Autumn 1997

Course description:The purpose of this course is to enable you to write narrative and discursive essays according to academic writing conventions. For thhis you would need to use the library efficiently, formulate your thesis, write appropriate paragraphs and topic sentences, use examples, connectors, and correct punctuation. In this course we are going to practice different techniques that would enable you to write creatively AND academically.

Your responsibilities as a student in this course: You must be an active member of the class.
You should attend classes.
You must hand in all assigments on time.

Grading: Your final grade will be based on the following:
Attendance and participation
Self- and peer evaluation
Final drafts of essays

Class 1. Course orientation. Getting to know each other. Types of writing.

Class 2. Academic writing - definition. Basic format requirements.

Class 3.Process of writing: planning, organizing, techniques for note-taking, revising.

Class 4. Paragraphs. Types of paragraphs. Topic sentences.

Class 5.Paragraphs. Transition between paragraphs. Revision techniques.
* Outline for descriptive essay due.

Class 6.Writing an Introduction, Body and Conclusion. Techniques for revision. Peer-evaluation.
* Descriptive essay due for in-class revision.

Class 7.Linking, transition. Length and unity. The narrative essay.

Class 8.Style, register, vocabulary.
* Outline fro narrative essay due.

Class 9.The argumentative essay. Techniques for giving support. The oral debate - preparation.
* Descriptive essay due for in-class revision.

Class 10. Oral debate.
* Outline for argumentative essay due.

Class 11. Punctuation - basic requirements.
* Argumentative essay due for in-class revision.

Class 12. Infromal writing. Style, register, vocabulary.

Class 13. In-class writing, writing under pressure.

Class 14. Evaluation of the course, self-evaluation, grades.


Home page, CALL Page.

Spring 1997

Course description: The purpose of this course is to enable you to write and present a research essay/paper according to academic conventions. For this you will need to use the library and its resources efficiently, analyze sources relevant to your topic, and prepare a reference section. You will have to be able to take meaningful notes and to organize these notes for your paper. You would also have to give a presentation on your topic and answer questions on your research.

Your responsibilities as a student in this course:
You must hand in all assignments on time.
You must be an active member of the class.
You should attend classes.

Grading: Your final grade will be based on the following:
Attendance and participation
Self - and peer evaluation
Final draft of research essay

Class 1.Course orientation; Getting to know each other; Needs analysis. Goals and requirements. Review of last term.

Class 2. What is a research paper? (topic, length, organization); Choose research subject; Research schedule.

Class 3. Research topic and preliminary thesis. Using discovery techniques to focus on a topic. How to avoid plagiarism? Techniques of citation. The APA format.

Class 4.Defining the paper`s purpose. Techniques for note-taking; Form, documentation.
* In-class essay writing.

Class 5. Visit to the library; Techniques of library use for research work; Research beyond library. Other sources of research.

Class 6.Reading and recording information. Types of reading. Evaluating sources. Techniques for organizing note-cards. Working with an outline.

Class 7. Planning a research paper - first draft.

Class 8. Analysis of the first draft. A review of basic patterns of development. Techniques for reviewing the paper. Techniques for self- and peer evaluation.

Class 9. Documentation of sources; Preparing the final draft. Revising, editing, proofreading.
* In-class essay writing.

Class 10. Analysis of the final draft; Self- and peer evaluation;

Class 11. Techniques for presentation. Using visual aids. Posters, OHts and handouts.

Class 12. Presentation of papers.

Class 13. Presentation of papers.

Class 14. Marking of the papers; evaluation of the course.


Home page, CALL Page.

This page was created by Nora Nemeth. Updated on 15 December 1997.