TkObjc Documentation

Tcl/Tk is a scripting language and graphical widget set. TkObjc is a library of wrapper classes around Tk and BLT widgets. It's purpose is to provide a simple graphical interface while hiding most Tk-specific code from library users. To create and use graphical widgets, the user merely needs to create and use objects. Many of the objects here are straightforward wrappings of Tk widgets, but some (ButtonPanel, for instance) are combinations of other widgets, and others (Raster) are novel code.

TkObjc is currently based on Tcl 7.4, Tk 4.0, BLT 2.1, and libtclobjc-1.1b3 (available from Swarm authors). Very little of this code is library-version dependent, however, as most of it works by directly calling the Tk interpreter.

The basic purpose of tkobjc is to package Tk functionality. Therefore, tkobjc's behaviour is similar to the Tk toolkit. For simple usage one should be able to get fairly far just by looking at this document, the header files, and the Swarm examples: more complicated graphical output will require the programmer have some familiarity with Tk.


TkObjc gets most of its work done by talking to the Tcl interpreter object globalTkInterp, an instance of class TkExtra. Strings handed to the interpreter's eval: method are evaluated by the Tcl interpreter and any side effects are performed. The libtclobjc library provides the functionality that glues Tk to Objective C. Users with simple needs never need to talk to the Tk interpreter directly.

Widget Base Class

All graphical widgets inherit from the Widget base class. Widget defines most of the behaviour needed: Widgets are created by the user with a particular parent, and then "pack"ed in order to draw them on the screen. All widgets have three essential things: a widget name used when running Tcl code, an Objective C name when sending messages from Tcl to those objects, and a parent.

+createParent: (Widget *)p and -setParent:(Widget *) p
When a widget is created it needs to be given a parent. The parent widget will be the widget's containing window. If no parent is given (ie, a parent of nil), then a toplevel Frame will be allocated automatically
-setWindowTitle: (char *)s
Sets the window manager title of the top level window
-pack, -packWith: (char *) c
Roughly, packing a widget makes it draw on the screen. The Tk packer allows complicated options to control widget layout: you can pass options via -packWith:. See documentation on Tk to learn more about packing details.
-getWidth, -setWidth: (int) n, -getHeight, -setHeight: (int) n, -getPositionX, -getPositionY, -setPositionX: (int) n Y: (int) n, etc.
These methods allow you to control the position and size of the widget.
-(char *) getWidgetName, -(char *)getObjcName
Get various names for the widgets. The WidgetName is a Tcl name for the window: the ObjcName is the name of the object itself. These are used if you choose to send strings off to Tcl directly for evaluation.

Simple Widgets

There are a variety of simple widgets which do straightforward things.


Frames are boxes other widgets fit in. They correspond to the Tk "frame" and "toplevel" widgets. Frames can be new windows, or subwindows in an existing window. You only need to create frames yourself if building complicated composite widgets: by default, a frame will be built automatically for widgets without parents.


Labels are text strings used for displaying short information.
-setText: (char *)t
set the label's text string and resize it to fit.


Buttons a user can click. Each button has a label and a command to be executed when the button is pressed.
-setText: (char *)t
set the button's text string and resize to fit.
-setCommand: (char *)c
set the button's command, what to do. This is a Tcl string passed off to the interpreter. See the ControlPanel code in simtools for an example.

Input Widgets

All widgets which take input from the user inherit from a base class, InputWidget. InputWidgets get their input in one of two ways: by being readable, or by being linked to a C variable.

InputWidget (base class)

-(const char *)getValue
read the value as a string
-setValue: (char *)v
set the value as a string
-linkVariable: (void *)p Type: (int) type
Link the widget directly to a C variable - any changes from the user will be automatically stored in the variable. Types are TCL_LINK_INT, TCL_LINK_BOOLEAN, TCL_LINK_DOUBLE, and TCL_LINK_STRING.


Handles data of any input type - user types in a string.


Boolean data only, click to set.

Compound Widgets

Some TkObjc widgets consist of several other widgets bound together into one object.


Several buttons bound together in one frame.
-addButtonName: (char *) n Command: (char *) c
add a new button to the panel with the given name and command.

Data Display Widgets

TkObjc has two basic classes for displaying numerical data.


A time series graph tool, based on BLT's graph widget. BLTGraph currently implements just a basic graph with multiple datasets, but should eventually support scaling and scrolling. For each BLTGraph you create one or many GraphElements, one per dataset to plot. GraphElements can be configured for appearance, and data can be added to the element to draw.
-title: (char *) t, -axisLabelsX: (char *)xl Y: (char *) yl
set labels and title on the graph.
-setScaleModeX: (int) xd Y: (int) ys
takes two boolean values - whether to autoscale every timestep or instead to jump scale.
-setRangesXMin: (double) xmin Max: (double) xmax YMin: (double) ymin Max: (double) ymax
sets the ranges for the graph, turns off autoscaling entirely
-(GraphElement *) createElement
builds a new GraphElement for you to plot data with
-destroyElement: (GraphElement *)g
remove the given graph element, destroy the plot.
GraphElements are where the real work are, where you give it data to plot. One BLTGraph can have multiple GraphElements.
-setLabel: (char *) label
set the label for this element
-setColor: (char *) color, -setWidth: (int) w, -setDashes: (int) i, -setSymbol: (char *)s
change the apperance of the graph. The argument to dashes specifies the dash width. Valid symbols are line (default), square, circle, diamond, plus, cross, splus, scross.
-addX: (double) x Y: (double) y
add the datapoint (x,y) to the graph
remove all data from this element, start over
-(BLTVector *)getXData, -(BLTVector *)getYData
Get the data in the graph as a BLTVector (undocumented)


Histogram display tool, based on BLT's barchart. The number of bins is fixed at creation time, then the user hands the Histo an array of datapoints (double or int) to display.

-title: (char *)t, -axisLabelsX: (char *) xl Y: (char *) yl
title the histogram, give it axis labels.
-setNumPoints: (int) n Labels: (char **) l Colors: (char **) c
initialize the histogram, tell it how big its dataset is. Labels and Colors are arrays of strings (one string per point) for text labels and the colours of the bars
-drawHistoWithDouble: (double *) points, -drawHistoWithInt: (int *) points
an array of points (two possible types) to draw in the histogram.

Graphical Output

TkObjc has one basic class (and a subclass) for displaying graphical data. The model used here is a 2d raster display: an array of display elements. Display elements are typically simply pixels, blocks of a solid colour (specified via an XColormap). Other options are a pixmap (XPixmap) or arbitrary Xlib display code (implementation of XDrawer).

The display widgets used here do not have Tk counterparts: they are raw Xlib code written for flexibility and (relative) speed.


Mechanism used to map numbers in the range [0, 255] to colour names. Create an XColormap, allocate colours in it, and pass it to a Raster widget for drawing.

-(BOOL) setColor: (Color) c ToName: (char *) colorName
set the specified color to the given colorname.
-(BOOL) setColor: (Color) c ToGrey: (double) g
set the specified color to the grey value in [0, 1.0].
-(BOOL) setColor: (Color) c ToRed: (double) r Green: (double) g Blue: (double) b
set the specified color to the red, green, blue vector in the range [0, 1.0].


2 dimensional, colour pixel images. Raster is based on a Tk frame widget with our own code for fast display of images. You can draw coloured dots on a Raster, or generic s (not documented). Raster widgets are double buffered - the pixels you draw are not actually put on the screen until -drawSelf is called. In addition, Rasters handle mouse clicks.
erase the window to black
render the Raster on the screen (complete the double buffer)
-setColorMap: (XColorMap *) colormap
sets the colourmap used to translate logical colors to screen colors.
-drawPointX: (int) x Y: (int) y Color: (Color) c
draw a point at the given coordinates with the given color.
-fillRectangleX0: (int) x0 Y0: (int) y0 X1: (int) x1 Y1: (int) y1 Color: (Color) c
fill a whole rectangle with color
-setButton: (int) n Client: c Message: (SEL) s
when button n (ButtonLeft, ButtonMiddle, or ButtonRight) is pressed, send the given message to the specified client object.


ZoomRaster is a subclass of Raster that implements a zoomable image. It handles translation between logical coordinates and screen coordinates.
-increaseZoom, -decreaseZoom, -setZoomFactor: (int) z
change the zoom size

XDrawer, XPixmap

Using XDrawer and XPixmap, you can write arbitrary Xlib code to draw in the window. Not currently documented.


There are the beginnings of a packaging of the Tk canvas widget that allows arbitrary drawing of complicated shapes. This code is under development and is not currently documented.

Nelson Minar <>
Last modified: Sun May 12 15:57:45 MDT 1996