
The International Phonetic Alphabet (revised to 1993) coded in SAMPA

       Bilab. Labd.  Dent. Alv.  Palv.  Retr.  Palat. Velar  Uvul.  Phar.  Glot.
Plos.  p  b                t  d         t` d`  c  J\  k  g   q  G\         ?
Nasal     m      F            n            n`     J      N      N\
Trill     B\                  r                                 R\
Tap or Flap                   4            r`
Fric.  p\ B   f  v   T  D  s  z  S  Z   s` z`  C  j\  x  G   X  R   X\ ?\  h  h\
 fricative                 K  K\
Approximant      P            r\           r\`    j      M\
 approximant                  l            l`     L      L\

Where symbols appear in pairs, the one to the right represents a voiced consonant.

Clicks                 Voiced implosives     Ejectives
O\   Bilabial          b_<  Bilabial         _>  as in:
|\   Dental            d_<  Dental/alveolar  p_> Bilabial
!\   (Post)alveolar    J\_< Palatal          t_> Dental/alveolar
=\   Palatoalveolar    g_<  Velar            k_> Velar
|\|\ Alveolar lateral  G\_< Uvular           s_> Alveolar fricative

           Front      Central       Back
Close      i  y        1   }        M  u
                 I Y             U
Close-mid    e  2       @\  8       7  o
Open-mid       E  9      3   3\     V  O
                {           6
Open             a  &               A  Q

Where symbols appear in pairs, the one to the right represents a rounded vowel.

W     Voiceless labial-velar fricative
w     Voiced labial-velar approximant
H     Voiced labial-palatal approximant
H\    Voiceless epiglottal fricative
<\    Voiced epiglottal fricative
>\    Epiglottal plosive
s\ z\ Alveolo-palatal fricatives
l\    Alveolar lateral flap
x\    Simultaneous S and x
Affricates and double articulations can be represented by two symbols joined by
a tie bar if necessary: k_p  t_s.
But prefered to use the default (ts) to represent affricates and double
articulations, and use disjunctor(hyphen) for the sequence (cluster): t-s.

"  Primary stress
%  Secondary stress   %foUn@"tIS@n
:  Long               e:
:\ Half-long          e:\
_X Extra-short        e_X
.  Syllable break     r\i.{kt
|  Minor (foot) group
|| Major (intonation) group
-\ Linking (absence of a break)

    LEVEL                  CONTOUR
<T> Extra high    <BT>, <LH>...   Rising
<H> High          <TB>, <HL>...   Falling
<M> Mid           <HT>            High rising
<L> Low           <BL>            Low rising
<B> Extra low     <HTH>, <MHM>... Rising-falling etc.
<!> Downstep      <R> Global rise
<^> Upstep        <F> Global fall

_0   Voiceless                   n_0  d_0
_v   Voiced                      s_v  t_v
_h   Aspirated                   t_h  d_h
_O   More rounded                O_O
_c   Less rounded                O_c
_+   Advanced                    u_+
_-   Retracted                   i_-
_"   Centralized                 e_"
_x   Mid-centralized             e_x
_= = Syllabic                    r\_=      r\=
_^   Non-syllabic                e_^
_`   Rhotacity                   @_`
_t   Breathy voiced              b_t  a_t
_k   Creaky voiced               b_k  a_k
_N   Linguolabial                t_N  d_N
_w   Labialized                  t_w  d_w
_j ' Palatalized                 t_j  d_j  t'  d'
_G   Velarized                   t_G  d_G
_?\  Pharyngealized              t_?\ d_?\
_d   Dental                      t_d  d_d
_a   Apical                      t_a  d_a
_m   Laminal                     t_m  d_m
_~ ~ Nasalized                   e_~       e~
_n   Nasal release               d_n
_l   Lateral release             d_l
_}   No audible release          d_}
_e   Velarized or pharyngealized l_e       5
_r   Raised                      e_r  (r\_r = voiced alveolar fricative)
_o   Lowered                     e_o  (B_o  = voiced bilabial approximant)
_A   Advanced Tongue Root        e_A
_q   Retracted Tongue Root       e_q

Based on X-SAMPA.
Downloadable version: more details.
An X-SAMPA to IPA converter for Word for Windows.