Silicon Graphics, Inc.

Correctly Installing Java and Related Software

This document describes how to install the correct versions and the correct parts of the Java software that you need, as well as the related software that it depends upon.

Universal Prerequisites

We recommend that all users install the recommended patch set for your hardware platform and IRIX release. This typically fixes many bugs in various parts of IRIX that Java has a tendency to stumble across.

You must have the following IRIX subsystems installed in order for the JIT to work:


You must have the following IRIX subsystems installed in order to get the B&H Lucida fonts, which are the desired fonts in various places throughout AWT, particularly in dialog boxes:


If you do not have these subsystems, AWT will simply use other fonts instead.

ABI's and Thread Packages

This release supports both the MIPS o32 and n32 ABI's, and supports two thread packages: green threads and native threads. For details, see MIPS ABI's and Threads.

These two choices result in four different sets of subsystems that you need to have installed:

All of these are installed by default, but you only need the ones that you intend to use.

If you plan to use the n32 subsystems on an Irix 6.2 system, you need to have the following IRIX subsystems installed:


If you plan to use the native threads subsystems, you need to install the recommended patch set for your hardware platform and IRIX release, as well as the appropriate POSIX patches for your version of IRIX. See Patches for details.

Installing Other SGI Java Releases

It is possible for this software and other SGI Java releases to coexist on your machine. Use the -r option to inst or swmgr to install any of them in alternate locations. See the man pages for inst and swmgr for details. Here are the other releases that are still available:

Other Installation Trivia

Due to a bug in the inst and swmgr utilities, warnings like these might be seen when installing java_eoe.sw.base on a system running IRIX 6.2. They may be safely ignored.

WARNING: Unknown attribute "$Codes.class" at line 251 of java_dev.idb

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