Erzsébet TATAI
Tardoskedd u. 7.I/1.
1113 Hungary

>magyar verzió>
Born Budapest, 1958.
Education Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Art History, Budapest (1983-1988)
Experience Editor - Fine Art Publishing House, Budapest (1986-1988)
Co-author of the proposed curriculum "Environmental Studies in primary schools", 1986
Supervisor of the experimental subject in primary schools "Environmental Studies" (1986-1994)
Assistant Professor, Academy of Applied Arts, Budapest (1988-1993)
Teacher of Art History - "CASUS" (Art Manager Training School), Budapest (1992-1994)
Teacher of Art History - "Városmajor" High School, Budapest (1992-1996)
Director of Bartók 32 Gallery, Budapest (1993-present)
Awards Winner of the competition "Architecture in Education" (1980)
Publications "Architecture in Education" in: "Építészeti Tanulmánypályázat 1980", Association of Hungarian Architects, Budapest, 1981.
"Kísérleti tanítás" (A teaching experiment) in: "A Leonardo Program", Academy Publishing House, Budapest, 1992.
"Szabics Ágnes" (exhibition review), Balkon, 1993/2.
"A környezetkultúra tanításáról" (On environmental studies) in: "Kézmûvesség", Tölgyfa Publishing House, Budapest, 1994.
"Egy alternatív tantárgy: a környezetkultúra" (An alternative subject: environmental studies), Fejlesztõ Pedagógia, 1994/2-3
"Környezetkultúra" (Environmental Studies - A teachers manual), Tölgyfa Publishing House, Budapest, 1994.
"Lakner Antal: Pápagyûjtemény" (Antal Lakner's Pope collection - exhibition review), Balkon, 1994/1.
"Üzenetek a Paradicsomból" (Messages from Paradise - on the exhibition of Patricia London Ante Paris), Balkon, 1994/4.
"Valcz Gábor fuit hic" (exhibition review), Balkon, 1994/7.
"Az elsõ képek" ("The First Pictures" on the exhibition of Balázs Beöthy), Új Mûvészet, 1994/9.
"EIKE: Leszállópálya", ("Landing strip", exhibition review), Balkon, 1994/12.
"Gerhes Gábor" (Catalogue)
"Naplójáték" ("Diary-game" on the exhibition of István Bodóczky), Új Mûvészet, 1995/3.
"Lávahangok" ("The sounds of Lava", on the exhibition of István Kalmár & István Sinkó) Új Mûvészet, 1995/7-8.
"Meglepett Angyalok" ("Surprised Angels", on the exhibition of Ágnes Deli), Balkon, 1995/4.
"Diana Kingsley kiállítása" (exhibition review), Balkon, 1995/6-7-8.
"Szabics Ágnes kiállítása a No 5 Galériában" (exhibition review), Magyar Mûhely, 96. (1995. June)
"Eszkimó Napóra"("Eskimo sun-dial" on the performance of the "Orkesztika" group), Balkon, 1995/10-11.
"It is not like it used to be" (Catalogue)
"Bartók Travel" (Catalogue)
"Hope in manufacture-work" (Catalogue)
"feLugossy László" (Catalogue)
"A Legkevesebb"("The less", on the exhibition of the Young Artists' Studio), Balkon, 1996/4-5.
"Blank Map" (Catalogue)
"Németh Ilona" (Catalogue)
"CurtAsker" (Catalogue)
"Feminine-Masculine" (Catalogue)
"Gabler-Gerber" (exhibition review), Új Mûvészet, 1997/4.
"Sentimental Blue" (exhibition review), Új Mûvészet, 1997/5.
"Magánrendelõ" ("Private clinic", on the exhibition of Ilona Németh), Balkon, 1997/6.
"Jövõ, Múlt, Jelen" (Future, Present, Past; on the XLVIIth Venice Biennale) Balkon, 1997/7-9.
"Drog" (Catalogue)
"Made in Hungary" (Catalogue)
"Gallery by Slides" (Catalogue)
"Iners" - on the exhibition of Antal Lakner, Balkon, 1998/8.