Emacs and Objective C

Emacs is the world's best editor, infinitely configurable and powerful and free. If you're not used to a Unix text editor and want to write programs, emacs is probably best to learn. The information here will show you how to set up emacs to use an Objective C specific mode for editing source code and how to get emacs to colour your source code for you nicely. Emacs can also help you find compilation errors, run a debugger, and even act like a class browser. Docs for those things are not here, see the Emacs documentation itself.


One of the best things about emacs is that one can load different "major modes" to edit types of files. Major modes making editing files easier by providing structure to your editing. In particular, there are programming language modes that do nice things like indentation for you.

Starting with emacs-19.30, the default C mode is cc-mode.el, a nice rewrite of the original c-mode.el. Luckily for us, cc-mode.el supports Objective C directly. The basic function to invoke it is objc-mode. The following bit of code in your .emacs will cause emacs to automatically enter objc-mode on all files that end in .m or .h:

(setq auto-mode-alist
      (append '(("\\.h$" . objc-mode)
                ("\\.m$" . objc-mode))))


Emacs running under X has the ability to colour your source code according to syntax. There are two packages to do this: font-lock and hilit19. I'm told font-lock is better, but I still use hilit19. Once you have hilit19 running in your emacs, you need to teach it how to highlight Objective C code. Here's what I use (cut and paste)
  ;; modified objective c - get defuns, id.
  (let ((comments     '(("/\\*" "\\*/" comment)))
	(c++-comments '(("//.*$" nil comment)
			("^/.*$" nil comment)))
	(strings      '((hilit-string-find ?' string)))
	(preprocessor '(("^#[ \t]*\\(undef\\|define\\).*$" "[^\\]$" define)
			("^#.*$" nil include))))

     '(objc-mode objective-C-mode)
      comments c++-comments strings preprocessor
	;; function decls are expected to have types on the previous line
	("^\\(\\(\\w\\|[$_]\\)+::\\)?\\(\\w\\|[$_]\\)+\\s *\\(\\(\\w\\|[$_]\\)+\\s *((\\|(\\)[^)]*)+" nil defun)
	("^\\(\\(\\w\\|[$_]\\)+[ \t]*::[ \t]*\\)?\\(\\(\\w\\|[$_]\\)+\\|operator.*\\)\\s *\\(\\(\\w\\|[$_]\\)+\\s *((\\|(\\)[^)]*)+" nil defun)
	;; nelson - objective c style defuns
	("^[-+].*{" nil defun)

	("^\\(template\\|typedef\\|struct\\|union\\|class\\|enum\\|public\\|private\\|protected\\).*$" nil decl)
	;; datatype -- black magic regular expression (nelson - add id)
	("[ \n\t({]\\(\\(const\\|register\\|volatile\\|unsigned\\|extern\\|static\\)\\s +\\)*\\(\\(\\w\\|[$_]\\)+_t\\|float\\|double\\|void\\|char\\|short\\|int\\|unsigned\\|long\\|id\\|FILE\\|\\(\\(struct\\|union\\|enum\\|class\\)\\([ \t]+\\(\\w\\|[$_]\\)*\\)\\)\\)\\(\\s +\\*+)?\\|[ \n\t;()]\\)" nil type)

	;; Objective C stuff: ^@[word] gets keyword colouring
	("^@\\sw*" nil keyword)
	;; key words
	 1 keyword)))))

Nelson Minar <nelson@santafe.edu>
Last modified: Sun May 12 14:48:23 MDT 1996