
Vol. CIV.               March, 2008               No. 1.

Péter, Mihály: On Hungarian aspect – from another aspect Abstract 1

Elekfi, László: On the first two volumes of A Comprehensive Dictionary of Hungarian Abstract 11

A round table discussion on the state of the art in phonology Abstract 21

Peredy, Márta: The aspectual role of obligatory adjuncts 39

Bene, Annamária: The role of argument structure in the derivation of causative verb forms Abstract 51

H. Varga, Márta: Deverbal noun-forming suffixes expressing the result of an action or process Abstract 65

· Etymologies. Balázsi, József Attila: Kamion ‘lorry’. 74 – Tölgyesi, Beatrix: Why is rozsomák ‘wolverine’ Polish? 76 – Benkő, Loránd: From rozsomák ‘wolverine’ to rozsnok ‘brome-grass’ 79

· Spoken Hungarian. Pintér, Tibor: Reflections on the augmentation of the Hungarian Corpus from the Carpathian Basin 81

· Reviews. Kiss, Jenő: Finno-Ugric books on the sociology of language and language policy. 89 – Kemény, Gábor: Büky László, Szó, stílus, értelmezés [Word, style, interpretation]. 92 – Balogh, Judit: Pereszlényi Pál, A magyar nyelv grammatikája. Grammatica lingvae ungaricae [A grammar of Hungarian from 1682]. 96 – Gréczi-Zsoldos, Enikő: Kabán Annamária, Lét és nyelv. Tanulmányok a nyelvtudomány és nyelvhasználat történetéből [Existence and language. Papers in the history of linguistics and language use] 99

· Miscellanea. Kong, Kun-jü: Forty-six years of Hungarian language teaching in China. 101 – †Kiss, Lajos: Etymologies of place names 104

· Society News. Juhász, Dezső: The 103rd general assembly of the Society of Hungarian Linguistics. 107 – Nyomárkay, István: Péter Király is 90. – Bölcskei, Andrea: A report on the Sixth Hungarian Conference on Onomatology. 116 – József, Szabó: Closing address at the Fifth Symposium of Dialectology 117

· Letters to the Editor. The editor writes 126