
Vol. CI.               September, 2005               No. 3.

Kiss, Jenő: A memorial speech on Miklós Zsirai, late Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences  Abstract 257

Benkő, Loránd: The role of the Székely people in defending the country in the Árpádian age  Abstract 269

Eren, Hasan: An etymological dictionary of Turkish and the history of the Hungarian language  Abstract 275

Siptár, Péter: The phonology of Hungarian vowel clusters  Abstract 282

Senga, Toru: The word yen and what surrounds it  Abstract 304

Székely, Gábor: On lexical and comparative intensification and moderation  Abstract 312

· Minor Contributions. Pusztai, Ferenc: Usage labels in spoken Middle Hungarian 332

· Etymologies. Mizser, Lajos: Puszta ‘wasteland’. – Elve ‘area beyond’ 335

· Spoken Hungarian. Kicsi, Sándor András: On some popular mushroom names 336

· Reviews. Péntek, János: Kontra Miklós ed., Nyelv és társadalom a rendszerváltáskori Magyarországon [Language and society in Hungary during the political changes of the nineties]. 352 – Büky, László: A Zrínyi dictionary. The Hungarian word stock of the oeuvre of Miklós Zrínyi. 357 – Szabó, József: Balogh Lajos, Büki tájszótár [A dialect dictionary of Bük]. 363 – Nagy L., János: The revitalized lexicon. 366 – Posgay, Ildikó: Ladányi Mária – Dér Csilla – Hattyár Helga eds., “... még onnét is eljutni túlra...” Nyelvészeti és irodalmi tanulmányok Horváth Katalin tiszteletére [“...going even beyond that...”: Studies in linguistics and literary criticism in honour of Katalin Horváth] 369

· Miscellena. Kolláth, Anna – Z. Szentesi, Orsolya – Szoták, Szilvia: Addenda to the report on Hungarian linguistic research centres in neighbouring countries 371

· Society News. Bölcskei, Andrea: A Hungarian team of onomatologists working in Slovakia come on the scene. A conference on onomatology (Kolon, 2–4 June 2005) 378

· Letters to the Editor. Sándor Skripecz writes. – Lajos Zilahi writes 379

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