

Kairos Europa Action Days, Brussels 21 st – 24 th October 1999:
”Alternatives to Neo-liberal globalisation: Another World is Possible”.

Europe is going through a very critical moment in its history. The crucial question being asked is: will the new Red-Green political majority in EU really depart from neo-liberalism, re-regulate and effectively tax capital to the benefit of employment and social cohesion, or will the transnational economic forces win again? How this question is answered depends on us - social movement, churches, and other actors of civil society - joining forces to campaign and lobby for new policies.

During the last two years Kairos Europa, a European grass-roots network of justice initiatives, co-operating with social movements, churches, trade unions and NGOs in and outside Europe, has worked for alternatives to the dominating neo-liberal model of economy and development in two ways;
  1. launching a European Kairos Documents as an appeal to build alliances for liberating people from the stranglehold of the globalised deregulated economy and its culture of competition;
  2. developing concrete alternatives in a double strategy, strengthening local economies, communities and a new spirituality of solidarity, resistance and identity among people as well as promoting proposals for politically re-regulating the economy at all levels according to a more social, ecological and democratic criteria.

Kairos Europa invites you to join the harvesting this process and the intervention at the European Parliament in the Brussels Action Days, 21 st – 24 th October 1999;

Thursday 21 st October

Hearing in the European Parliament:
The Responsibility of the European Union for Neo-liberal Globalisation
Presentation of demands by representatives from Africa and the Caribbean, particularly concerning alterantative(s to) Structural Adjustment Programmes (ASAPs)
Presentation of demands by representatives from social movements, NGOs, trade unions and churches in Europe.
(This hearing will be prepared by an international consultation, 19 th – 20 th October)

Friday, 22 October to Sunday 24 th October

Sharing and celebrating grass roots alternatives from Europe:

Ø Friday and Saturday nights will be celebrated with music and drama
Ø Saturday and Sunday (morning & noon) work in neighbourhoods around specific issues namely:
* And in plenary sessions to address the interconnection of the issues and strategize together

Join us in Brussels in October to strive for new policies in Europe – A Europe for Justice!

Please reply to:

The Secretariat

”Kairos Europe October 99”

c/o Carla Goffi - MCP
rue de la Poste 111/87
B - 1030 Bruxelles
Tel. +32 2 219 57 20 - Fax +32 2 223 04 42

Name and Surname: ...........................................................................................................................................

Movement /Association: ....................................................................................................................

Address: ........................................................................................................................................................


Tel./Fax: ........................................................................................................................................................

E-mail: ...........................................................

(Bank details: – CGER Bank, account number: 001 – 3006287-98, Kairos Europe, avenue du parc royal 2, B-1020 Brussels BELGIUM)