NAU Summer Session 2 (1996)

ENG 688 Practicum
Class meeting: Mondays 5-6:45 pm; Place: LA 234
Instructor: Eniko Csomay
Office: LA 150; Tel: 523-9237
Office hours: by appointment

Course goals
  1. Practicum teacher-interns will gain experience in practical ESL instruction, class observation, and supervision. Elements that will be included are setting objectives for the course, language and student (to be taught by intern) needs assessment ; language evaluation for placement; syllabus design and coordination; materials selection, adaptation, and development; teaching; observation with feedback; evaluation of student progress and teacher methodology.
  2. Practicum teacher-interns will demonstrate and understanding of the underlying principles and a mastery of basic ESL methodological techniques (by using appropriate approaches, classroom management maneuvers, and motivational techniques learned in ESL Methodology, Curriculum and Materials Development, and Language Testing courses as well as in the practicum itself.)
  3. Practicum teacher-interns will gain insights into the multidimensional nature of ESL classroom instruction and deepen their understanding of basic humanistic educational principles.
  4. Practicum teacher-interns will develop ongoing, critical, self-analysis skills that will enable them to evaluate and critique their own and their peers teaching, facilitating continued professional growth.
  5. Practicum teacher-interns will be able to evaluate current ESL instructional materials and select and adapt when necessary materials suitable for specified teaching contexts.
Course requirements
Tentative syllabus

Required Recommended

Course Requirements

The following assignments will be required in the course:
  • Teaching
  • Short assignments for the classes
  • Observation diaries: Based on our discussions in class and the lessons visited three observation diaries will be handed in. Further guidelines for these will be given in the course.
  • Teaching journal: The actual teaching done during the practicum period will serve the content for the three teaching diaries which will be handed in including lesson plans and reflections on the lessons taught. The teaching diaries will be put together based on aspects discussed during the seminar as well as the models provided in Richards & Lockhardt 1995:24.
  • Materials bank: Everyone will bring activities to the class that we will actually try out. By the end of the course students will have collected descriptions of activities that they experienced in class.
  • Book review: Two book reviews will be handed in during the course:
    1. One of the professional development books listed below (1 & 3 will be put on reserve in Cline library) will be reviewed:
      • Freeman, D., & Richards, J. C. (1996). Teacher Learning in Language Teaching. New York: Cambridge University Press.
      • Nunan, D., & Lamb, C. (1996). The self-directed teacher. Managing the learning process. New York: Cambridge University Press.
      • Starko, A. J. (1995). Creativity in the classroom. Schools of curious delight. USA:Longman.
    2. A teacher resource book of your choice (selection below is available on the shelves in Cline Library):
      • Klippel, F. (1984). Keep Talking. New York: Cambridge University Press.
      • Mailey, A., & Duff, A. (1982). Drama techniques in language learning. New York: Cambridge University Press.
      • Macdonald, M., & Rogers-Gordon, S. (1984). Action Plans: 80 student-centered language activities. Rowley, MA: Newbury House.
      • Morgan, J., & Rinvolucri, M. (1983). Once upon a time - using stories in the language classroom. New York: Cambridge University Press.
      • Ur, P. (1981). Discussions that work. New York: Cambridge University Press.
      • Ur, P. (1989). Teaching listening comprehension. New York: Cambridge University Press.
      • Wright, A., Betteridge, D., & Buckby, M. (1984). Games for language learning. New York: Cambridge University Press.

    Tentative syllabus

    Week 1
  • Introduction to course; breaking the ice
  • Setting up teaching and observation schedules
  • Approaches to classroom investigation - an introduction
  • Observation techniques

  • Week 1
    07/09 Meeting in Cline Library
  • Approaches to classroom investigation
  • Observation techniques in action (video)
  • Exploring teachers belief systems

  • Week 2
    07/15 Meeting in Cline Library
  • Language learning activities
  • Language use in the classroom
  • Error correction

  • Week 3
  • The structure of a language lesson
  • Interaction in the second language classroom

  • Week 4
    07/28 Meeting in Cline Library
  • Focus on the learner
  • The role of the teacher
  • Giving instructions

  • Week 5
  • Wrap-up