After the fall of the Iron Curta(n the East-West Cooperation Off(ce was installed in November 1990 as a location a(med at sett(ng up and support(ng the internatfonal exchange of experience and informat(on as wel( as transborder cooperation in env(ronmental educatlon with our Central European ne(ghbouring countries Hungary, Czechla, Slovakia, and Poland.


The East-West Cooperation Office is an in(tiatlve by the Austr(an Federal Mlnlstry for the Envlronment and part of `I'&127N ARGE Umwelterzlehung (n the ÖGNU umbre(la organisaflon.

It (s an Interface between the state and (ts c(tizens, between sc(ence/research and educat(onal institutions, between environmentally comm(tted associations/cftizen-based organisafions and educators.


is oriented along the needs expressed by our partner countries.


The exchange of informatfon and exporience is implemented for (nstance by consultation talks, providing lecturers and mak(ng available materlals.


Tralneerhip: on environmentcl educatlon provlde the NGO's wlth an opportunlty to work (n our organ(sation for one month so as to get (nsight (nto our work and the situaflon of env(ronmental education in Austria.


IMemaMonol Ecopoedagogical CoordfnaMon Meeting: offer an opportunity for further education to ecolog(cal educators, for d(scusslng internatlonai worklng methods (n environmental education and for natlonal and internatfonal networking of NGO's.


Bilateral :eminar: and work:hop: deal even more spec(fically with the problems of the (ndívidual countrles. The lower number of participants facllitates a more Intensive exchange of exper(ence and Informatlon.




Publicaffon: in the Hungarian, C:ech, Slovak and Poli&127h language respond to the need for didactic moteria(s for environmental education. We cover topical issues, adapt them to the situat(on (n the ind(vidual countries and have them translated Into the respect(ve (anguages. The brochures are sent out free of charge to all persons (nterested.



The "Circular Letrer" (s published twice a year in German and English. It offers a forum to NGO's to present their work, projects and philosophies, announce events, publish subject-matter articles and to (earn about fnterest(ng news, methods, publicatlons and cooperation requests. All NGO's In our oddress ffle receive the (etter automat(cally.


The 5-country-working meeting (s an internot(onal working group which, on the one hand, prepares didactic materials but above all a p(lot course for further education of NGO staff members which wl(I then be rea((sed in an appropriate manner (n the indlvidual countrles.





... is sítuated (n environmental educat(on outside of the school system. Our programme Is geared main(y to fulfill the needs of NGO's (n Hungary, Czechia, Slovokia, and Poland. However, we a(so have close contacts wlth unfversltles, teacher tra(n(ng and further training Insfltutes and min(strfes of these countries whfch are responslble for environmental education and support It.



The East-West Coord(nator and her ass(stant can be contacted (n German or Engllsh at the foNowing address:



Easf-West-Cooperation Off(ce at

ARGE Umwelterziehung

  • Alser SfraDe 21, A-1080 Vienna tel,: 0043/ 1 /4024701-14 fax: 0043/ 1 /4024705