Objective C - Swarm Style

Non-Conventional Techniques, And The Libraries In Which They're Used

When building some of the internals of the Swarm system, we found that there was a need to add a certain amount of machinery to the conventional Objective C language. In particular, we found that the system used for object creation needed to be expanded. The main goal of this document is to explain very briefly what those changes are, and why the user need never know about them...

Even within the Swarm libraries, only the most fundamental ones require the usage of some of the magic described below. Essentially, only Defobj, Collections and Activity use the features described below. Nevertheless, there are some minor conventions, which as a consequence, must be used throughout the code.

Zones in Principle

Perhaps the most visible change from normal Objective C is the use of Zones within which objects are allocated. We have requiered that objects be allocated within specific Zones for two main reasons:

Zones in Practice

As a beginning user, when required to provide a Zone, you can simply use the globalZone variable which is global and is already initialised to a valid zone. Also, you should always attempt to allocate memory from Zones rather than using malloc.

The Create Phase in Principle

One of the more surprising mechanisms used in Swarm is the Create Phase protocol. The idea behind the protocol is that when you create an object, you are not really getting the final object - only a "proto-object". This "proto-object" is then sent a sequence of "create phase" messages which are meant to provide hints to the system about the way in which the object is going to be used.

So, for example, when creating a List object you may declare that you will only access the list from either end, never from an arbitrary location. By doing so you allow the "proto-object" to provide you with a tailored implementation which attempts to meet your specific usage patterns. This sort of approach is crucial for the performance-critical libraries in Swarm (such as the Activity library). Here is a schematic of what sometimes occurs in these libraries:

The Create Phase in Practice

Since this form of object creation is still quite rare in the object oriented community, we do not expect the users to write code which actually implements this sort of technique. However, we do advise the users to try and split those messages which are supposed to be sent only once in the lifetime of an object (just after the object is created) from the ones that are sent multiple times.

For example, if your object has a variable which will never change and furthermore should be set at the very early stages of its lifetime (say, Color), then you should declare the message which sets this variable before the createEnd message:

-setColor: (int) aColor ; // createPhase message
-createEnd ;

-(int) getColor ;         // normal message
The only other requirement is that whenever you create any object in Swarm, you should always re-assign the object, when createEnd is called.
anObject = [anObject createEnd] ;
This is because certain proto-objects in the swarm library will not return themselves at createEnd time. In fact, they may return a completely different class of object, which happens to satisfy the needs of the user. We therefore suggest that even when createEnding your own classes you should stick to this standard creation format.

Collections and Defobj

Two last pieces of advice:
  1. When using the Collections library, if you want to create your own versions of the collections, don't do it by subclassing the collections themselves. Instead, create a different class of object which contains inside it, an instance of the appropriate class (this is called delegation in the OOP community). You should do this because the actual subclassing of objects which actively use the createPhase stuff (by actively I mean ones that don't return self on a createEnd), is not well supported.

  2. Defobj is the most basic library in Swarm. It provides the foundation on which the system builds schedules, collections and swarmObjects. It is therefore quite involved and you should not feel disheartened if the concepts embodied within it seem unfamiliar, or if the code seems a bit cryptic.
There, you should now be ready to use Objective C in a more or less Swarm compliant way. Theoretically, all you need to do is follow these standards. In particular, you should be able to code your simulations without needing to know anything else about the language extensions (you still need to learn about the libraries and tools provided by Swarm, but their interface is written in straight Objective C, so there should be no language barrier).

Manor Askenazi <manor@santafe.edu>
Last modified: Sun Mar 12 00:42:56 MST 1996