Kathy Rae Huffmann

is a freelance curator, writer and networker. She has been active in the field of media art since the early 1980's. As chief curator of the Long Beach Museum of Art in California from 1979-1984, she established LBMA Video, a multimedia workshop and broadcast quality post production facility for artists. She was curator/producer of the Contemporary Art Television (CAT) Fund, a partnership between the ICA Boston and the WGBH New Television Workshop, from 1984-1991, where she created a context for artists to define television as a medium for their personal expression.

Since 1991, Huffman has been based in Austria, from where she researches and facilitates information about new media art in Central and Eastern Europe. She has consulted for the Soros Center for Contemporary Arts Regional Network Project; and has created programs for Ars Electronica, Linz and TRANSIT, Innsbruck. She is a member of HILUS intermediale Projectforschung, an association of artists, curators and technicians in Vienna. HILUS is a production and research platform for art and new technology specializing in networking, processing and meta-design.

Huffman earned her M.F.A. degree in Exhibition Design from the Department of Design, California State University Long Beach, in 1979, from where she also holds a certificate in Museum Studies and Management.

She has lectured on media art and Internet art issues at educational institutions in the following countries: Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Macedonia, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and in the United Kingdom. 
In the United States, she has lectured at the School of the Art Institute Chicago, Massachusetts College of Art, The San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco State University, California Institute of the Arts, University of California San Diego, and Rutgers University in New Jersey, among many others, since the 1980's. 


Recent Projects


1993-95   SCCA Network 
Regional consultant for the Open Society Institute and Soros Centers for Contemporary Art (SCCA) Network
1995-96   HILUS intermediale Projektforschung, Vienna
As researcher-in-residence, and member of the HILUS cooperative, made her own personal library of media books, journals, festival and exhibition catalogues (and over 1000 artists’ video titles) available to the Austrian research community, artists, and visiting curators.  A grant from the Ministry of Culture in Austria provided programming assistance to compile a database of this collection.  In January 1997, HILUS was disbanded, and the combined HILUS/Huffman media archive Kunst + NT has been on loan to C3: Center for Culture and Communication, Budapest.
1995-96   Siberian Deal
A real/virtual Internet artwork with Eva Wohlgemuth, which examined the value of objects in post-communist society. The jury of the Videofest Berlin 1996 awarded Siberian Deal the multimedia prize.  
Original travel report: http://www.icf.de/siberian_deal. 
The multi-media analysis and review of the trading of objects during travels in Siberia: http://www.t0.or.at/~siberian/vrteil.htm.
1996-97   Pop~TARTS
Co-author with Margarete Jahrmann of a regular column for the Telepolis Magazine of Net Culture, sponsored by Heise Verlag, Hannover, the largest German language publisher of technical journals (IX, and CT).
An Internet communication and cooking project between women in remote European regions and the second collaborative Internet artwork with Eva Wohlgemuth. The focus is between women in Russia, Serbia, Spain (Basque), the United Kingdom (Scotland) and Austria.  The project has initiated a female-only mailing list of media specialists of more than 100 women from twenty countries.


Selected Recent Productions


1991   Van Gogh TV – amerikai körút (Boston, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Philadelphia, Omaha, New York City)
1992   Piazza Virtuale – Piazzettas (with Mike Hentz); a Van Gogh TV at documenta 9, Kassel, Germany
1994   New Media Logia (symposium and exhibition), Central House of Artists, Moscow 
1995   Checkpoint 95, Moszkva, New York City, Linz, Ars Electronica‘95 
  Wired World, Event produced by Stadtwerkstatt Linz, Russian State Television,  Moscow, and Paper Tiger Television, New York
  Fractal Flesh (for STELARC), at Telepolis: The Digital and Networked City
  Le trou de la Vierge (with P. Sollers, 60 min.)
1996   Telepolis Newsroom, European Media Art Festival (EMAF), Osnabrück,  Germany
1997   Virtual World Orchestra,  Old Fruit Market in Glasgow


Selected Publications


1997   1997 “The Disturbed Zones of Internet Art,” in exhibition catalogue Zones of Disturbance, Ed. Dr. Silvia Eiblmayr (Steirischer Herbst, Austria)
“Sex, History and (sub) Culture: a reconsideration,” essay on the work of Marina
Grzinic and Aina Smid, in Art*Int*Act journal and CD-ROM, Ed. Astrid Sommer  (ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany)
“Anti With-E at Backspace,” in Springer Hefte fuer Gegenwartskunst (Vienna)
1996   dar~LINKs, an online catalogue with introductory text for each of 10 websites by women, chosen monthly for the Ars Electronica Server (http://www.aec.at/)(Linz, Austria)
“Video Networks and Architecture: Some Physical Realities of Electronic Space,” in Electronic Culture, Ed. Timothy Druckrey (Aperture, New York)
“Breathing Fresh Norwegian Air into Cyberspace,” in HyperPhoto (Oslo, Norway)
1995   “Cyber Intimacy: From Net Nookie to Coffee Talk,” transcribed from lecture for  Interfiction 3 Festival of Media Art (Kassel, Germany)
“The Cold War - (TV) Lessons from the Past for the Future,” for Checkpoint 95,   in Wired World festival catalogue, Ars Electronica (Springer Verlag, Austria)
“Multimedia Metaphors - New works by George Legrady,” in SCREEN  Multimedia (MACup Verlag, Hamburg)
“Art Between High and Low Technology,” WRO 95 (International Sound Basis  Visual Art Festival, Wroclaw, Poland), festival review in SCREEN Multimedia(MACup Verlag, Hamburg)
“Time to Interface - Multimedia and Non-linear Media Art,” on the symposium  ZEIT, Ed. Dr. Heidemarie Seblatnig, for Gesellschaft SYNEMA (Vienna)
“At Home in the Room of Alenka Pirman,” essay for the exhibition brochure  System VII - Eva Wohlgemuth (Neue Galerie, Graz, Austria)
1994   “Realtime,” ORF II (Astria), for EIKON (Vienna)
“Intelligent Ambiente: Video,” in festival catalogue Intelligent Ambiente, Ars  Electronica (Springer Verlag, Austria)
“That Which Is,” essay on the installation work of Bill Viola, for his exhibition  catalogue Bill Viola, (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
“Kunst aus dem Computer,” on the exhibition ITERATIONS (International Center of Photography, NYC), for Screen Multimedia (MACup Verlag, Hamburg)
1993   “Interactive TV: The Innovations of Artists,” in Screen Multimedia (MACup Verlag, Hamburg)
“For Tony,” in Tony Oursler's fanzine exhibition publication, at Dummies, Dolls and Poison Candy...Cigarettes, Flowers and Videotape (Bluecoat Gallery and  Ikon Gallery, Liverpool, England, UK)
“Interactive Interferences: Artists interactive television and the challenge of new multimedia television,” in ON THE AIR: Kunst im oeffenlichen datenraum, Ed. Heidi Grundmann (Transit, Innsbruck, Austria)
“Video and TV: An historical overview,” in VIDEO MEDIA: A Survey, Ed. Minna  Tarka (Taide, Helsinki, Finland)
“Media Madness in Tokyo,” in Montage (Medienwerkstadt, Vienna)
1992   “A Political Interference: Art on Television,” in SCAN festival catalogue (Scan Gallery, Tokyo)
“Installation: Art, Media, Social Statement,” in Montage (Medienwerkstadt, Vienna)
1991   “Video: Violence,”  in festival catalogue OUT OF CONTROL, Ed. Gottfried Hattinger (Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria)
“Video Art: What's TV Got To Do With It?,” in<> Illuminating Video: An Essential Guide to Video Art, Ed. Doug Hall and Sally Jo Fifer (Aperture/BAVC)
1990   “Women, Myth and Sexuality,” in European Media Art Festival catalogue (EMAF, Osnabruck, Germany)
1987   “Producing and presenting Video on Television: The CAT Fund,” in Ars  Electronica catalogue (Linz, Austria)
The Arts for Television, Co-Ed. with Dorine Mignot and Julie Lazar, exhibition  catalogue (MOCA, Stedelijk Museum)?BR: “Doug Hall: The Spectacle of Image,” in Videoworks, Doug Hall  (The ICA Boston, USA)
1985   “Muntadas: Exposicion,” in Muntadas: Selection de Trabajos en video 1974-1984 (Fernando Viande Gallery, Madrid)
1984   1984 “More than a Decade,” in Video: A Retrospective, Ed. Kira Perov (Long Beach Museum of Art, California, USA)
1983   “Video Art: A Personal Medium,” in The Second Link: Viewpoints on Video in the Eighties, Ed. Lorne Falk (The Banff Centre, Canada)
1979   Southern California Video Resources Directory: editor of an annotated list of artists, institutions, exhibition sites, collections, and publications on video.   Published by Some Serious Business, Inc., Los Angeles, 1979.   Funded in part by the National Endowment for the Arts Media Program.

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