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2001-03-24 - Poland
Cinema and Theatre of Andrzej Wajda - International Conference

Call for Papers - deadline February 28th 2001
The conference will address the entire output of Andrzej Wajda in the fields of cinema, theatre, television and fine art, in both political and cultural contexts. It will hopefully provide a unique opportunity for both scholars and students of film and theatre from all over the world to meet and discuss Andrzej Wajda’s oeuvre both formally and informally. The following issues are suggested for discussion:
- the relationship between the cinema and theatre of Andrzej Wajda and world cinema and theatre
- Andrzej Wajda’s cinema and categories of national and auteur cinema
- Andrzej Wajda’s vision of history
- socio-political themes and contexts in Andrzej Wajda’s films
- Andrzej Wajda’s work in the context of Polish cultural traditions
- Andrzej Wajda’s work as a locus for the meeting between art. forms
- Andrzej Wajda’s style
- Andrzej Wajda as a theatre director
- Andrzej Wajda’s criticism of his work and world art.
- the reception of Andrzej Wajda’s work in Poland and abroad
A selection of the conference papers will be published by the Wallflower Press
The languages of the conference are Polish and English (simultaneous translations of both languages will be available).
Those wishing to propose a paper, to last approximately 30 minutes, should submit an abstract (one side of A4) to:
Prof. Ewelina Nurczyńska-Fidelska
Katedra Teorii Literatury Teatru i Filmu
University of Lodz
ul. Sienkiewicza 21
90-114 Lódz
tel/fax : +48 +42 632 04 31

or to:
dr. Elzbieta Ostrowska
e-mail: ostrel@krysia.uni.lodz.pl

Source: Elzbieta Ostrowska via the Film-Philosophy Salon listserve by MT



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