B o o k s

Fall and Winter 1998

leading article

Claude Karnoouh
The Subject of Late Modernity
George Soros and the Capitalist Threat


Gábor Gyáni
Remembering and Oral History

János György Szilágyi
Kerényi Year 1997

review articles

Kamilla Lányi
The Hidden Thread
György Litván–Katalin S. Varga, eds.:
Bibó István (1911–1979). Életút dokumentumokban
(István Bibó [1911–1979]: A Life in Documents)

Ivo ZŠanic´
War and Peace in Herzegovina
Mart Bax: Medjugorje—Religion, Politics, and Violence in Rural Bosnia

Ilona Sármány-Parsons
The Summer of Our Content
Mária Bernáth, Ildikó Nagy, eds.:
Rippl-Rónai József gyûjteményes kiállítása
(József Rippl-Rónai’s Collected Works. Catalogue)


Christopher Hann
Proper Peasants in the longue durée

Katalin Péter
Edit Fél, the Átány Project, and the Buddenbrooks Phenomenon

Péter Niedermüller
Tamás Hofer—A Frontiersman of Ethnography

Hermann Bausinger
Postmodern Átány?
Edit Fél–Tamás Hofer
Arányok és mértékek a paraszti gazdálkodásban
(Good Measure and Moderation in the Peasant Economy)

notes & comments

Nicholas T. Parsons
Scotland and the Union, Hungary and the Empire

György Tatár
Pannonhalma Dialogue

Andrea Petô
Talking Gender
Margit Feischmidt, Enikô Magyari-Vincze, Violetta Zentai, eds.:
Women and Men in East European Transition

András Cieger
Brick by Brick
András Körösényi: A magyar politikai rendszer
(The Hungarian Political System)

Tamás Sajó
The Electronic Holy Writ
Biblia 5.0  (The Bible 5.0)


Women, Family, and Politics in Central Europe 1945–1998  n  Psychoanalysis, Literary Theory, and Gender Studies  n  Theoretical Psychoanalysis PhD Program


Zsolt Bánhegyi
Bibliographia Hungarica (1998)
Reviews in Brief

András Török
The BRB Guide to Budapest
Good Old Days, Brave New World

Please feel free to send us your comments: books@c3.hu


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