
Vol. CII.               June, 2006               No. 2.

Kiss, Jenő: On why a new Hungarian linguistic atlas is necessary Abstract 129

Szabó, Zoltán: Reflections on comparative historical stylistics Abstract 143

Pete, István: Systematization of morphemes in Hungarian Abstract 154

Bánréti, Zoltán: The double nature of conjunction heads in coordinate noun phrases Abstract 169

Senga, Toru: The word forms geisha and gésa against the backdrop of the history of Japanese Abstract 176

Zsuzsanna, Hoffmann: Questions of language use in multilingual Switzerland Abstract 185

· Minor Contributions. Boros, Katalin: Variation and change in an early Hungarian translation of the parable of the good Samaritan. 195 – Mózes, Huba: Constraints on parallelism in early Hungarian translations of the Beatitudes. 198 – Kontra, Miklós: Some remarks on linguistic nonsense and on social damage. 202 – Korompay, Klára: History of orthography and cultural history: the dialogue of two disciplines 195

· Etymologies. Mizser, Lajos: Onomastic data and remarks on the geographical articulation of the region of Bodrogköz. 210 – Vekerdy, József: On the word byuntelen ‘guiltless’ in Lamentations of Mary in Old Hungarian 211

· Reviews. Fercsik, Erzsébet: Laczkó Krisztina – Mártonfi Attila, Helyesírás [Hungarian orthography]. 212 – Nyomárkay, István: Zoltán András, Szavak, szólások, szövegek. Nyelvészeti és filológiai tanulmányok [Words, proverbs, texts. Studies in linguistics and in philology]. 218 – Velcsov, Mártonné: Zelliger Erzsébet, A Tihanyi Alapítólevél [The deed of foundation of the Abbey of Tihany]. 220 – Gallasy, Magdolna: Hoffmann István – Tóth Valéria eds., Helynévtörténeti tanulmányok I. [Studies on place names, Vol. 1]. 221 – Érsok, Nikoletta Ágnes: Bódi Zoltán, A világháló nyelve [The language of the web]. 225 – Balogh, Judit: Szenczi Molnár Albert, Novae grammaticae ungarice (libri duo). Új magyar grammatika két könyvben [A new Hungarian grammar in two volumes] 230

· Miscellanea. Farkas, Tamás: The 22nd International Congess of Onomatology. 232 – †Fehértói, Katalin: Etymologies of place names from Lajos Kiss’s manuscript legacy. 234 – †Kiss, Lajos: Etymologies of place names 235

· Society News. Nagy L., János: László Péter is 80. 249 – Bereczki, Gábor: Péter Domokos is 70. 250 – Szathmári, István: Sándor Géza Kozocsa is 70. 252 – Call for papers 254

· Letters to the Editor. The Editor writes. 255 – Gábor Kemény writes 255


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