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2001-10-15 - Italy

6th International Festival of Architecture in Video
B E Y O N D M E D I A / O L T R E I M E D I A
international architectural conference > Florence, February 7-10, 2002
workshops > January 21 - February 2, 2002
exhibitions > February 10-24, 2002
deadline > November 30, 2001
The International Festival of Architecture in Video is an event created by the Department of Architectural Technology and Design "Pierluigi Spadolini" of the University of Florence, sponsored by the Tuscan Region, the Province of Florence, the Province of Prato and by the Municipality of Florence, and organised by iMage.

The International Festival of Architecture on Video is a meeting point for a discussion on communication technology in architecture, and its aims include the presentation of the most recent works of communication, documented on video, film and the new media; studies on project methodology based on the application of audiovisual tools and digital systems for architecture; research on teaching applications; a discussion on new= theories.

> SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE. Giandomenico Amendola, Cosimo Carlo Buccolieri, Romano Del Nord, Alberto Di Cintio, Paolo Felli, Enzo Legnante, Italo Moscati, Peppino Ortoleva, Gianni Pettena, Carlo Terpolilli (co-ordinator)
> CURATOR. Marco Brizzi

The theme of the 2001 edition of the International Festival of Architecture on Video is BEYOND MEDIA/OLTRE I MEDIA. What is the role of architectural communication technology today? How do architects use the new media? What new patterns are emerging in connection with architectural technology? What vocational prospects are there for the new generations? The problems raised by the arrival of the new media lead to an exploration of the various spheres of contemporary production, from television to the cinema and the Internet, providing plenty of room for research on digital communication technology. The dissemination of communications systems redefines professional roles and develops methods for planning, producing and using architecture. BEYOND MEDIA/OLTRE I MEDIA will place the emphasis on the most significant aspects of the changes produced by the media. It will present a picture of the most interesting research and draw attention to the consequences of using the media, with a view to defining the new application scenarios.


Within the programme of exhibitions and meetings, as every year, the Festival will host a selection of the best works of communication in architecture. All the authors of videos and digital works dedicated to architecture may take part in the 2002 edition of the International Festival of Architecture on Video. There are expected to be recent works, with no limitations as to provenance or duration, divided up into the following categories:

> STUDENTS. For works of communication in architecture made within the learning environment and for research conducted by amateur authors.
> PROFESSIONALS. For works developed in the professional planning context and with the aim of communicating both projects and completed architectural works.
> DOCUMENTS. For general documentation works, analyses, dissemination of architecture, of the city and the built environment.
> TECHNOLOGY. For works of communication and illustration of new technologies for the management and transformation of the built environment.

Participation is free of charge. It is possible to enter video works (in VHS, Beta, DVD, miniDV, AVI, MPG); websites and other artworks on CD ROM (PC system); and projects for multimedia events and installations to be set up during the exhibition.

Two copies of each work should be sent, complete with an entry form written in English or Italian, (on paper and in digital format) containing the following:

the category under which the work is to be entered; three sample pictures of the work; a written introduction to the work (approx 150 words); a short biographical profile of the author (approx 100 words).

The works will be appraised on the basis of their communicative efficacy, level of innovation and originality and relevance to this years theme; the works selected for the presentation at the Festival will be documented in the catalogue and on the Festivals official website. The best entries wil= l receive an award.


Participants should send their material so that it reaches the following address no later than 30th November 2001:


The material sent in cannot be returned.


via Scipione Ammirato 82
50136 Firenze, ITALIA
tel +39 055 666316
fax +39 055 6241253

You can download this call for entries in A4 printable format at http://www.architettura.it/image/2002call.doc . We invite you to circulate the information within your Institute and to advise people interested in it.

82, via Scipione Ammirato
50136 Firenze, ITALY
t: +39 055 666316 or 6241253
f: +39 055 6241253
International Festival for Architecture in Video Architecture Media Player
Source: Department of Architectural Technology and Design "Pierluigi Spadolini" by MT



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