
Simtools is the current catch-all library for the miscellaneous things needed to run a Swarm simulation. Simtools is where the control panel is defined, as well as where certain useful global variables are set.


global.h contains various global definitions of interest to Swarm programmers.
void initSwarm(int argc, char ** argv)
initialize the Swarm libraries to be ready to be used. This should be the first line of code you call in any Swarm application. argc and argv are the input parameters to main().
ProbeDisplayManager * probeDisplayManager
a global instance of a ProbeDisplayManager object. You can use this object to create new probe displays, and should schedule an update message to it in your display schedule to have probe displays update.
ProbeLibrary * probeLibrary
the global probeLibrary keeps ProbeMaps for all the classes in the system.
PMMLCG * randomGenerator, UniformRandom * uniformRandom
A global random number generator is defined for your convenience. It is seeded randomly everytime the system starts. For more sophisticated simulation you should use the random number library to its full potential: see the documentation on random for more detail.
int swarmGUIMode
a flag that indicates whether graphics are enabled. Set automatically based on whether the DISPLAY environment variable is set. If it is false, then globalTkInterp (from libtkobjc) is set to be a normal Tcl interpreter instead of a Tcl/Tk/BLT interpreter.


GUISwarm is a subclass of Swarm that is used as a toplevel Swarm for simulations running with a graphical user interface. The GUISwarm creates a ControlPanel automatically for you and defines a "go" method that interprets the state of the ControlPanel to keep things running in response to user input. Users subclass GUISwarm much like they subclass a normal Swarm, implementing the same kind of buildObjects, buildActions, and activateIn methods. When you are done building your Observer Swarm, start it as a toplevel via [myGUISwarm go].

The control panel places a few responsibilities on the GUISwarm subclass author. In particular, a message to [controlPanel doTkEvents should be scheduled fairly frequently - only when that method is executed will the user interface update (and the stop button be checked). Also, it is often useful to use [controlPanel waitForControlEvent] to wait for the user to indicate they're ready for execution to proceed.

Start the activity running, and also handle user requests via the control panel. Returns either Completed (the model ran until requested to terminate) or ControlStateQuit (the user pressed the quit button).


ControlPanel keeps track of the users requests to run, stop, quit, or time step the simulation. It cooperates with the GUISwarm to control the execution of activities in Swarm.
wait until the control panel is not in state ControlStateStopped
get the current button state of the control panel. Is one of ControlStateRunning, ControlStateStopped, ControlStateStepping, ControlStateNextTime, or ControlStateQuit.
-setStateRunning, -setStateStopped, -setStateStepping, -setStateQuit, -setStateNextTime
sets the state to the indicated value, and also sends the appropriate stop or terminate message to the running activity tree.

Nelson Minar <>
Last modified: Sun May 12 18:39:33 MDT 1996