Swarm FAQ

This document is a collection of common wisdom accumulated from various people's experiences with Swarm. If you have a question, look here first to see if it is already answered.

Compiling Trouble

make isn't doing the right thing
Be sure that you are running GNU make: other versions of make will fail in unpredictable ways. You can check if your make is GNU make by running make --version.

Running Trouble

When I start any Objective C program on my Linux machine, I get a floating point exception.
This is a bizarre bug in Linux libc-5.0.9. The quick fix is to hide the problem by linking all Objective C programs with -lieee (in Swarm, set OTHERLIBS in Makefile.conf to -lieee). Alternatively, upgrade to libc-5.2.18 or newer.

How do I...

Nelson Minar <nelson@santafe.edu>
Last modified: Fri May 3 02:00:35 MDT 1996