light | image | illusion

Kassandra Wellendorf:
Tourist Vision, 2005
Video, 5’

Tourist Vision | képek

TOURIST VISION - (dvd as loop - 3- 5 minutes)
Shot on location - in Iceland.

As a tourist you think that you see a fantastic landscape in front of you, but in reality you often have trouble in enjoying and concentrating on what you see. How can your vision live up to the many exceptional photos already taken of the spot in front of you? You have bought a package, and when you reach the destination of your dreams, you spend the short time you have at the spot, to make pictures that mirror the original photos in your travel brochure.How is your vision cheated? Do you look for the promised ultimate experience, and compare the actual view before you with your imagined image? You know that this is supposed to be the experience of a lifetime, so you try with your eyes to take in as much as possible, but you do not know when or where to look. You get confused, because the landscape does not present itself to you in flat 2D panoramas, but in an actual 3D space. You can place your body several places, but which is the perfect view? Where should you stand to enjoy the experience? And as if you do not trust nor your eyes nor your memory, you take a photo or video record the view. In using all the energy in that, you also miss out on the experience. When you look through your camera lens, you not only freeze the view, but also the movement of your body. The experience is reduced to your eyes, but your eyes are blocked by the camera. There is a huge difference between standing at one viewpoint and moving around taking in the landscape with eyes as an extension of a moving body. The work will play with these different positions, different obstacles, that blur the vision, that disturb the "here and now" vision in an actual space. By editing together tourists and images of nature, I will show how the landscape is hardly visible at all. I will use very rapid editing, so that the cameras and the fiddling with the technique takes up all the time.
Kassandra Wellendorf

in english

Kultúra 2000Nemzeti Kulturális Örökség MinisztériumaNemzeti Kulturális Alapprogram

A projekt az Európai Unió Kultúra 2000 programjának támogatásával valósul meg.
További támogatók: Nemzeti Kulturális Alapprogram, (H), Nemzeti Kulturális Örökség Minisztériuma (H); Goethe Intézet, Athén (G); Austrian Airlines, Athén (G); Highlights Magazine, Athener Zeitung, Osztrák Nagykövetség, Athén (G); Követségi Központ, Művészeti Szekció (A), Osztrák Külügyminisztérium (A).