairs the spatial memory in developing kittens.
Submitted to LXIInd Ann. Meeting of Hungarian Physiological Society, Pécs, 1997.

Tamásy, V., Szepesi, T., Kéméndi, K., Balatincz, J., Balikó, L.: Differential effects of pre- and postnatal cortisol treatment on the hippocampus
formation and the spatial discriminative learning of kittens.
Submitted to LXIInd Ann. Meeting of Hungarian Physiological Society. Pécs, 1997.

Tamásy, V., Timiras, P.S.: Neural stress induced prolactin release following recovery from neonatal hypothyroidism in adult male rats.
(in preparation)

Tamásy, V., Keszthelyi, Z., Nagy, Z.: Mother – infant interaction: I. Development of mother-oriented spatial learning in newborn kittens.
(in preparation)

Tamásy, V., Nagy, Z., Keszthelyi, Z.: Differential ontogeny of reference and working memory in the kitten.
(in preparation)

Tamásy, V., Balikó, L., Keszthelyi, Z., Nagy, Z.: Neonatal cortisol treatment impairs adaptive capability of the developing kitten.
(in preparation)

Tamásy, V., Balikó, L., Nagy, Z., Keszthelyi, Z.: ACTH-peptides selectively facilitate the development of spatial memory and infant – mother relationship in kittens.
(in preparation)

Balikó, L., Lemle, Z., Wrana, G., Vörös, S., Rejtõ, A., Tamásy, V.: Sex differences of memory deterioration in two strains of age rats.
(in preparation)

Tamásy, V.: Effects of neonatal hypothyroidism on the adaptive behavior of aged male and female rats.
(in preparation)

Tamásy, V., Bokor, I., Balatincz, J.: Differential effects of maternal ACTH excess on milk production and on suckling behavior of the developing rat.
(in preparation)

Keszthelyi, Z., Szepesi, T., Tamásy, V.: Role of mother – infant relationship in the development of discrimination and spatial learning of newborn and preweaning kittens.
(in preparation)

Tamásy, V., Szepesi, T., Kéméndi, K., Keszthelyi, Z., Balikó, L.: Differential effects of pre- and postnatal glucocorticoid treatment on the development of hippocampus formation and spatial memory retriveal in kittens.
(Submitted to European Neuroscience Congress, June 27 – July 1, 1998, Berlin, Germany)

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