
Vol. 106.               September, 2010               No. 3.

Kertész, András: Why should the linguist get out of bed in the morning? Or: Chomsky’s “revolutions” and the historiography of generative linguistics Abstract 257

Mátai, Mária: Some issues in the history of Hungarian parts of speech Abstract 269

Zelliger, Erzsébet: Beyond (and this side of) the Seven Seas: Tracing place names with a Hungarian connection Abstract 283

Szentgyörgyi, Rudolf: Greek place names in The deed of foundation of the Abbey of Tihany 295

Vörös, Ferenc: A preliminary sample from the Atlas of Hungarian Family Names Abstract 308

Károly, Krisztina: Shifts of lexical repetition in Hungarian–English translation: Repetition in the light of the universals of translation Abstract 322

Minor Contributions. Csákváry, Orsolya – Veszprémy, László: The Black Sea in Anonymus’ chronicle and in Scandinavian sources 339

Etymologies. Mizser, Lajos: Verbiás. – Vucskómező. 343 – Sebestyén, Zsolt: Perecseny 344

Spoken Hungarian. Szabó, József: On dialectal kupa ‘dip, pit’ 346

Historiography. Szili, Katalin: The first Hungarian school grammar for Italians (Zsigmond Deáky, Grammatica Ungherese Ad Uso Degl’ Italiani. Roma, 1827.) 353

Reviews. Haader, Lea: Borbála Keszler – Klára Lengyel, Ungarische Grammatik. 360 – Péter, Mihály: Kemény Gábor, A nyelvtől a stílusig. Válogatott tanulmányok, cikkek [From language to style. Selected papers]. 366 – Nagy, Levente: Dictionarium Valachico-Latinum. Primul dicţionar al limbii române [The first dictionary of the Romanian language]. 368 – Büky, László: Beke József ed., Radnóti-szótár. Radnóti Miklós költői nyelvének szókészlete [A Radnóti dictionary. The word stock of Miklós Radnóti’s poetic language] 372

Society News. The Board of the Society of Hungarian Linguistics: Linguistic affinity and national consciousness: a statement 380

Data from the History of Hungarian. N. Fodor, János: Late Old Hungarian personal names from North-East Hungary 381