Silicon Graphics, Inc.

Java Demos

If you installed the java_dev.sw.demos subsystem, then you have two demo applets. Follow these links to see them if you are running a web browser with Java support:

In order to view these in the appletviewer, you can do the following:

There are also some simple examples of how to use JNI, Sun's new Java Native Interface. They illustrate how to code native functions using JNI and create JNI-specific header files using javah. They are under /usr/demos/java in the following directories:

an illustration of "Hello World" using JNI
shows how to pass arguments and return values to and from the native world

Each of these demos comes with a Makefile; typing make will build and run the example program.

These demo directories are owned by the user demos, so you should either login as user demos or copy them to a directory where you have write permission if you want to be able to make changes, recompile, etc.

Java and other Java-based names are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc., and refer to Sun's family of Java-branded technologies. Sun, Sun Microsystems, and the Sun Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.