Mind Partners ©

Take your time don't hesitate!

All planning is difficult, a brain donation's too, it is a process involving emotional stress, financial decision making and uncertainty. Without some guidance, the options and information surrounding your plan can seem overwhelming at an already complicated time.

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Guidance: Mind Partners © offer an avenue of resource management as you face the daunting task of arranging a brain donation. We will take you through the stages of donation and their planning: from choosing a brain bank right through to donation decisions and gift recovery support.

Since Mind Partners © operate independently from the donation industry, the information we offer is given with your interests at heart, and with the goal of helping you make the personal and financial choices that leave you with a state of inner calmness and tranquility, together with a sense of freedom!

Let's start reviewing the criteria for donation and assessing your eligibility as a donor! Download, fill out and send back our howto.pdf! Via: donations@giving.li. Please, keep in mind that certain fees applying to transportation or for performing an autopsy will rest with you; these fees are not discussed during the eligibility dialogue.

When a donation occurs, it is limited to brain tissue, a small sample of blood and a small sample of cerebrospinal fluid. Brain tissue is collected at your discretion! Donors and their kins will always be treated with respect and compassion.

Donation to Mind Partners © is completely voluntary. You retain the right to change your mind at any time!giving.li strives to protect the confidentiality of donors to the fullest extent. For assistance email: donations@giving.li.

Brain removal does not cause disfigurement and does not interfere with funeral arrangements or viewing of the deceased. It is a common procedure that everybody, even funeral directors and morticians are familiar with and incisions are fully compatible with currently accepted practices.