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'Lingo Dictionary' 601 Fixes

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500 corrections & additions for the
"Lingo Dictionary" handbook
of Macromedia Director 6.0
(501 Dictionary Fixes)

See my Lingo Groups with sorted Lingo Elements.

See my Ldoc+ Index for Lingo Tips 501 + 601.

See also my Learning Lingo 6.0 Fixes.

Macromedia Director and Lingo are registered trademarks of Macromedia, Inc.
"Lingo Dictionary 6.0 Fixes"
    - regular updates! -

500 corrections + additions
to errors / mistakes in the
'Lingo Dictionary' handbook
of Macromedia Director 6.0

Denis Wieger, 971224
A3W Multimedia, Germany


# symbol operator

"Symbols are case-sensitive." = Should read: "Symbols are NOT case-sensitive." ...'(#lingo = #LINGO) = TRUE'! "...and names of parameters passed to global variables..." = Should read: "...and names of parameters passed to global HANDLERS..." = Missing: "See Also: symbol() function" -- NEW for Director 3.0 - 601: In Windows 3.1, you CANNOT use more than about 5,000 different variables, handlers, parameters, and symbols in a project (because of the 64K memory segmentation). Remember: Scripts and fields CANNOT hold more than 32K text! --

[ ] and [:]

" the mechanical simulation." = Delete that left-over part from earlier versions! "You sort a list by using the appropriate command for a linear list or property list." = Should read: "You sort a linear or property list with the 'sort(list)' command. Most list commands work faster on sorted lists." "In linear lists, symbols and strings are case-sensitive." = Wrong: Symbols in any list are NOT case-sensitive: 'set x = [#AB, #ab] .. put x .. -- [#ab, #ab]'! "An empty list consists of two square brackets ([ ])." = Should read: "An empty LINEAR list consists of two square brackets ([ ]), an empty property list is '[:]'." ...if you temporarily 'set aPropList = [ ]', your list variable's type is changed and it won't be a property list anymore, and you CANNOT add any new properties into it after doing that. "You can modifiy...items in a list..." = Repeated error; should read: "You can modifiy...ENTRIES in a list..." ...'item' is a Lingo chunk term for strings! "Note: Lingo passes instances of a list as a reference to the list." = Not understandable! Should read: "Note: When you assign a list to a variable, the variable just contains a reference to the original list, not the list itself. Use the 'duplicate(list)' function to create true copies of lists." "This handler sorts the list 'aList', and then..." = Example 2 should read: "This handler sorts the SUBMITTED PARAMETER 'aList', and then..." = Missing: "See Also:...addProp, deleteAll, deleteOne, deleteProp, getProp, setProp, listP(), ilk(#linearList), ilk(#propList), property (keyword)..." -- From the '601 ReadMe': Using 'set myList = value(myString)' no longer fails when 'myString' is bigger than 32K. --


"This statement calculates the absolute value of the Message window:..." = Example 1 should read: "This statement PUTS the absolute value INTO the Message window:..." ...Would you have known the Message window's own value? ;-) "put abs(-2.2)" = Example 1 should read: "put abs(-2.2) -- 2.2" indicate the conversion of a negative into a positive number. "...set the foreColor of sprite 6 to 95" = Example 2 should avoid using a shape sprite color example which only works reliably in 8-bit color depth! = Missing: "See Also: integer(), integerP()" --


"...indicates which movie window is currently active." = Should read: "...identifies the 'window' that the movie testing this property is currently playing in." "For the main movie, the 'activeWindow' is the Stage." = Should read: "For the main movie, the 'activeWindow' returns '(the stage)', if you haven't changed the 'name of the stage'." "For a movie in a window, the 'activeWindow' is the movie in a window itself." = Should read: "For a movie-in-a-window (MIAW), the 'activeWindow' returns the windowObject expression of the window the movie is playing in, in the form of 'window "name"'." ...'activeWindow' is NOT "the movie itself" or its name. When the movie's name IS the 'name of window' then it will be part of the windowObject expression: '(window "C:\MYMOVIE")' = Missing: The activeWindow property can be tested but NOT set. There's NO mentioning of this thing in the 'Learning Lingo'! "set windowCount = count(the windowlist) into windowCount" = The Example should read: "set windowCount = count(the windowList)" "set the title of (getAt(the windowlist, x)) to..." = The Example should read: "set the title of window x to..." can identify a 'window' by its number, which is equivalent to its position in 'the windowList': 'forget window 1'. "See Also: on activeWindow" = Should read: "See Also: on activateWindow, the frontWindow, the name of window" -- From the '601 ReadMe': Fixed potential crash when doing 'forget window the activeWindow' in a MIAW in any handler other than 'on closeWindow'. --


"The 'actorList' property is a list of child objects..." = Should read: "The 'actorList' SYSTEM property is a LINEAR list of child objects..." "...receive a 'stepFrame' message each time the playback head enters a frame ... at each frame advance." = Should read: "...receive a 'stepFrame' message each time the playback head enters a frame or an 'updateStage' is issued ... at each frame advance or 'updateStage'." "Clear setting 'the actorList to [ ]', which is an empty list." = Not exactly; should read: "Clear using the list commands 'deleteAt()' or 'deleteOne()', and clear ALL setting 'the actorList = [ ]', which is an empty LINEAR list; for this, you can also use the new list command 'deleteAll()'." 'parent script Moving Ball ... new(script "MovingBall"...' = Not exactly; Example 1 should read: 'parent script Moving Ball ... new(script "Moving Ball"...' = Missing: "See Also: ... on stepFrame, list commands, updateStage" -- From the '601 ReadMe': Fixed a crash with 'the actorlist' and 'play/play done'. --


"[1, 4, 5] ... add bids, 2" = Example 2 misses: "The resulting list is '[1, 2, 4, 5]'." = Missing: "See Also: addAt, append, [ ] (list brackets), list(), listP(), ilk(#linearList)" --


"Syntax: addAt list, position, value" = Should read: "Syntax: addAt linearList, position, value" "This command adds a value to the list at the position..." = Repeated error; should read: "This command adds a value to the LINEAR list at the position..." "...list named 'bids', which is [3,2,4, 3, 6,7]: set bids = [3,2,4, 5, 6,7]" = The forth entry mis-matches; should read: "...list named 'bids', which is [3,2,4, 5, 6,7]: ..." = Missing: "See Also: add, append, list(), listP(), ilk(#linearList)" --


"Syntax: addProp list, position, value" = Should read: "Syntax: addProp propList, position, value" " the property list specified by 'list'." = Should read: " the property list specified by 'propList'." = Missing: "See Also: setaProp, listP(), ilk(#propList)" --

alignment of member

'...a string consisting of..."left, " "center, " or "right. " ' = Wrong syntax; should read: '...a string consisting of..."left", "center", or "right". ' "The parameter 'whichCastmember' can be either a cast name or cast number." = Wrong syntax; should read: "The parameter 'whichCastmember' can be either a MEMBER name or number." = Missing: 'The default 'alignment of member' for a field is "left", but sometimes a duplicated or copied and pasted field changes to "center"!' ...The last paragraph is doubled; delete it! "See Also" mentions ampersand '&' and '&&'. Why? --


"For child objects, the ancestor property is usually assigned..." = Missing: "Declare the 'property ancestor' at the top of your parent script!" "set propertyVariable of me to value" = Wrong syntax; should read: "set THE propertyVariable of me to value" "Use the syntax 'the variableName of scriptName' to access property variables..." = Wrong syntax again, shame! Should read: "Use the syntax 'the variableName of SCRIPT scriptName' or 'the variableName of someObject' to access property variables..." ...the following passage "This statement allows..." contains the same info as given in a paragraph before; delete it! A correct example for another OBJECT would be: 'global goObj1 .. set x = the myProperty of goObj1'. The property variables of SCRIPTS themselves are ALWAYS void, if they have NOT been set from outside! = The Example misses info: "-- script "Dog": property breed, ancestor..." -- script "Man": property race, ancestor..." = The script "Animal" is completely missing from the Example: "-- script "Animal": property legCount on new me set legCount = 8 return(me) end new" --


"Syntax: append list, value" = Should read: "Syntax: append linearList, value" "...'add' command, which adds a value to a sorted list..." = Should read: "...'add' command, which in case a list has been sorted adds a value..." "set bids = [1, 3, 4] append bids, 2" = The Example misses an important line: "set bids = [1, 3, 4] sort(bids) append bids, 2" ...but it seems to be faster to first append, and then sort! = Missing: "See Also: ... addAt, listP(), ilk(#linearList)"

backColor of member

"Syntax: set the backColor of colorNumber" = Too much; should read: "Syntax: the backColor of member whichCastmember" " sets the background color..." = Test AND set; should read: " DETERMINES the background color..." "...value depends on the color depth...ranges from...8-bit...4-bit..." = Not enough; should read: "...value depends on the color depth...ranges from...4-bit...8-bit... 16-bit...32-bit..." ...I'd suggest using the value of another field's 'foreColor' whenever setting any kind of colors in any colorDepth. "This statement changes the color of the characters..." = The Example should read: "This statement changes the BACKGROUND OF THE FIELD MEMBER..." ...The 'backColor of member' belongs to the whole member, not to single characters or chunks! Remember: If characters have the same 'foreColor' as the 'backColor', then they will become invisible... ;-) = Missing: "See Also: field, foreColor of member, backColor of sprite" --

backColor of sprite

= Missing: "Changing the 'backColor of sprite' needs a stage update." "An 8-bit bitmap is affected..." = Should read: "An 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit bitmap is affected..." "...value ranges from...8-bit...4-bit..." = Misses: "In higher color depth, the color value and position still depends on the movie's default palette." ...I'd suggest using the value of another shape sprite's 'foreColor' whenever setting shape colors in any colorDepth. "put the backColor of sprite 5 into oldColor" = Outdated! Example 1 should read: "set oldColor = the backColor of sprite 5" --


"You can't start a Score recording session from within an 'on enterFrame' handler" = Missing: "...and not from an 'on prepareMovie', 'on prepareFrame', 'on beginSprite', 'on endSprite', and 'on stepFrame' handler." "set the type of sprite 20 to 1 set the foreColor of sprite 20 to 255" = Delete these 2 lines from the Example, they make no sense. And setting 'foreColor' to 255 only works ok in 8-bit color depth! = Missing: "See Also: ... the updateLock" --

blend of sprite

= Missing: "Changing the 'blend of sprite' needs a stage update." "The blend ink effect must be applied to the sprite..." = Should read: "For shapes, 1-bit bitmaps, and not-directToStage videos, the Blend ink effect (ink number 32) must be applied... Videos set to 'direcToStage' and film loops cannot blend at all. Button sprites will only blend their text." ...for bitmaps with a higher than 1-bit depth, any ink effect can be active when the 'blend of sprite' is changed, but except for Background transparent (ink number 36), their typical ink effect will vanish. "Blend values can be from 0 to 100..." = Should read: "Blend values can be from 0 to 100, but in steps of mostly 2 at a time, which gives you 56 possible blend values..." -- From the '601 ReadMe': Fixed problem where sprite blend can automatically get set to the value 0 when working in the score. --


"To specify a cast member...set 'the castLib' to specify..." = CANNOT set this keyword; should read: "To specify a cast member...use 'member x of castLib nameOrNumber'..." ...I'd suggest using the term 'castLib' instead of 'cast' throughout the docs! = Missing: "See Also: fileName of castLib, name of castLib, number of castLib, preLoadMode of castLib, selection of castLib, number of castLibs, number of members of castLib, the activeCastLib, castLibNum of member, castLibNum of sprite" -- From the '6.0 ReadMe': It is not recommended to use editable media (like fields or text cast members that are modified using lingo) in URL-linked castLibs. If this is done, and the movie is played, thereby editing the media, the movie cannot be saved without also saving the castLib. When the castLib is saved, the local version will be linked to the movie; then the movie must either be re-linked to the original URL or the castLib relative to the movie (locally when the movie is local, and remotely when the movie is remote). --


"Place the the movie that preceeds the movie..." = Missing: "...or in the LINGO.INI file together with your projector." = Missing: "See Also: ... the deskTopRectList, the rect of the stage" -- = Missing from the Dictionaries 4.0 - 6.0: The 'centerStage' property is disabled for movies playing in a window or in a browser. --


"You can test but not set the 'char...of' keyword" = Missing: " have to use 'put...into char...of'. You can also 'put...before' and 'put...after' it." = Missing: "If you test a single char at a position higher than 'the number of chars in...', you get EMPTY (""). If you 'put...into' a single char at such an position, you create new chars (white spaces) up to that position." 'set char 1...of member "quiz" to "?????"' = Example 3 will NOT work! You cannot SET this thing! Ha, ha! Should read: 'PUT "?????" into char 1...of member "quiz"' = Missing: "See Also: ... the mouseChar, the last char in, field, put...after/before/into, delete, hilite" -- From the '601 ReadMe': Deleting characters '10 to 1' out of a string with 'delete char 10 to 1 of aString' no longer crashes. = Missing: This expression does NOT do anything! --


= Missing: "See Also: global, VOID, voidP(), FALSE" -- "This command sets all user-defined global variables to 0." = The 5.0 Dictionary should read: "This command sets all user-defined global variables to '<Void>', which equals 'no value', not yet initialized, nothing, absolutely empty. Something 'Void' is also FALSE (0)." --


"The location is given as a point" = Missing: "The location is given as a point relative to the upper left corner of the movie's stage or window. The 'clickLoc' can be tested but not set. Its default value is 'point(0,0)' as long as no click has yet occured on the stage area. Also works correct on sprites without any scripts and on empty stage areas. The 'clickLoc' doesn't react to mouse clicks outside of the stage or window area in full screen projectors. Doesn't update its value inside a Lingo repeat loop." = Missing: "See Also: the clickOn, rect of the stage, rect of window, point(), the mouseDown, the mouseUp, on mouseDown, on mouseUp" --

close window

"Syntax: close window windowIdentifier" = Missing: The windowIdentifier' can also be a 'name of window' set by Lingo, which does NOT have to be a movie name at all; see 'open window'. A 'windowIdentifier' can also be stored in a (global) variable to be used as a shortcut: 'close gMyWindowName'. "Use the complete pathname..." = Missing: Enclose '(the pathName & aMovieNameWithoutExtension)' with parenthesis; see the Dictionary on '()' parenthesis. = Missing: A closed window (or its sound) is still playing and in RAM, though not visible, until it's deleted with 'forget window'. Using the 'close window' command sends a 'closeWindow' event, and an 'on closeWindow' handler in the movie's script is a good place to stop its sound etc. before deleting its window. --

constraint of sprite

= Missing: "Changing the 'constraint of sprite' needs a stage update." " turned on, the constrained..." = Should read: " turned on, the 'loc of sprite' constrained..." ...the 'loc of sprite' (and locH, locV) is determined by the 'regPoint' of its member! = Missing: "See Also: ... loc of sprite ..." --


"...whether the...event was passed to the sprite level..." = Should read: "...whether the...event was passed to the CAST SCRIPT level..." 'set the member of sprite the currentSpriteNum = member DownPict" ' = The Example misses quotes; should read: 'set the member of sprite the currentSpriteNum = member "DownPict" ' = Missing: "See Also: spriteNum of me, the clickOn" -- From 'Macromedia Director Corrections': This property can be tested, BUT NOT SET. --


"This command changes the cast member that is used for a cursor." = Should read: "This command changes THE PROJECTOR'S CURSOR NUMBER or the castMember(s) used for Director's MAIN cursor." "...turn it off by setting the cursor to zero." = Not enough; should read: "...turn it off by setting the cursor to 0 or FALSE, which will show the default (or customized) System cursor." = Missing: "You can set, but not test 'cursor', but you can test and set Director's main system cursor by using 'the cursor of sprite 0'." = Missing: "Instead of castMember numbers, you can use member expressions, like 'cursor [member "name"]'." "0 no cursor set" = Not exact; should read: "0 no cursor set; uses system default" "4 watch cursor (Macintosh only)" = True also for Windows! Should read: "4 watch cursor" = Missing: "Director 6.0 projectors include some new cursors, like the Finger (cursor 280), Zoom-In (cursor 302) etc." "On the Macintosh, this statement changes the cursor...cursor 4." = The Example is also for Windows; should read: "This statement changes the cursor...cursor 4." The Example has problems with the proper format of Lingo lines. -- From the '601 ReadMe': Setting the cursor to a bitmap no longer leaks memory. --

cursor of sprite

"On the Macintosh, this sprite property determines the cursor resource that is used..." = Includes Windows! Should read: "This sprite property determines THE PROJECTOR'S CURSOR NUMBER or the castMember(s) used..." " turn it off by setting the cursor to 0." = Not exact; should read: " turn it off by setting 'the cursor OF SPRITE' to 0, which will show either the cursor from a sprite underneath the specified sprite, or Director's main cursor, or the default (or customized) System cursor." = Missing: "Instead of castMember numbers, you can use member expressions, like 'set the cursor of sprite x = [member "name"]." = Missing: "You can test and set Director's main system cursor by using the expression 'the cursor of sprite 0'." "The 'cursor of sprite' property is an integer..." = Not exact; should read: "The 'cursor of sprite' property CAN ALSO BE an integer..." = Missing: "Director 6.0 projectors include some new cursors, like the Finger (cursor 280), Zoom-In (cursor 302) etc." "To hide the cursor, set 'the cursor' to 200..." = Not exact; should read: "To hide the cursor, set 'the cursor OF SPRITE' to 200..." -- From the '601 ReadMe': Setting the cursor to a bitmap no longer leaks memory. Sprite cursors are now ignored for invisible sprites. -- "To use custom cursors, set the cursor of sprite property to an external resource that contains the cursor." = The 5.0 Dictionary should read: "To use custom cursors, set the cursor of sprite property to a list containing one or two 1-bit cursor castMembers." = Also the 5.0 Dictionary uses a 'cursor' command in its Example. --


"This command deletes all items in the specified list." = Repeated error; should read: "This command deletes all ENTRIES in the specified list." ...'item' is a Lingo chunk term for strings! = Missing: "See Also: ... deleteAt, deleteOne, deleteProp, [ ] (list brackets), listP(), ilk(#list)" --


"This command deletes the item in the position..." = Repeated error; should read: "This command deletes the ENTRY in the position..." ...'item' is a Lingo chunk term for strings! "If you try to delete an object that isn't in the list... checking wether the item is in the list." = Should read: "If you try to delete a POSITION that isn't in the list... checking wether the list contains that NUMBER of entries." "This handler checks wether an object is in the list..." = Repeated error; the Example should read: "This handler checks wether the list CONTAINS as many entries..." = Missing: "See Also: ... deleteAll, deleteOne, deleteProp, [ ] (list brackets), listP(), ilk(#list)" --


"The deleteOne command works with linear lists only." = Should read: "The deleteOne command works with LINEAR and PROPERTY lists." = Missing: "See Also: deleteAll, deleteAt, deleteProp, [ ] (list brackets), listP(), ilk(#linearList), ilk(#propList)" --


"Syntax: deleteProp list, item" = Repeated errors; should read: "Syntax: deleteProp propList, entry" ...and just forget what the Dictionary says about using this command for linear lists: It's name has PROP in it! = Missing: "See Also: ... deleteAll, deleteOne, listP(), ilk(#propList)" --


"return count(deskTopRectList)" = Example 2 should read: "return count(THE deskTopRectList)" = Missing: "See Also: rect of the stage, drawRect of the stage, the stageBottom, the stageLeft, the stageRight, the stageTop, the centerStage, the fixStageSize" --

drawRect of window

"...identifies the rectangular coordinates of the section of the movie..." = Should read: "...identifies the rectangular coordinates of the section of the WINDOW that the movie will fit or rescale itself into." ...the 'drawRect of window' starts with (0,0) at the left top corner of the WINDOW, not of the stage or the screen! "However, text in strings doesn't rescale when a this property is changed." = Should read: "However, text and sizes of FIELDS and BUTTONS on the movie's stage do NOT rescale when this property is changed." ...possibly more elements don't rescale, like videos, film loops etc. = Missing: If the 'drawRect of window' is smaller than the 'window' itself, the rest of the window area will show 'the stageColor' of the movie in that window. If 'drawRect' is bigger than the 'rect of window', the overspilling parts of the movie won't be visible. Playing a rescaled movie is VERY time-consuming! "The portion of the movie within the rect is the part of the movie..." = The Example should read: "The rect defines the area of the 'window' that the movie will rescale itself into." = "See Also" should mention: rect of window ...which starts with (0,0) at the left top corner of the screen. --

dropShadow of member

"...determines the size of the drop shadow for text..." = Not exact; should read: "...determines the DISTANCE of the 1-pixel drop shadow down and to the right of the text..." "Possible values are a range of pixels." = Not enough; missing: "Possible values are an amount of pixels between 0 and 127." = Missing: "This property can be tested and set; its default value is 0. It's the same as setting this property in Director's 'Modify - Borders - Text Shadow...' menu for a field castMember (where only 0 - 5 pixels are possible)." = Missing: "See Also: boxDropShadow of member, boxType of member, border of member, field" --

editable of member

= Missing: "This property can be tested and set; its default value is FALSE. The 'editable of sprite' and the Editable checkbox in Director's Score interface will override the 'editable of member' setting." = Missing: "See Also: field, autoTab of member, editable of sprite, on keyDown, on keyUp, the keyDownScript, the keyUpScript" -- From the '6.0 ReadMe': It is not recommended to use editable media (like fields or text cast members that are modified using lingo) in URL-linked castLibs. If this is done, and the movie is played, thereby editing the media, the movie cannot be saved without also saving the castLib. When the castLib is saved, the local version will be linked to the movie; then the movie must either be re-linked to the original URL or the castLib relative to the movie (locally when the movie is local, and remotely when the movie is remote). --

editable of sprite

= Missing: "Changing the 'editable of sprite' needs a stage update. The default value is FALSE." "When the field...'the editable of sprite' property is TRUE." = The sentences in both bullets should be turned around: "When the 'editable of sprite' is set to TRUE, the field can be edited by the user" etc. = Missing: "The 'editable of sprite' and the Editable checkbox in Director's Score interface will override the 'editable of member' setting." = Missing: "See Also: field, editable of member, autoTab of member, on keyDown, on keyUp, the keyDownScript, the keyUpScript" -- From the '6.0 ReadMe': If the "Allow Outdated Lingo" option was set for a movie in Director 5, the 'moveableSprite' and 'editable' properties of a sprite were NOT puppetable. They are now. -- From the '501 ReadMe': If you apply any INK effect other than 'Copy' (ink number 0) to an editable field sprite on stage, that field will NOT be editable in a projector or browser. --


= Missing: "...or the ALT+F4 quit combination on Windows, or the ESCAPE key ('the key = numToChar(27)') on both platforms." = Missing: "On Windows, the ALT+TAB combination for switching between Windows applications cannot be intercepted by Lingo, because it's under control of the Windows OS." "on checkExit..." = Example 2 is stupid, because if 'the exitLock = FALSE', this handler will NEVER be called, as the projector will quit anyway before! Also it does NOT check if 'the key = "w"'. = Missing: "See Also: the commandDown, the key, the keyCode, numToChar()" --


"This keyword refers to the field cast member..." = Not enough; should read: "This keyword refers to the field castMember...or its string content." "For new movies, use 'member' to refer to field cast members." = Not enough; should read: "For new movies, use 'member' to refer to field castMembers, and use 'the text of member' to refer to their string content." CANNOT use ALL string or chunk expressions together with the 'member' keyword as you can with the 'field' keyword! "This statement puts...of the field name entry..." = Small typo in Example 1; should read: "This statement puts...of the field named 'entry'..." 'set myKeyword = char 5 to 10 of field "entry" ' = Example 1 should also mention: 'set myKeyword = char 5 to 10 of the text of member "entry" ' 'if member "bid" contains "desk" then...' = Example 2 will NOT work! Shame! Should read: 'if field "bid" contains "desk" then...' 'if the text of member "bid" contains "desk" then...' ...the expression 'member "bid"' contains '(member x of castLib y)'! = Missing: "See Also: ... text of member, hilite, number, contains, starts, offset(), EMPTY, SPACE" --


"This property is primarily used for movies played back with the player." = Should read: "This property only works for movies playing in a projector." "...sends the playback head to a specified frame if it is. if the fixStageSize = FALSE then go..." = The Example should read: "...sends the playback head to a specified frame if it is NOT: ..." = Missing: "See Also: ... rect of the stage, drawRect of the stage, the stageBottom, the stageLeft, the stageRight, the stageTop, the deskTopRectList, the fixStageSize" --

font of member

"When tested, it returns the HEIGHT of the first LINE of the field." = Completely wrong; should read: "When tested, it returns a string containing the NAME of the FONT of the FIRST CHAR of the field castMember or the chunk." = Missing: "This property can be tested and set, also for chunks of a field. Its value is a string containing the official name of the used font. Note: Font names differ on Macintosh and on Windows, for example "Times" on Mac is "Times New Roman" on Windows! Remember to prepare and import a FONTMAP.TXT to map different fonts between platforms." = Missing: "See Also: ... field, backColor of member, foreColor of member, lineHeight() function, char...of, item...of, line...of, word...of" -- From the '601 ReadMe': Setting the 'font of member' or the 'fontSize of member' for field castMembers created through Lingo now works properly. -- From 'Macromedia Director Corrections': The 2nd paragraph in the 'font' entry should be deleted entirely. Also, the 'font of member' can be tested and set. --

fontSize of member

= Missing: "When tested, it returns the size of the font of the FIRST CHAR of the field castMember or the chunk. It can also be tested and set for chunks of a field." = Missing: "See Also: ... field, fontStyle of member, backColor of member, foreColor of member, lineHeight() function, char...of, item...of, line...of, word...of" -- From the '601 ReadMe': Setting the 'font of member' or the 'fontSize of member' for field castMembers created through Lingo now works properly. --

fontStyle of member

"...determines the styles applied to the font..." = Not exact; should read: "...determines the style or multiple styles applied to the font..." = Missing: "When tested, it returns a string containing the fontStyle(s) of the FIRST CHAR of the field castMember or the chunk. It's default value is 'plain'. It can also be tested and set for chunks of a field." "The a string of styles delimited by commas." = Not exact; should read: "The a string containing one style, or multiple styles delimited by commas." "The available styles are..." = Not exact; should read: "The available styles are 'plain', 'bold', 'underline', and 'italic' for Windows and Macintosh, and 'shadow', outline', 'extend', and 'condense' for Macintosh, depending on the used font supplying display versions for such settings." "This statement sets...for the field cast member Rokujo Speaks..." = Example 3 should read: "This statement sets...for the field castMember POEM..." = Missing: "See Also: ... field, backColor of member, foreColor of member, lineHeight() function, char...of, item...of, line...of, word...of" -- From the '601 ReadMe': Setting the 'font of member' or the 'fontSize of member' for field castMembers created through Lingo now works properly. = Missing: I guess this includes 'fontStyle of member' as well. --

foreColor of member

"Syntax: set the foreColor of colorNumber" = Too much; should read: "Syntax: the foreColor of member whichCastmember" " sets the foreground color..." = Test AND set; should read: " DETERMINES the foreground color..." = Missing: "When tested, it returns the foreColor of the FIRST CHAR of the field castMember or the chunk in it. It can also be tested and set for chunks of a field. The value depends on the color depth of the monitor, which ranges from 4-bit, 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit." ...I'd suggest using the value of another field's 'foreColor' whenever setting any kind of colors in any colorDepth. Remember: If characters have the same 'foreColor' as the 'backColor', then they will become invisible... ;-) = Missing: "See Also: field, backColor of member, font of member, fontSize of member, fontStyle of member, the stageColor, char...of, item...of, line...of, word...of" --

foreColor of sprite

= Missing: "Changing the 'backColor of sprite' needs a stage update. Puppet only for the value set by Lingo to last beyond the current sprite's life span." "An 8-bit, 16-bit, or 24-bit bitmap is affected..." = Should read: "An 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit bitmap is affected..." "...value ranges from...8-bit...4-bit..." = Misses: "In higher color depth, the color value and position still depends on the movie's default palette." ...I'd suggest using the value of another shape sprite's 'foreColor' whenever setting shape colors in any colorDepth. "The following statement...of a random sprite from sprite 11 to..." = Example 2 should read: "The following statement...of a random sprite BETWEEN sprite 11 and..." "set the backColor of sprite..." = Example 2 misses the topic; should read: "set the FOREcolor of sprite..." = Missing: "See Also: backColor of sprite, the stageColor" --

forget window

From the '601 ReadMe': Accepts a URL as file name. Fixed potential crash when doing 'forget window the activeWindow' in a MIAW in any handler other than 'on closeWindow'. -- From the '501 ReadMe': When a 'forget window' command is given for a movie-in-a-window (MIAW), the window and the movie in it will be totally deleted from screen, from memory, and from Lingo's 'the windowList', but without calling the 'on stopMovie', 'on closeWindow', or 'on deactivateWindow' event handlers in the movieScript of that MIAW. If a sound is playing in a MIAW when it is deleted, the sound continues to play until another movie requests that sound channel or stops the sound. --


"When the current frame has no label...the frameLabel property is 0." = Not correct; should read: "When the current frame has no MARKER...the frameLabel property is 0; if there is a marker without a name, the frameLabel returns an EMPTY string (""). In Director 4, the frameLabel used to return EMPTY in both cases." "It can also be set during a Score generation session." = Works anytime; should read: "It can be tested and set." = Missing: "See Also: ... label(), EMPTY" -- From the '601 ReadMe': Using 'set gSaveScore = the score' now also stores frame markers in gSaveScore, and 'set the score = gSaveScore' restores them to the score. --


"Syntax: getProp(list, property)" = Should read: "Syntax: getProp(propList, propertyName)" = Missing: "See Also: ... getaProp, getAt, getPos, getPropAt, listP(), ilk(#propList)" --

go loop

"...causes the playback head to continuously return to the first marker to the left and then loop back." = Not correct; should read: "...causes the playback head to GO to the first marker to the left, if there is no marker IN THE CURRENT FRAME." " equivalent to...'go to the marker(0)'..." = Wrong syntax; should read: " equivalent to...'go to marker(0)'..." The are many problems in the Dictionary's entry on 'go loop': 1. The playback head DOES NOT "continuously" go to the marker, it only does that ONCE. 2. The playback head DOES NOT "return" to that marker, it just goes there, even if it has NOT been there before. 3. The playback head DOES NOT go to the "first marker to the left" if there is a marker in the current frame! In this case, it will just loop in the frame, same as using 'go to (the frame)'. 4. The playback head DOES NOT "then loop back" from that marker; it will just show the targeted marker's frame, and if no other Lingo takes it away from there, it will stay there and await the tempo setting for moving the playback to the next frame. = Missing: "See Also: ... the frameLabel, marker(), label()" -- From the '6.0 ReadMe': The 'go to...', 'play...', 'puppetPalette', and 'updateStage' commands are disabled in the following handlers: 'on prepareMovie', 'on prepareFrame', 'on beginSprite', 'on endSprite', 'on stepFrame'. --

go next

"If no markers are to the right of the playback head, the playback head goes to the first marker on the left." = Not correct; should read: "If no markers are to the right OR IN THE CURRENT FRAME of the playback head, the playback head goes to the first marker on the left." = Missing: "See Also: ... the frameLabel, marker(), label()" --

go previous

"This command sends the playback head to the previous marker in the movie." = Not correct (that's 'go loop'); should read: "This command sends the playback head back TWO markers in the movie. If there is a marker in the current frame, the playback head will go back ONE marker if there is one. If there is NO marker in or before the current frame, the playback head will go to the NEXT marker." = Missing: "... same as using 'go marker(-1)'." = Missing: "See Also: ... the frameLabel, marker(), label()" --

go to [frame of...] movie...

"The 'go to movie' command loads frame 1 of the movie." = Not exact; should read: "The 'go to movie' command loads frame 1 OR THE TARGETED FRAME of the movie, PLUS any 'castLib' whose 'preLoadMode' is set to 1 ('Preload: Before Frame One')." "The following are reset when loading a movie: ..." = Missing: "the keyUpScript, visible of sprite, the labelList, the movie (= the movieName), possibly 'the pathName' (= the moviePath)." "However, the 'timeoutScript' is not reset when loading a movie." = Missing: "However, the following are not reset when loading a movie: the timeoutScript, the actorList, and the windowList." --

go to (the frame)

From the '6.0 ReadMe': The 'go to...', 'play...', 'puppetPalette', and 'updateStage' commands are disabled in the following handlers: 'on prepareMovie', 'on prepareFrame', 'on beginSprite', 'on endSprite', 'on stepFrame'. The preferred place to use a 'go...' command is within an 'exitframe' handler. Executing 'go' from within any of these other handlers can cause infinite recursion in the worst case, and bad event ordering in the best case. Executing 'updateStage' can also cause problems, and should not be necessary since all these events are issued immediately before the current frame is drawn. Therefore, these commands have been disabled within these handlers. --


"...the 'halt' command stops the movie." = Should read: "...the 'halt' command stops the movie in author-mode, or QUITS the PROJECTOR when issued in run-mode. = Missing: "Definetely prefer using 'halt' instead of 'quit'." = Missing: "See Also: ... quit" --

height of sprite

= Missing: "Changing the 'height of sprite' needs a stage update." "...applies only to bitmap and shape cast members." = Should read: "...applies to ALL sprites, but can only be set reliably for bitmap (with 'stretch of sprite') and shape SPRITES." = Missing: "See Also: ... rect of sprite ..." --


= Missing: "See Also: ... the mouseItem, the selection" -- From the '501 ReadMe': Director uses hilighting colors depending on the movie's palette, and on the backcolor and the forecolor(s) of the chunk (part) of the field castMember that is being hilited. --


"...specifies how much the rectangle changes horizontally." = Not exact; should read: "...specifies how much the rectangle changes horizontally in both directions." "...specifies how much the rectangle changes vertically." = Not exact; should read: "...specifies how much the rectangle changes vertically in both directions." "Values less than 0 for horizontal or vertical reduce the rectangles size." = Not exact; should read: "Values less than 0 for horizontal or vertical CHANGE reduce the rectangles size accordingly." "This statement increases...inflate(rect(0,0,100,100) -10, -10)" = Wrong; Example 1 should read: "This statement DEcreases...inflate(rect(0,0,100,100) -10, -10)" = Missing: "See Also: rect(), ilk(#rect), listP(rect), objectP(rect), union(rect), offset(rect), rect of sprite, rect of window" --

ink of sprite

"To change any sprite properties using Lingo, the sprite must be a puppet." = Should read: "Puppet only for the value set by Lingo to last beyond the current sprite's life span." "put the ink of sprite 3 into currentInk" = Outdated and wrong! Example 1 should read: "set currentInk = the ink of sprite (i + 1)" -- From the '601 ReadMe': When you drag a sprite to the stage, it now uses the ink of the last sprite dragged to the stage. --


"...specified by whichCast member." = A space too much; should read: "...specified by whichCastmember." 'installMenu 37' = Better avoid absolute member numbers; Example 1 should read: 'installMenu(the number of member "aMenuField")' '...using the 'number of member' property... installMenu member "Menubar" ' = Example 2 should read: '...using the FIELD MEMBER'S NAME ...' = Missing: "See Also: of menu, menuItem properties, field (keyword)" --


"...where rectangle1 and rectangle2 intersect." = Not exact; should read: "...where rectangle1 and rectangle2 OVERLAP, indicating the area shared by both rectangles." = Missing: "If the rectangles don't overlap, the result is rect(0,0,0,0)." = A usefull example is missing: "put intersect( rect(9,9,99,99), rect(10,10,110,110) ) -- rect(10, 10, 99, 99)" = Missing: "See Also:...ilk(#rect), listP(rect), objectP(rect), rect of sprite" --


"...delimited by commas." = Not enough; should read: "...delimited by commas, or the character you set the 'itemDelimiter' property to (default is comma)." "When the number that specifies the last item is greater..." = Should read: "When the number that specifies 'lastItem' is greater..." = Missing: "You can test but not set the 'item...of' keyword, you have to use 'put...into item...of'. You can also 'put...before' and 'put...after' it." = Missing: "If you test a single item at a position higher than 'the number of items in...', you get EMPTY (""). If you 'put...into' a single item at such an position, you create new (empty) items up to that position." = Missing: "See Also:...the mouseItem, the last item in, itemDelimiter, field, put...after/before/into, delete, hilite" -- From the '601 ReadMe': The 'number of items' now works when 'the itemDelimiter' is set to lower-case 'c'. --


= Missing: "You can test but not set the 'line...of' keyword, you have to use 'put...into line...of'. You can also 'put...before' and 'put...after' it." = Missing: "If you test a single line at a position higher than 'the number of lines in...', you get EMPTY (""). If you 'put...into' a single line at such an position, you create new (empty) lines up to that position, delimited by RETURNs." = Missing: "See Also: ... the mouseLine, the last line in, the number of lines in, field, put...after/before/into, delete, hilite" --

lineHeight of member

"...determines the line spacing...field cast member." = Not enough; should read: "When tested, it returns the line spacing of the FIRST LINE of the field castMember or the chunk in it. This property can also be used to test and set chunks of a field. Custom 'lineHeight' values do not combine well with scrolling fields on Windows." = Missing: "See Also: ... lineHeight() function, the number of lines in, the last line in, line...of, the mouseLine, field, backColor of member, foreColor of member" -- From the '601 ReadMe': Setting the 'font of member' or the 'fontSize of member' for field castMembers created through Lingo now works properly. = Missing: I guess this applies also to 'lineHeight of member'. --

loc of sprite

= Missing: "Changing the 'loc of sprite' needs a stage update. Puppet only for the value set by Lingo to last beyond the current sprite's life span." --

locH of sprite

= Missing: "Changing the 'locH of sprite' needs a stage update." " to the right of the right edge of the monitor..." = Example 1 should read: " beyond the right edge of the STAGE..." "...and moves the sprite's right edge..." = Example 1 should read: "...and moves the sprite's horizontal REGISTRATION POINT..." " the same horizontal location as the mouse click: ..." = Example 2 should read: " the same horizontal location as the mouse IS: ..." = Missing: "See Also: ... loc of sprite ..." --

locV of sprite

= Missing: "Changing the 'locV of sprite' needs a stage update." "...and moves the sprite's bottom edge..." = Example 1 should read: "...and moves the sprite's vertical REGISTRATION POINT..." " the same vertical location as the mouse click: ..." = Example 2 should read: " the same vertical location as the mouse IS: ..." = Missing: "See Also: ... loc of sprite ..." --


"The 'me' keyword accepts the parameter script Bird and..." = Example 1 should read: "The 'me' keyword accepts the parameter 'script "Bird"' and..." "The second set uses the variable 'myAddress' to refer to..." = Example 2 should read: "The second set uses the PARAMETER NAME 'myAddress' to refer to..." --

member of sprite

= Missing: "Changing the 'member of sprite' needs a stage update. Puppet only for the value set by Lingo to last beyond the current sprite's life span." "...specifies a sprite's cast member and cast." = Should read: "...DETERMINES a sprite's cast member and CASTLIB." "...differs from 'mouseMember'..." = Delete that part! The 'mouseMember' returns a member expression: '(member x of castLib y)', which is absolutely identical to the 'member of sprite' expression, or 'Void' if no castMember is under the mouse! "The unique integer that includes all cast libraries...'mouseMember'" = Delete anything mentioning 'mouseMember' (see above)! "To specify a cast member by number only when there are multiple casts, use the 'memberNum'..." = What a mess! Better forget this whole lot... "You can determine the 'memberNum'...from the 'member'..." = Wrong again, delete it! The 'number of member' is the "unique integer that includes all cast libraries". "...shows a way to use the global numeric identifier from the 'mouseMember' function..." = Wrong again, delete this part from Example 2 and 3! " converting the 'mouseMember'...into...cast name:" = Wrong again, delete this messy part from Example 3! Also the converting would NOT give the 'name of castLib'! "else set newInk to copyInk .. end if" = Delete that 'end if' from Example 3! -- From the old '501 ReadMe': This sprite property is missing from the docs: 'the member of sprite' indicates in one expression both the member's castLib-internal number and the number of the castLib that member is in, example: '(member 205 of castLib 3)'. --

memberNum of sprite

From 'Macromedia Director Corrections': The description for Example 1 and 2 should state that castMembers being assigned are in the same castLib as the sprite's current castMember. -- From the old '501 ReadMe': The 'memberNum of sprite' property only indicates the sprite member's castLib-internal number (ie 1 to 32,000); it does NOT refer to its castLib number. When you want to set the 'memberNum of sprite' to a member from a different castLib, you need to adjust the 'castLibNum of sprite' to avoid a destruction of castLib links. --


"!ÃEasy Select -- On the Macintosh, checks the menu..." = Should read: "! + (ASCII 195) Select -- On the Macintosh, checks the menu named 'Select'..." ...using wrong character: ASCII 204 instead of ASCII 195 (the proper check mark sign is not printable in HTML). On Macintosh, use OPTION+V to create it (Ã would be APPLE+V). Same mistake repeated in the table under the "Note" for Macintosh. -- From the '501 ReadMe': On Windows, NOT all of the special characters mentioned in the docs are supported for a 'menu', such as custom accelerator keys, separator lines, and certain styles like bold and outline. --


= Missing from the docs: "This is obsolete, use 'mouseMember' instead." --


"...the cast member assigned to the sprite that is under the cursor..." = Not exact; should read: "...the cast member assigned to the HIGHEST sprite that is under the cursor..." "...replaces 'mouseCast'..." = Missing: "The 'mouseCast' returned the 'number of member' under the cursor, or -1 if none." " use this function multiple times in handler..." = Typo: " use this function multiple times in A handler..." "...does not distinguish between the cast member and the cast number..." = Works differently than this whole darn stupid paragraph describes: "...indicates the member in the format '(member x of castLib y)'..." "set lastMember = the mouseMember(the mouseMember)" = Example 2 should read: "set lastMember = the mouseMember" --


'...set member "Instructions" = "Please..." ' = Wrong syntax, doesn't work! Example 1 should read: '...set THE TEXT OF member "Instructions" = "Please..." ' "set currentChar = char (the mouseChar) of member (the mouseMember)" = No work! Example 2 should read: "set currentChar = char (the mouseChar) of THE TEXT OF the mouseMember" "set thisField to the member of sprite (the clickOn)" = Example 3 should read: "set thisField to the mouseMember" ...'repeat while the stillDown' does NOT work for a quick mouse click! Better use: 'repeat while TRUE...', and then later test: 'if (the mouseUp) then exit repeat'. "...hilite word MC of field thisField..." = Wrong Example 3 for 'mouseChar'; should read: "...hilite CHAR MC of field thisField..." --


= Missing: "Can be tested, but not set. Its default value is FALSE (0). The 'mouseDown' functions updates in a Lingo repeat loop." "repeat while the mouseDown = FALSE .. beep ..." = Example 1 is stupid: On a Macintosh, this will cue up the System beeps and drive another Lingoist crazy...! "...instructs Lingo to exit the repeat loop or handler... 'if the mouseUp then exit' " = Example 2 will exit the handler! Should read: "...'if the mouseDown then exit repeat' " = Missing: "See Also: ... the stillDown, the clickOn, the clickLoc" --


"...number of the item that is under the pointer..." = Should read: "...number of the item that is under the center of the CURSOR..." "If the mouse is not over a field..." = Not exact; should read: "If the mouse is not over a field or is in the gutter of a field..." "if the mosueItem = - 1 then ... endif" = Example 1 should read: "if the mosueItem = - 1 then ... end if" "set currentItem = item (the mouseItem) of member (the mouseMember)" = No work! Example 2 should read: "set currentItem = item (the mouseItem) of THE TEXT OF the mouseMember" "set thisField to the member of sprite (the clickOn)" = Example 3 should read: "set thisField to the mouseMember" ...'repeat while the stillDown' does NOT work for a quick mouse click! Better use: 'repeat while TRUE...', and then later test: 'if (the mouseUp) then exit repeat'. "set MI to the mouseWord" = Wrong Example 3 for 'mouseItem'; should read: "set MI to the mouseItem" "if MI <> lastWord then..." = Wrong Example 3 for 'mouseItem'; should read: "if MI <> lastItem then..." --


"...number of the line that is under the pointer..." = Should read: "...number of the line that is under the center of the CURSOR..." "If the mouse is not over a field..." = Not exact; should read: "If the mouse is not over a field or is in the gutter of a field..." = Missing: "A line is a sequence of characters delimited by a RETURN." "This statement assigns the number of the item under the cursor..." = Example 2 should read: "This statement assigns the number of the LINE under the cursor..." "set currentLine = line (the mouseLine) of member (the mouseMember)" = No work! Example 2 should read: "set currentLine = line (the mouseLine) of THE TEXT OF the mouseMember" "set thisField to the member of sprite (the clickOn)" = Example 3 should read: "set thisField to the mouseMember" ...'repeat while the stillDown' does NOT work for a quick mouse click! Better use: 'repeat while TRUE...', and then later test: 'if (the mouseUp) then exit repeat'. "...hilite word ML of field thisField..." = Wrong Example 3 for 'mouseLine'; should read: "...hilite LINE ML of field thisField..." --


= Missing: "Can be tested, but not set. Its default value is TRUE (1). The 'mouseUp' functions updates in a Lingo repeat loop." "The beep stops when the user clicks the mouse button: ..." = Example 1 should read: "The BEEPING stops when the user RELEASES the mouse button: ..." "repeat while the mouseUp = FALSE .. beep ..." = Example 1 is stupid: On a Macintosh, this will cue up the System beeps and drive another Lingoist crazy...! "...instructs Lingo to exit the repeat loop or handler... 'if the mouseUp then exit'" = Example 2 will exit the handler! Should read: "...'if the mouseUp then exit repeat'" = Missing: "See Also: ... the stillDown, the clickOn, the clickLoc" --


"If the mouse is not over a field..." = Not exact; should read: "If the mouse is not over a field or is in the gutter of a field..." = Missing: "A word is a sequence of characters delimited by spaces." "set currentWord = word (the mouseWord) of member (the mouseMember)" = No work! Example 2 should read: "set currentWord = word (the mouseWord) of THE TEXT OF the mouseMember" "set thisField to the member of sprite (the clickOn)" = Example 3 should read: "set thisField to the mouseMember" ...'repeat while the stillDown' does NOT work for a quick mouse click! Better use: 'repeat while TRUE...', and then later test: 'if (the mouseUp) then exit repeat'. --

moveableSprite of sprite

= Missing: "Changing the 'moveableSprite of sprite' needs a stage update. Puppet only for the value set by Lingo to last beyond the current sprite's life span." "When the sprite...'the moveableSprite of sprite' is TRUE." = The sentences in both bullets should be turned around: "When the 'moveableSprite of sprite' is set to TRUE, the sprite can be moved by the user" etc. "Setting 'the moveableSprite of sprite'...whether sprites are moveable from other scripts." = Makes no sense; delete this part! Any script can move any sprite by changing its 'loc of sprite'! "...a puppet and then makes sprites in that channel moveable:.." = Needs NO puppet, and does NOT account for multiple sprites: "...makes THE sprite in that channel moveable: ..." From 'Macromedia Director Corrections': Delete any references to the movie "Mechanical Simulation"! -- From the '6.0 ReadMe': If the "Allow Outdated Lingo" option was set for a movie in Director 5, the 'moveableSprite' and 'editable' properties of a sprite were not puppetable. They are now. --

moveToBack/moveToFront window

"set myWind=getAt(the windowList,1) moveToBack myWind" = The Example should just read: "moveToBack window 1" can identify a 'window' by its number, which is equivalent to its position in 'the windowList'. ...but please do moveToBack your wind... ;-) --


"...specify the cast member slot and Cast window where the new..." = Should read: "...specify the castMember slot number and CASTLIB where the new..." ...I'd suggest using the term 'castLib' instead of 'cast' throughout the docs! "...the first empty slot is used." = Missing: "...the first empty slot in 'the activeCastLib' or the first internal castLib is used." = Missing: "The 'new(#memberType)' function returns the member ID of the newly created castMember, in the form of '(member x of castLib y)'. = Missing: "See Also: ... copyToClipBoard(member), dublicate(member), erase(member), findEmpty(member), importFileInto(member), move(member), pasteClipBoardInto(member), save castLib, saveMovie, updateMovieEnabled." --

number of members

"This property indicates the number of the last cast member in the current movie." = Doesn't work like this; should read: "This property indicates the number of the last cast member of 'the activeCastLib'. If no castLib is active, it indicates the number of cast members of the first internal castLib." ...The Dictionary's Example is worth NOTHING: It uses 'number of members of castLib', but that's another property! "repeat with i = 1 to the number of members of castLib whichCast" = The Example should read: "set x = the number of members of castLib whichCast repeat with i = 1 to x ..." ...because that's quicker than getting 'the number of members of castLib...' again every cycle of the loop. Again: This is NOT an example for 'number of members'! = Missing: "See Also: ...number of members of castLib, the activeCastLib, number of castLibs" --

number of members of castLib

"This cast member property..." = Should read: "This CASTLIB property..." = Missing: "The parameter 'whichCast' can be the name OR the number of the addressed internal or external castLib." "repeat i with i = 1 to..." = The Example should read: "repeat with i = 1 to..." ...the 5.0 Dictionary has "i = 0...repeat i to...". What a shame! "put...(the type of member i of castLib...&&..." = The Example should read: "put...(the type of member i of castLib...) &&..." = Missing: "See Also: the activeCastLib, number of castLibs" --

on mouseDown

"Syntax: on mouseDown ..." = Not exact; should read: "Syntax: on mouseDown me ..." "Lingo searches these locations...for an 'on mouseDown' handler: primary event handler, sprite script, script of a cast member,..." = Not exact; should read: "If 'the mouseDownScript' is set, Lingo sends the event there, otherwise Lingo searches these locations...for an 'on mouseDown' handler: sprite script, script of the sprite's castMember,..." "See Also: on enterFrame ... on stepMovie ... keyDownScript..." = What's this stupid assortment? Should read: "See Also: the mouseDownScript, the mouseDown, the mouseUpScript, on mouseUp, the mouseUp, the stillDown, the clickOn, the clickLoc, the spriteNum of me, the currentSpriteNum" -- From the '6.0 ReadMe': When the mouse is clicked, the topmost sprite under the cursor (in terms of channel number) which has a mouse opaque behavior attached to it "eats" the event. A mouse opaque behavior is a score script which either contains no handlers, or which contains a handler for mouseUp, mouseDown, rightMouseUp, or rightMouseDown. This is different behavior than Director 5. In Director 5, the first sprite under the mouse with ANY script would "eat" the event. To accommodate attaching scripts to sprites explicitly to create mouse-opaque screen areas, we allow handlerless scripts to eat mouse up/down events. If a behavior handling a mouseUp/Down event issues a "pass", then the message is NOT forwarded to the next sprite under the mouse with a mouse opaque handler, but rather to the sprite's cast member (and then on to the frame script, and then the movie script). This means multiple sprites will not receive the same mouseUp/Down message automatically. Of course, it is possible to write lingo code to get around this. -- From the '601 ReadMe': Rollover and mouse messages are no longer sent to sprites while the mouse is over parts of the sprite that are off the stage. --

on mouseUp

"Syntax: on mouseUp ..." = Not exact; should read: "Syntax: on mouseUp me ..." "Lingo searches these locations...for an 'on mouseUp' handler: primary event handler, sprite script, script of a cast member,..." = Not exact; should read: "If 'the mouseUpScript' is set, Lingo sends the event there, otherwise Lingo searches these locations...for an 'on mouseUp' handler: sprite script, script of the sprite's castMember,..." "...put the handler in a sprite script." = Missing: "Note: When the user clicks the mouse on one sprite, then pulls the mouse away and releases the mouse over another sprite, that different sprite will receive the 'mouseUp' event message. To activate a mouseUp action only when the user has also clicked the sprite before, test 'if (the clickOn = the spriteNum of me)'." "on mouseUp puppetSprite 10, true set the memberNum of sprite 10 ¬ to the number of member "Dimmed" end mouseUp" = Example 1 is buggy; should read: "on mouseUp me set the member of sprite (the spriteNum of me) = member "Dimmed" end mouseUp" ...NEVER use the 'memberNum of sprite' together with a 'number of member' if you have multiple castLibs! "See Also: on enterFrame ... on stepMovie ... keyDownScript..." = What's this stupid assortment? Should read: "See Also: the mouseUpScript, the mouseUp, the mouseDownScript, on mouseDown, the mouseDown, the stillDown, the clickOn, the clickLoc, the spriteNum of me, the currentSpriteNum" -- From the '6.0 ReadMe': See 'on mouseDown' above for important info. -- From the '601 ReadMe': Rollover and mouse messages are no longer sent to sprites while the mouse is over parts of the sprite that are off the stage. --

on resizeWindow

"on resizeWindow centerPlace set the loc of sprite 3 to centerPlace end" = The Example should read: "on resizeWindow global gCenterPlace set the loc of sprite 3 to gCenterPlace end" ...NONE of Director's event handlers gets any arguments passed in. Where should this event handler get the 'centerPlace' value from when the user resizes the window and the event is sent automatically? = Missing: The 'resizeWindow' event is NOT sent if Lingo sets the 'drawRect of window' or 'rect of window'. This applies to 'moveWindow' and 'zoomWindow' events as well, whereas the four other window events are also triggered by the corresponding Lingo window commands, i.e. 'moveToFront window' triggers an 'activateWindow' event. --

on stepFrame

"Syntax: on stepFrame..." = Should read: "Syntax: on stepFrame ME..." "...contains statements that run when...or the Stage is updated." = Missing: "...contains statements that run when...or the MOVIE'S stage is updated. Using 'set the stageColor = the stageColor' does also update the movie's stage, but without sending a 'stepFrame' event." ...'stepFrame' handlers work in MIAW's too, not only for 'the Stage'! "This handler only works in 'the actorList'..." = Should read: "This handler only works AUTOMATICALLY in 'the actorList'..." ...'stepFrame' handlers work perfectly anytime YOU call them! ;-) "...each time the playback head enters a frame." = The Example should read: "...each time the playback head enters a frame or the movie's stage is updated with a 'go to...' or 'updateStage' command." "on move me ... return me..." = No need to 'return me' in this Example; delete it! = Missing: "See Also: the actorList, me keyword, new() handler" -- From the '6.0 ReadMe': The 'go to...', 'play...', 'puppetPalette', and 'updateStage' commands are disabled in the following handlers: 'on prepareMovie', 'on prepareFrame', 'on beginSprite', 'on endSprite', 'on stepFrame'. -- From 'Macromedia Director Corrections': The second paragraph in the Dictionary's description is incorrect. See Macromedia's Corrections for exact info... --

on zoomWindow

"on zoomWindow centerPlace set the loc of sprite 3 to centerPlace end" = The Example should read: "on zoomWindow global gCenterPlace set the loc of sprite 3 to gCenterPlace end" ...NONE of Director's event handlers gets any arguments passed in. Where should this event handler get the 'centerPlace' value from when the user zoomes the window and the event is sent automatically? = Missing: The 'zoomWindow' event is NOT sent if Lingo sets the 'drawRect of window' or 'rect of window'. This applies to 'moveWindow' and 'resizeWindow' events as well, whereas the four other window events are also triggered by the corresponding Lingo window commands, i.e. 'moveToBack window' triggers an 'deActivateWindow' event. --

play / play done

= Missing: "If a movie comes across a 'play done', which was NOT started with a 'play...' from another movie, it will rewind and start playing from frame 1." = Missing: Everything mentioned in the Dictionary's entry on 'go to...' about the resetting of properties and events equally applies to 'play' and 'play done' commands when used to jump movies. = Missing: "See Also: ... go command, play done" -- From the '501 ReadMe': The 'play' and 'play done' commands have no effect in movies that play in a window (MIAW's). -- From the '6.0 ReadMe': The 'go to...', 'play...', 'puppetPalette', and 'updateStage' commands are disabled in the following handlers: 'on prepareMovie', 'on prepareFrame', 'on beginSprite', 'on endSprite', 'on stepFrame'. -- From the '601 ReadMe': Fixed a crash with 'the actorlist' and 'play/play done'. --


"These statement set..." = Typo in Example 3; should read: "These statements set..." "This handler moves a named sprite to the location..." = Cannot 'name' a sprite; Example 4 should read: "This handler moves a DEFINED sprite to the location..." = Example 4 is pretty lousy: 1. Instead of using 'theSprite', it should use the name 'mySprite'. 2. 'updateStage' is indented too much. 3. The example will not have any effect if the distance (the clickLoc - the loc of sprite 1) is smaller than 40! = Missing: "See Also: ... ilk(#point), listP(point), objectP(point), inside(point, rect), map(point), the clickLoc, loc of sprite, regPoint of member, charPosToLoc(fieldMember)" --


"set vResult = power(4,3)" = Example 1 should read: "set vResult = power(4,3) put vResult -- 64.0000" 5.0: 'vResult = 64.0'! = Missing: "See Also: exp(), log(), sqrt(), float(), floatP(), the floatPrecision" --

preLoadMode of castLib

"...same effect as setting Load Cast in the...dialog box." = Should read: "...same effect as setting 'Preload:' in the...dialog box." = Missing: "See Also: the activeCastLib, name of castLib, number of castLib" --


"For behaviors, properties...are available..." = Missing: "...using the syntax: 'the propertyName of the spriteNum of me'" = Missing: "Properties are also elements of property lists!" "This statement allows..." = Example 1 misses: "This statement AT THE TOP OF A SCRIPT allows..." "set the spriteNum of me = spriteNumber" = Wrong syntax; Example 3 should read: "set spriteNum = spriteNumber" = Missing: "See Also: ... the (keyword),, property list commands" -- From the '501 ReadMe': You CANNOT use 'put...into' to change properties, property variables, or values in property lists; for these you MUST use the '' command. --

puppet of sprite

"...setting...'puppet of sprite' property to FALSE resets the sprite's properties to those set in the score." = Misses info: "...setting...'puppet of sprite' property to FALSE, followed by a 'go to the frame' command, resets the sprite's properties to those set in the score." "put the puppet of sprite 5 into isPuppet" = Outdated! Example 2 should read: "set isPuppet = the puppet of sprite 5" = Missing from the "See Also": all things mentioned in the "See Also" at 'puppetSprite'! -- From the '6.0 ReadMe': Sprites now have a duration as specified in the (new) score view. When lingo modifies any of the sprite properties that property will be auto-puppeted, i.e. the value set will stick for the duration of that sprite despite any values recorded in the score. This can cause existing lingo which relied on setting the property of a sprite without the use of 'puppet' to behave differently. Calling 'puppetSprite spriteNumber, FALSE' will also clear any currently auto-puppeted properties. The Truth about Puppeting: When a channel has its puppet setting set to FALSE after having been set to TRUE, the sprite in that channel does not immediately revert to the scored values for that frame. It will retain its current settings until either a) the score affects a change to that property value, or b) a 'go to...' command is executed (just 'updateStage' won't do). This has been true since puppeting was introduced. It is perhaps more obvious now with the introduction of autopuppeting. See the example in the '6.0 ReadMe'... -- Auto-puppeting is disabled in the shockwave plugin whenever the movie being played is of pre-Director 6 vintage. -- If the "Allow Outdated Lingo" option was set for a movie in Director 5, the 'moveableSprite of sprite' and the 'editable of sprite' were not puppetable. They are now. --


"When the sound is a puppet, Lingo can override... the Score's sound channels." = Not correct; should read: "When sound channel 1 or 2 are puppeted, Lingo can override... the TWO sound channels in the Score." "The sound starts playing after...'updateStage' command is executed." = Not exact; should read: "When 'puppetSound' is used without a channel number parameter, the sound starts playing after...'updateStage' command is executed, as soon as it has been loaded into memory, otherwise the sound starts playing right after being loaded into memory." = Missing: "Sounds need to be fully loaded into memory before they can play, which can cause a movie delay depending on the size of the sound. To instead stream sound files from disk, use the 'sound playFile' command or turn the sounds into audio-only QuickTime video files." "It also returns control of the sound channel to the Score." = Not enough; should read: "It also returns control of the SPECIFIED sound channel for the following frames to the Score. If a sound is already in the specified sound channel in that frame, it will NOT start playing." = Missing: "Stereo sounds do play in stereo, but they only occupy one single sound channel (1 to 8)." = Missing: "On Macintosh, Director by default offers 8 sound channels. On Windows, Director only offers 4 sound channels by default, but you can enable all 8 channels by copying the DIRECTOR.INI file to a file with the name of you projector and editing the sound section in it. Place this file next to your projector." = Missing: "On Windows, delays of one half up to 2 seconds can occur, when a (looping) sound is already playing in one channel and another sound is played on top of it." = Missing: "On Windows, an audio sound cannot be played together with a digital video, and vice versa. Stop the playing media before starting a different sound type." = Missing: "Director does not support compressed .WAV sound files (output of some Windows sound programs). Save problematic .WAV sounds as uncompressed files in a sound application and then try them again with Director." "This statement plays the sound Wind under control of Lingo: 'puppetSound "Wind"' " = Not exact; Example 1 should read: "This statement plays the sound 'Wind' under control of Lingo in the default sound channel 1: 'puppetSound "Wind"' " "This statement turns off the sound playing in channel 2: 'puppetSound 2, 0' " = Not enough; Example 2 should read: "This statement turns off the sound playing in sound channel 2 and returns control over that sound channel for the following frames back to the Score: 'puppetSound 2, FALSE' " = Missing: "See Also: ... soundBusy() function, volume of sound, the soundLevel, the soundEnabled, the multiSound" -- From the '6.0 ReadMe': External Sounds: The second paragraph for 'puppetSound' describing how Director puppets internal and linked sounds is incorrect. You can specify either a linked or an internal sound to play in any sound channel by specifying the sound channel. The second paragraph should say: "For sound castMembers, specify a sound channel by replacing 'whichChannel' with a channel number from 1 to 8." Memory Inspector and Sound Files: The Memory Inspector will include any linked sounds that are referenced via lingo or the Score when reporting "Total Used" and "Cast and Score" memory consumption. This data is inaccurate. Linked sounds that are placed in the Score or played using 'sound playFile' will stream from disk, rather than being completely loaded into RAM as reported by the Memory Inspector. External Sound Editors: Using 'Launch & Edit' on Sounds (or QuickTime members) to launch external editors other than SoundEdit 16 v. 2.0.4 or greater (Macintosh only) will cause the sounds to lose their media sync points. SoundForge for Windows will only recognize 8-character filenames. To perform an external edit of sounds in this editor, verify that the cast member to be edited is named with 8 or fewer characters. Cue Points: You cannot create cue points on Windows. Adding cue points to sound or video files must be done in SoundEdit 16 version 2.0.4 or greater. Currently SoundEdit 16 is available on Macintosh only. Director will read cue points in Quicktime, AIFF, and SWA on both Mac and Windows. Shockwave SWA Sounds: 'Save As Shockwave' will temporarily increase the file size of the original movie (.DIR) by the size of the internal sounds which are compressed. This increase is only temporary. Applying 'Save and Compact' to the .DIR file will return it to its original size (or smaller). This is also true when creating .DCRs using the Update Movies dialog box. Make sure the source movie is not locked and does not reside on a locked volume before saving as a shockwave movie. -- From 'Macromedia Director Corrections': The description of linked sound castMembers is inaccurate. Linked sound castMembers can play in any channel. -- "Use 'puppetSound' to restore control of the sound channel to the Score." = The 5.0 Dictionary should read: "Use 'puppetSound 0' to restore control of the FIRST sound channel to the Score, use 'puppetSound channel1to8, FALSE' for other channels." --


...All info and corrections for 'puppet of sprite' (see above) apply also to the 'puppetSprite' command.


From the '601 ReadMe': The PUT command in Lingo works for SWA members. (??) -- From the '501 ReadMe': You CANNOT use 'put...into' to change properties, property variables, or values in property lists; for these you MUST use the '' command. --


'if the key = "q" and the commandDown then quit' = This Example is stupid, because 'if the exitLock = FALSE', this line will NEVER be called, as the projector will quit anyway before! = Missing: "Definetely prefer using 'halt' instead of 'quit'." = Missing: "See Also: ... halt" --


"This property specifies seed for generating random numbers." = Should read: "This property specifies THE seed for generating random numbers, which is different on every start-up during authoring or run-time." "put the randomSeed" = The Example misses an exemplary output: "put the randomSeed -- 1330369246" = Missing: "See Also: random(), the maxInteger" --


"set targetWidth the right of targetRect - ..." = Should read: "set targetWidth = the right of targetRect - ..." = Shorter: "set targetWidth = the width of targetRect" = Example 2 misses: "put rect(firstPoint, secondPoint) -- rect(100, 150, 300, 400)" = Missing: "See Also: ... ilk(#rect), listP(rect), objectP(rect), inflate(rect), inside(), intersect(rect), map(rect), offset(rect), union(rect), rect of member, rect of sprite, drawRect of window, rect of window, sourceRect of window" --

rect of sprite

= Missing: "Changing the 'rect of sprite' needs a stage update. Puppet only for the value set by Lingo to last beyond the current sprite's life span." --

repeat list

"repeat with x in [1,2,3,4] put i" = Should read: "repeat with x in [1,2,3,4] put X" "...evaluate the function in a loop with some type of counter..." = I guess this should read: "...evaluate the function in a FRAME loop with some type of counter..." = Missing: "See Also: exit repeat, next repeat, repeat while, [ ] list brackets" --


"When the cursor is currently over the sprite, 'rollOver' returns TURE (1)." etc. = The first and second bullet should read: "When the cursor is currently over sprite whichSprite, 'rollOver(whichSprite)' returns TURE (1)." etc. "set currentLocation = the rollover case rollover(currentLocation) of... " = Who ever writes these stupid examples which CANNOT work: 'rollOver(currentLocation)' can either be TRUE or FALSE. Example 2 should read: "set currentLocation = the rollOver case (currentLocation) of... " -- From the '601 ReadMe': Rollover and mouse messages are no longer sent to sprites while the mouse is over parts of the sprite that are off the stage. --


"...does not work with compressed files." = For better understanding should read: "...does not work with compressed Shockwave movies." = Missing: "If you supply a filename without extension, Director will NOT add an extension of its own to the saved movie." = Missing: Will all external castLibs be saved too? I guess no... Will a movie inside of a projector be saved? I guess no... Will a saved movie be compacted? I guess so... Will a saved movie be protected? Don't know... = Missing: "See Also: save castLib, the updateMovieEnabled" --


= Missing: "You can set a variable or the 'media of member' to the score." = Missing: "See Also: beginRecording, endRecording, the updateLock, the media of member, objectP(), ilk(someThing) = #media" -- From the '601 ReadMe': Using 'set gSaveScore = the score' now also stores frame markers in gSaveScore, and 'set the score = gSaveScore' restores them to the score. --

scoreColor of sprite

= Missing: "Changing the 'scoreColor of sprite' needs a stage update. Puppet only for the value set by Lingo to last beyond the current sprite's life span." "The possibly values...color chips 0 to 5 in the current palette." = The colors seem to have NOTHING to do with any palette: "The possibly values for the 'scoreColor' range from 0 to 5: 0 = white (in the 6.0 interface, this is a default blue) 1 = light yellow 2 = green 3 = light blue 4 = pink 5 = orange red." --

scriptNum of sprite

"(To see a complete the Behavior Inspector.)" = Should read: "(To see a complete the Behavior Inspector, or test 'the scriptInstanceList of sprite'.)" "...can be tested, but not set." = Should read: "...can be tested AND set, e.g. during score recording." = Missing: "See Also: the scriptInstanceList of sprite, the scriptText of member, the name of member, call(), callAncestor(), sendAllSprites(), sendSprite()" -- From 'Macromedia Director Corrections': This property can be set only during score recording. --

scriptText of member

"...indicates the content of the script, if any, assigned to the cast member..." = Misses info; should read: "...indicates the content of a script castMember, or of the cast script, if any, assigned to a castMember..." "...removed when the movie is converted into a projector or compressed for Shockwave." = Misses info; should read: "...removed when the movie is PROTECTED, or converted into a projector, or compressed for Shockwave." "Such movies lose their values for the 'scriptText of member' property." = Misses info; should read: "Such movies RESET ALL values for the 'scriptText of member' property to EMPTY (""), which is also the default value for a castMember with no script attached to it." "Therefore, the movie's values for 'the scriptText of member' can't be used by a projector." = Should read: "Therefore, the movie's ORIGINALLY assigned scriptText contents... can't be used by a projector." "Director can set new values for 'the scriptText of member' inside the projector." = Misses info; should read: "Director can set new values...inside the projector, but they will NOT persist across different movies or sessions, unless a 'saveMovie' command is issued for a movie that has NOT been previously protected." = Missing: "See Also: the scriptInstanceList of sprite, the scriptNum of sprite, the scriptType of member" --

scriptType of member

= Missing: "Can be tested AND set." "Possible values are #MOVIE, #SCORE, and #PARENT." = Symbols are not case-sensitive, but should read: "Possible values are #movie, #score, and #parent." = Missing: "See Also: the scriptInstanceList of sprite, the scriptText of member, new(#script)" --


'This statement scrolls...up five lines:' = Example 2 should read: 'This statement scrolls...up ONE line: scrollByLine(member "Today's News", -1)' = Missing: "See Also: scrollByPage(), the number of lines in, the last line in, line...of, the mouseLine, field" --


"Syntax: setaProp list, property, newValue" = Should read: "Syntax: setaProp propList, propertyName, newValue" "...and then add the item #c:10 to the list: ..." = Repeated error; the Example should read: "...and then add the ENTRY #c:10 to the list: ..." ...'item' is a Lingo chunk term for strings! = Missing: "See Also: ... setAt, setProp, listP(), ilk(#propList)" --


"This command replaces the item specified..." = Repeated error; should read: "This command replaces the ENTRY specified..." ...'item' is a Lingo chunk term for strings! "...Director expands the list's blank entries to provide the number of places..." = Not exactly; should read: "...Director expands the linearList with integer entries of '0' to provide the number of places..." = Missing: "See Also: setaProp, setProp, listP(), ilk(#linearList), ilk(#propList)" --


"Syntax: setProp list, property, newValue" = Should read: "Syntax: setProp propList, propertyName, newValue" ...The Example has the property list 'x' missing! = Missing: "See Also: ... setAt, listP(), ilk(#propList)" --

sound fadeIn

= Missing: "See Also: ... puppetSound, sound playFile, sound stop, soundBusy(), volume of sound" -- From the '6.0 ReadMe': 'sound fadeIn' is handled slightly differently in Director 6. When a lingo 'sound fadeIn' occurs, sounds now fade in to the volume specified in the most recent 'volume of sound channel1to8' command. Existing productions will require minor alterations to the lingo preceding the 'sound fadeIn' if they want the older behavior. Adding 'puppetSound channel1to8, FALSE' followed by 'set the volume of sound channel1to8 = 255' before the 'sound fadeIn channel1to8, seconds' statement will cause Director 6 movies to act like Director 5. --

sound fadeOut

= Missing: "The volume of a faded sound channel will stay down at 0, until a new sound is played. If the sound is stopped before the fading has finished, the 'volume of sound' for that sound channel will stay at the reached level." = Missing: "See Also: ... puppetSound, sound playFile, sound stop, soundBusy(), volume of sound" --

sound playFile

"...using the 'sound playFile' command when playing digital video..." = Not exact; should read: "...using the 'sound playFile' command when playing digital video on Macintosh..." = Missing: "On Windows, Director can't play audio sound together with digital video or with audio-only QuickTime at the same time. The media that plays first will occupy Windows' only audio channel. Stop the media before playing a sound of a different type." = Missing: "Stereo sounds do play in stereo, but they only occupy one single sound channel (1 to 8)." = Missing: "On Macintosh, Director by default offers 8 sound channels. On Windows, Director only offers 4 sound channels by default, but you can enable all 8 channels by copying the DIRECTOR.INI file to a file with the name of you projector and editing the sound section in it. Place this file next to your projector." = Missing: "On Windows, an audio sound cannot be played together with a digital video, and vice versa. Stop the playing media before starting a different sound type." = Missing: "On Windows, delays of one half up to 2 seconds can occur, when a (looping) sound is already playing in one channel and another sound is played on top of it." = Missing: "Director does not support compressed .WAV sound files (output of some Windows sound programs). Save problematic .WAV sounds as uncompressed files in a sound application and then try them again with Director." 'sound playFile 1, "Thunder" ' = Example 1 should be Windows 3.1 compatible: 'sound playFile 1, "THUNDER.WAV" ' 'sound playFile 3, the pathname & "Thunder" ' = Example 2 should read: 'sound playFile 3, (the pathname & "THUNDER.AIF")' = Missing: "See Also: ... soundBusy() function, volume of sound, sound fadeIn, sound fadeOut, the soundLevel, the soundEnabled, the multiSound" -- From the '6.0 ReadMe': Linked sounds that are placed in the Score or played using 'sound playFile' will stream from disk, rather than being completely loaded into RAM as reported by Director's Memory Inspector window. --

sound stop

"The 'sound stop' command was used in earlier versions..." = Completely wrong; should read: "The 'sound stop' command is useful to stop sounds playing in Score sound channels or with the 'sound playFile' command. To stop puppeted sounds from playing, use 'puppetSound channel1to8, FALSE'." ...In opposition to what the docs say, the 'sound stop' command should not be considered as outdated, because it is still needed. Instead, the 'sound close' command is obsolete, as it works exactly the same way as 'sound stop' does. "sound stop 1 .. sound close 1" = Why twice? Example 1 just needs: "sound stop 1" = Missing: "See Also: ... sound playFile, sound fadeOut, soundEnabled" --


"This statement set turns to the opposite..." = The Example should read: "This statement turns the sound setting to the opposite..." = Missing: "See Also: ... volume of member (SWA), the multiSound" --


"...sound that is played through the computer's speaker." = Take two! Should read: "...sound that is played through the computer's speakerS." "The default value is 7" = Wrong! Should read: "The default value depends on the System's volume setting. Values of more than 7 set 'the soundLevel' to 7, but values of less then 0 don not change the current 'soundLevel' setting. = Missing: "When 'the soundLevel = 0' then there is no use to play sounds or to load them into memory, because they won't be heard anyway. Note: Setting 'the soundLevel = 0' also keeps the System sound volume turned off after Director or a projector quits. Best to store the original System's volume setting in a global variable and to restore the System volume setting before quiting." = Missing: "Setting 'the soundLevel' does not effect the value of 'volume of sprite', but determines the level at which the sound is heard." "put the soundLevel into oldSound" = Outdated use of 'put...into'! Should read: "set oldSound = the soundLevel" = Missing: "See Also: ... volume of member (SWA), volume of sprite, the multiSound" --


"...checks wether two sprites intersect..." = Wrong command; should read: "...checks wether the first sprite lies entirely inside the area covered by the second sprite..." --


= Missing from the Dictionaries 4.0 - 6.0: The Stage has ALL of the 10 window properties: the drawRect of the stage the fileName of the stage the modal of the stage the name of the stage the rect of the stage the sourceRect of the stage the title of the stage the titleVisible of the stage the visible of the stage the windowType of the stage The Stage gets NONE of the 7 window events, except 'closeWindow' on 'close the stage', and 'openWindow' on 'open the stage'. 4 of the 5 window commands can be used with the Stage: close the stage open the stage moveToBack the stage moveToFront the stage "See Also: the stageBottom, the stageLeft, the stageRight, the stageTop, the centerStage, the deskTopRectList, the fixStageSize,, window" --


"...choosing the Stage color from the pop-up palette in the panel window." = Should read: "...choosing the Stage color from the pop-up palette in the Movie Properties dialog box." "set oldColor = the stageColor into oldColor" = The Example should read: "set oldColor = the stageColor" = Missing from the Dictionaries 4.0 - 6.0: The 'stageColor' property can be tested and set, and its default value is 0 (for a white background color). The 'stageColor' also determines the screen color around a movie playing in a full-screen projector on a bigger monitor. Using 'set the stageColor = the stageColor' forces a stage redraw which also wipes away trails from sprites, videos, or MIAW's. --


"This function takes a string, stringValue, and returns a symbol." = Not exact; should read: "This function takes a one-word string starting with an alphabetical character (a - Z) as stringValue, and returns it converted to a symbol." = Missing: "See Also: symbolP(), # symbol operator (check out '#' in the docs!)" --


"This function determines a symbol." = Not exact; should read: "This function INDICATES a symbol." "...checks wether #3 is a symbol: put symbolP(#3)" = This is STUPID and does NOT work; missing: " put symbolP(#3)" -- 0" ...Symbols can only start with alphabetical characters (a - Z; no numbers, no white space, QUOTE or RETURN). Better example: set x = #oneWord put symbolP(x) -- 1 = Missing: "See Also: symbol(), # symbol operator (check out '#' in the docs!)" --

"Syntax: tell object to statement(s)" = Only ONE statement possible on one line; should read: "Syntax: tell object to statement" ...Prefer to NOT have one MIAW 'tell' another MIAW, instead let window1 'tell the stage to tell window2 to...' " sending a value back to the movie." = Should read: " RETURNING a value back to the movie, which can then be tested in 'the result'." ...Another way is to put the value or some text into a global variable (or even a text field), which can be read by 'the stage' and other MIAW's as well. "...identifies the window by using the full pathname or its number in 'the windowList'." = Should read: "...identifies the window by using its NAME, or its number, which is its position in 'the windowList'." "'s a good idea to store the full pathname as a global variable" = Should read: "'s a good idea to store the complete windowObject expression in a global variable, like: 'set gWindow1 = window "aName"." "This statement causes the window 'Control Panel' to instruct the movie 'Simulation' to branch to another frame.." = The Example should read: "This statement causes the window 'Simulation' to go to another frame.." --


"Properties are globally availabel to handlers without a global declaration..." = Not exact; should read: "Properties are availabel to handlers in the same script, or globally using 'the propertyName of...' construction..." = Missing: "Properties are also elements of property lists, and can be addressed using this keyword: 'the propName of aPropList'." = Missing: "See Also: property (keyword), me (keyword)," --

top of sprite

"The coordinate is the number of pixels from the upper left corner of the Stage." = Should read: "The VALUE is the DISTANCE in pixels from the TOP of the Stage." "See Also: ... locH left of sprite, of sprite..." = Should read: "See Also: ... left of sprite, locH of sprite, rect of sprite ..." --


= Missing: The Dictionary doesn't tell what happens when 'the trace = TRUE': "The Message window, when tracing is on, displays a record of the frames that play and the handlers that run in the movie. See 'Learning Lingo' 6.0 on page 53." = Missing: "The default value is FALSE." ...also the third bullet is not supposed to be a bullet! = Missing: "See Also: the traceLoad, the traceLogFile" --


= Missing: The Dictionary doesn't mention where the information is dislayed when 'the traceLoad > 0': In the Message window, and in the file if a name for 'the traceLogFile' has been specified. = Typo: "The 'traceLoad' property can BE tested and set." = Missing: "The default value is 0." = Missing: "See Also: the trace, the traceLogFile" --


= Missing: 'The 'traceLogFile' property can be tested and set. The default value is EMPTY ("").' 'set the traceLogFile = "Messages" ' = The Example should read: 'set the traceLogFile = "Messages.txt" ' ...Windows will not like a file without extension. = Missing: "See Also: the trace, the traceLoad" --

trails of sprite

= Missing: "Changing the 'trails of sprite' needs a stage update." "Set 'the trails' to 0 ... set 'the trails' to 1..." = No abbreviation please; should read: "Set 'the trails of sprite' to FALSE ... set 'the trails of sprite' to TRUE..." ...I'd suggest using TRUE and FALSE (instead of 1 or 0, which is identical), because 'trails of sprite' can only be turned ON or OFF, and the Dictionary uses TRUE/FALSE for 'visible of sprite' and for 'tweened of sprite' as well. --


"Syntax: union rect rect1, rect2 = Wrong syntax; should read: "Syntax: union(rect1, rect2)" This function definitely needs enclosing parenthesis, and it will NOT accept the additional word 'rect' (the Dictionary's example uses the correct syntax)! --


"set the type of sprite 20 to 1 set the foreColor of sprite 20 to 255" = Delete these 2 lines from the Example, they make no sense. And setting 'foreColor' to 255 only works ok in 8-bit color depth! = Missing: "See Also: ... the updateLock, the lastFrame" --


= Missing: "Does not work with compressed Shockwave movies." = Missing: Will all external castLibs be saved too? Don't know... Will a movie inside of a projector be saved? Don't know... Will a saved movie be compacted? Don't know... Will a saved movie be protected? Don't know... = Missing: "See Also: save castLib, saveMovie" --

visible of sprite

= Missing: "Changing the 'visible of sprite' needs a stage update. The default value is TRUE. No 'puppet' needed at all! Setting to FALSE cannot be saved with the movie!" -- From the '6.0 ReadMe': In Director 5, setting the 'visible' of a sprite channel to FALSE was equivalent to clicking the channel mute button in the score. The sprite became invisible and any mouse related handlers in scripts attached to that sprite were disabled. Note that the only events sent to a sprite channel in Director 5 were mouse-related. In Director 6, setting the 'visible of sprite' to FALSE will make the sprite invisible and disable ONLY the mouse related events from being sent to that channel; 'beginSprite', 'endSprite', 'prepareFrame', 'enterFrame', and 'exitFrame' will all continue to be sent regardless of the sprite's visibility setting. Clicking the mute button on that channel in the score, however, will set the visibility to FALSE as well as prevent ALL events from being sent to that channel. Muting now disables a channel, while setting a sprite's visibility to FALSE merely affects a graphical property. --


"This constant is the value VOID." = Not enough; should read: "This constant is the value VOID, which equals 'no value', not yet initialized, nothing, absolutely empty. Something 'Void' is also FALSE (0)." = Missing: "See Also: voidP(), FALSE, clearGlobals" --

volume of sound

"Sound channels are numbered 1, 2, 3, and so on." = Wow, 1001 sound channels? Should read: "Sound channels are numbered 1 through 8." = Missing: "On Macintosh, Director by default offers 8 sound channels. On Windows, Director only offers 4 sound channels by default, but you can enable all 8 channels by copying the DIRECTOR.INI file to a file with the name of you projector and editing the sound section in it. Place this file next to your projector." = Missing: "Stereo sounds do play in stereo, but they only occupy one single sound channel (1 to 8)." = Missing: "Values of 0 or less are mute. The effect of the 'volume of sound' is relative to the setting of 'the soundLevel'. If 'the soundLevel' is 0 or FALSE, then no 'volume of sound' will be hearable." "See Also: fadeIn and fadeOut commands; ..." = Not quite; should read: "See Also: sound fadeIn, sound fadeOut, sound stop, volume of member, volume of sprite; soundBusy() ..." --

volume of sprite

"...used to control the volume of a digital video movie cast member." = Missing: "...used to control the volume of a digital video or a Shockwave Audio (SWA) castMember that's in a sprite channel." "You can use a cast name or number." = Totally stupid; delete it! That's 'volume of member'. "The values range from -256 to 256." = Stupid! Should read: "The values range from 0 (mute) to 255 (maximum volume)." = Missing: "Can be tested an set. The default value is 255." = Missing: "Stereo sounds do play in stereo, but they only occupy one single sound channel (1 to 8)." = Missing: "On Windows, an audio sound cannot be played together with a digital video, and vice versa. Stop the playing media before starting a different sound type." = Missing: "See Also: volume of member (SWA), volume of sound, the soundEnabled, the soundLevel" --

width of sprite

= Missing: "Changing the 'width of sprite' needs a stage update." "...applies only to bitmap and shape cast members." = Should read: "...applies to ALL sprites, but can only be set reliably for bitmap (with 'stretch of sprite') and shape SPRITES." "put the width of sprite (i + 1) into howWide" = Outdated! Example 2 should read: "set howWide = the width of sprite (i + 1)" = Missing: "See Also: height of member, width of member...rect of sprite..." --


"This property is a list of all the known movie windows." = Missing: "This property is a LINEAR list of all the known movie windows. The main Stage window is NOT included. The 'windowList' property is NOT cleared by a 'clearGlobals' command. Setting 'the windowList = [ ]' or using 'deleteAll(the windowList)' will 'forget' and delete ALL windows, except those that are still refered by user-defined variables." --

windowType of window

= Missing: The 'windowType' -1 is the default type for plain movies-in-a-window, which equals type 0. On Macintosh only, there are ways to add special windoid types (WDEF) to the resources of your projector. From 'Macromedia Director Corrections': Setting 'the windowType' to 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, or 17 through 48 assigns a window one of the possible window types. For predictable results, use one of the values listed in the table. --


= Missing: "You can test but not set the 'word...of' keyword, you have to use 'put...into word...of'. You can also 'put...before' and 'put...after' it." = Missing: "If you test a single word at a position higher than 'the number of words in...', you get EMPTY (""). If you 'put...into' a single word at such an position, you just attach the new string after the last word, without a space inbetween." = Missing: "See Also: ... the mouseWord, the last word in, field, put...after/before/into, delete, hilite" --


The Ldoc+ 'Lingo Dictionary' 601 Fixes

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