Létavértes came into existence on 1 July 1970.through the union of the villages Nagyléta and Vértes. The number of inhabitants is 7160. Though the name of the settlement is first mentioned in written relics only in the 13th century,the region had been inhabited as early as the Neolithic Age, according to the analisys of random archaeological finds. The settlement had underwent a lot through the centuries,it was almost entirely destroyed several times.However,its residents have always had the strength for resumption. Nagyléta was a market town between 1712-1871. The Irinyi family lived here:János Irinyi,the inventor of the noiselessly ignitable match and József Irinyi, a famous figure, who participated in the events that lead to the outbreak of the war of independence on March 15, 1848 ,both the sons of the excellent overseer,János Irinyi Senior. Owing to the Peace Treaty of Trianon (in 1920),the residents have lost 40% of their agricultural lands and the formerly close connections Nagyvárad were broken. The settlement was the seat of the distict council between 1928 and 1955. The only water-slaughterhouse built upon living water can be found in Létavértes. The outhouses in the vineyards are spectacular relics of folkarchitecture.In the Country Museum in the enclosed yard,tradicional appliances of vine-culture and wine-growing are displayed. The untradicionally arranged iconostasis of the Greek Catholic church is worth mentioning,as well as the monument of the victims of the First and Second World War in the main square. North of the settlement there is a nature reserve("Egyhajuvirág") where the PIREMON Leisure Centre offers walks and horse trips, horse riding and lodgings at the "Liget-farm" of the Kertek-Erdôk Ligetek Association (Gardens - Forests - Greenwoods Association). Owing to consistent improvement, the town has a well-developed infrastructure. Many institutions of the town perform regional tasks. Létavértes is the centre of the Association of Local Authorities in Erdôspuszta,an organization incorporating ten settlements. Létavértes has been given back the title of town on 1 July 1996. Text:Tútróczi B.